View Full Version : Everquest II

Squall Leonhart
04-21-2006, 01:45 PM
I like this game. If I had it I would never go on this site. Im Squalljedi and proud of it.

04-21-2006, 04:31 PM
Everquest....is that something like Dragonquest? :)

Squall Leonhart
04-23-2006, 09:51 PM
Depends.....whats dragonquest? If its an insane-fun MMORPG that never ends the yes its like everquest 2.

04-23-2006, 11:40 PM
Dragon Quest is the best selling RPG series in the world, next to Final Fantasy.

I've only heard of Everquest, but I've never played it nor know what it is about.

Squall Leonhart
04-25-2009, 03:49 AM
Well, It's an MMORPG, its mainly the reason i have been gone so long. I got into to 24-people raids and i still play it, just not as much. If anyone wants to play with me I am "Squalljedi" on the Kithicor server. Even if you don't play that game you can still send live, in-game messages to me as long as you are playing a game owned by Sony Online Entertainment (Star Wars Galaxys, Vanguard, EQ1). I pretty sure the format for that is /tell<gamename>.<servername>.<Charactername> then your message. So if you were sending a message to me it would look like this.....

/tell eq2.kithicor.Squalljedi <message>

If this sounds interesting there is a ten day trial somewhere online, i recommend that you download it, I haven't had this much fun with a game since FF8 (and you all know how much i like that :))