View Full Version : Your Combinations....

jedi geoff
04-16-2007, 03:07 AM
i was wondering what combinations of classes have you guys made while playing FFV which ended up really good (or really bad)?????

like a sage, or a super strong knight with some handy magic or something.....
know what i mean?

i havent got any good combinations myself coz im not that far in the game...but what about yours?

jedi geoff
04-20-2007, 02:31 AM
soz to double post but why has 16 people viewed this but NOT POSTED ARRRRRRRR

05-12-2007, 08:51 PM
ok then here goes I always have towards the end of the game four characters who have the mime ability plus at least two of them having black magic and the other two havin some white magic ability and one of the four having time magic abilities.

I also like to have at least one character having the mug ability.