View Full Version : Healthcare - to care or not to care. = O

Phoenix Flame
06-14-2007, 08:18 AM
One of the things I'm curious about when it comes to diversity is the differences in the way our cultures handle the overwhelming need for public healthcare - especially in the aging. I would like to hear how our different member's countries handle this need. I'm a little out of the loop as far as politics go...

I've heard that Canada has a universal healthcare 'system' which their government (through the taxation of the people) pay for. Is this true??? I rather favor this idea - as opposed to having individuals healthcare costs inflate with their age...why not just increase everyone's taxes together. Sounds fair to me. = o

06-14-2007, 07:14 PM
In the uk thats what they do here too. Everyone pays their taxes and some of it ends up in our "National Health Service"

Though the system is in complete dissarray through politics.

Phoenix Flame
06-14-2007, 07:29 PM
Of course! I'm sure that's the way politicians in EVERY country are. ;ang

06-16-2007, 06:38 PM
They are always complaining about red tape and government targets, the press that is.

Which in turn causes hospitals to cut corners and that superbug spreads (MRSA)

06-18-2007, 05:31 AM
I'm not fond of the healthcare system here in the U.S. The high costs of most healthcare, particularly in the pharmecutical industry, are outrageous and unfair to people with no health coverage, and that need to buy certain drugs to stay 'healthy' (or more like, help them stay alive for a while longer.) Billions of dollars have also been cut from Medicare (or Medicaid--can't remember which is which,) and that just pisses me off.

America definetly needs a better healthcare system, especially when it comes to that. But we're so F***ed up right now (Bush is a rather busy man you see, spending on the war and butchering the English language,) that there's no time or money to be put into a better system. that pisses me off, too.

I'm probably off on some things, but that's because I'm not well-informed, and I'm too tired to think straight. But my point is, everything here sucks right now, including our healthcare system. It always has sucked, really, and I think that the U.S. should be more like Canada, in a lot of ways. XP I'm done being stupid,now. @@;

Phoenix Flame
06-22-2007, 04:19 AM
I'm with you Faust...let's move to Canad....daa.......I mean, yeah. -_-''

I think that universal healthcare is the way to go. It's really the only viable way the healthcare industry can take care of everyone - even at the poorest levels.

Its frustrating to have to wait to receive urgent medical attention if you are injured. I recall (when I was in H.S.) that there was a young man who was shot within a couple hundred feet (literally) from the hospital but he died because he did not receive medical attention in a timely matter. x_X WTF is that?!

06-22-2007, 05:22 AM
I'm with you Faust...let's move to Canad....daa.......I mean, yeah. -_-''

I think that universal healthcare is the way to go. It's really the only viable way the healthcare industry can take care of everyone - even at the poorest levels.

Its frustrating to have to wait to receive urgent medical attention if you are injured. I recall (when I was in H.S.) that there was a young man who was shot within a couple hundred feet (literally) from the hospital but he died because he did not receive medical attention in a timely matter. x_X WTF is that?!

My my...that truly is horrible.

And things like that must happen all the time...it's a shame that people have to suffer because of our shitty system. But although I would like to do more than just complain about it, we, unfortunately, no not have much control or say in what the Gov't really does these days. All I'm hoping for now is that our next President actually gives a f*** about this country, and focuses a litle more on giving the attention that this country needs.

Shinra Soldier 1
08-22-2007, 08:31 PM
Politics spoil everything. If you ask me, a communist country would be awesome, instead of this capitalist money grubbing nation. Everyone could have healthcare, free schooling, all because everyone's sallary is spread pretty evenly. America is the only nation in the world without national health care...