View Full Version : Scientology...

10-24-2005, 01:36 AM
Simply put, whats your view on scientology?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology (definition)

I personally think that its rather silly, I don't really get into the whole inner being thing. I don't have a problem with people that practice it (or any other religion for that matter), but I myself do not want to practice it.

So....what do you think? In general..

10-25-2005, 06:52 PM
Isn't that where religious people justifiy their viewpoints with science? If so, they're really bogus...

10-26-2005, 03:55 PM
Sounds like buddhism made for people that want to keep their material possessions.

10-30-2005, 05:32 PM
Basically, an oxymoron or hypocrites?

10-30-2005, 05:59 PM
readin that story there...reminds me of the tabloids my grandmother used to buy :p

but....xenu? wtf? sounds like a big science fiction story!

also...xenu...is alot like my zemus! (the villian of ff4) what with freezing people, (the lunarians), wanting to exterminate earth's people(what zemus wanted to do)

being in the core of the moon probably has nothing to do with that though...

meh. im probably confusing everyone. but it makes you wonder if square thought of scientology when they made ff4? :rolleyes: silly square! always making references to legends and religions...although scientology being an official religion is up to the person to decide.

but, very interesting...

10-30-2005, 07:31 PM
Let people believe what they want. Most religons don't make sense from the outside.

11-01-2005, 07:27 PM
Yes, but religions can be dangerous sometimes. I heard about this radical Mormon sect (in US) that branched off from most normal Mormons and had this community where their leader was portrayed as the President of the US. The kids were totally brainwashed, told that there was nothing outside their community. Some escaped to tell the story, and it was really creepy. Then again, I'm off-topic.

11-01-2005, 07:32 PM
But that's one branch of a religon in a particular place. I could say that dogs are great and you could say that there's one big dog in Florida who attacked someone. It wouldn't mean that all dogs are bad.

11-02-2005, 12:03 AM
Good point :)

11-02-2005, 02:34 AM
Yes, but religions can be dangerous sometimes. I heard about this radical Mormon sect (in US) that branched off from most normal Mormons and had this community where their leader was portrayed as the President of the US. The kids were totally brainwashed, told that there was nothing outside their community. Some escaped to tell the story, and it was really creepy. Then again, I'm off-topic.

Thats the perfect discription of a cult. They usually break away from a mainstream religion (and Mormonism is a recognised mainstream religion, just a weird one :D), have a charismatic leader who the followers are brainwashed into worshiping and who controls every aspect of their lives. Commonly total obedience and subservience to the leader is enforced by high ranking cult members. Outside ties are forbidden (family and friends lose contact with a cult member). Then of course, most cults are very much in the "extract every penny from members it possibly can" business.

Personally, I consider scientology a cult too. It practices most of the things I mentioned above. It also gives its members special software for their computers that, unknown to the user, block out spacific sites that are critical of the "religion". Members are discouraged from having friends outside the cult and are also discouraged from maintaining ties with family who aren't in the cult.

Take a look at these links for some interesting information about Scientology. Especially the lengths they will go to just to prevent any critisism of their "church" reaching the public.


11-02-2005, 02:08 PM
Yes, but religions can be dangerous sometimes. I heard about this radical Mormon sect (in US) that branched off from most normal Mormons and had this community where their leader was portrayed as the President of the US. The kids were totally brainwashed, told that there was nothing outside their community. Some escaped to tell the story, and it was really creepy. Then again, I'm off-topic.

The same thing happened at Beaver Island, Michigan in the 1880's. Although their leader was arrested and hung for killing Americans after they siezed their land.

Anyway, the religon doesn't sound bad; that was just my assessment.

11-02-2005, 07:22 PM
However, back to Scientology. I am I right about what it is? Or is it different? I'm not sure.

12-21-2006, 10:50 AM
I dont think most people would of heard of these unusual religions if it weren't for famous people joining them.

Phoenix Flame
12-22-2006, 09:33 AM
I don't believe in RELIGION because it stresses what is not important.

The only thing that matters is ones RELATIONSHIP with God.

12-22-2006, 04:07 PM
I don't believe in RELIGION because it stresses what is not important.

The only thing that matters is ones RELATIONSHIP with God.

Very nicely said. =)

Also, Scientology must be one of the most ridiculous excuse-for-a-cult "religions" I've EVER heard of.

I've actually read their foundation story (oh so epically written, bible-like), but, it's just way too silly to make any natural decent sense, and that for a scientifical belief!

jedi geoff
02-23-2007, 11:49 PM
ive heard a few scientology beliefs and it sounds like the creators of the religion watches too much tv....

02-25-2007, 06:40 PM
yeah thats believable plus I think they like their believers bank balances too.

02-26-2007, 11:24 AM
The creator was L. Ron Hubbard a science fiction writer.(he was a good author)
I personaly dont beleive in organised relegion once its organised it becomes politics.

jedi geoff
02-28-2007, 03:18 AM
The creator was L. Ron Hubbard a science fiction writer.(he was a good author)
I personaly dont beleive in organised relegion once its organised it becomes politics.

see a writer hes good at making stuff up....