View Full Version : Star Wars

12-16-2005, 08:19 PM
since i'm the big star wars fan, i'm gonna start this thread :D

my top rated are these:
1. Revenge of the Sith (Anakin, why!!!!!)
2. Empire Strike Back (Boba Fett, Yoda, alright!!)
3. Return of the Jedi (climax of climaces)
4. Attack of the Clones
5. A New Hope
6. Phantom Menace (it just sucked :cool: )

12-18-2005, 12:25 AM
I liked Phantom Menace, and also liked JarJar Binks. Guess I'm in a minority with that. Can't understand why so many people don't like that movie. Maybe they were just expecting too much after the success of first three movies made.

Haven't seen the Revenge of the Sith yet. Will get it out of the video shop one of these days, or just wait for it to come to television.

My favorite of all the movies is Return of the Jedi. Good storyline and the Ewoks are cute.

12-18-2005, 07:19 AM
yea.... it was like i kinda compared the Gungans(Jar Jar Binkses) with the Ewoks.

1. The Ewoks ruled, 'cause i also saw a movie about the Ewoks and some wizards... don't remember how it was called :(
2. I am one of many who think that Jar Jar Binks screwed the entire new trilogy. :mad: ....altough in Phantom Menace, there is Darth Maul :D

And yes, Return of the Jedi has all the perfect elements of a climaxmovie. Still, i liked Revenge of the Sith much better.... since it's the darkest episode of all :cool:

12-20-2005, 06:10 PM
Well for me they are in this order from best to least favourite:

1-Star wars episode VI
2-Star wars episode III
3-Star wars episode V
4-Star wars episode II
5-Star wars episode I
6-Star wars episode IV

12-25-2005, 09:26 AM
*looking at the new trilogy of Star Wars

About the whole separitists party: you know for sure that the Neimodians don't have a clue that Darth Sidious, their new "ally", is chancellor Palpatine, right? And you're definitely sure that Count Dooku knows it (duh, the new sith apprentice), but in Episode III, you have General Grievous. He has learned lighsaber skills from Count Dooku, but no force skills (probably because it's to late since his body only exists outta his eyes, his hart and a droid body).

But what i'm wondering, is that did Grievous knew that Sidious and Palpatine were the one and the same?
For i think Grievous was one of the best henchmen of the Sith Lord. He wasn't really part of the separitists, he was the controller of the droid armies.
.....but then again Sidious eventually ordered to shut down all droids... but does that include Grievous?

mmm, i think he knew all about it.

Squall Leonhart
12-27-2005, 03:07 AM
I liked episode III because it tied together the old and new star wars movies.