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Fawkes Lament 07-06-2008 02:18 PM

Re: Diablo 3
Oooh, ouch.

Complain to Blizzard. They might help.

ShadowHeart 06-17-2009 06:58 PM

Re: Diablo 3
Really can't wait for this :D

Still play D2 occassionally :)

Leon 06-18-2009 09:27 AM

Re: Diablo 3
If i get it it'll be only for its gameplay, the epic storyline completely lost its plot and coolness at the end of LOD, weird ending allowing for whatver the hell u like as DIII's beginning; i've been to the blizzard site and they some kind of Diary blog for Cain in which the plot seems already screwed up, normally absolutely nothing of DIII's plot is revealed, just flashbacks of the previous 2 and some "errors" in the storyline along the way - if i remember right

The big 3 have already been defeated (too many times if storyline included), so my perfect ending to the sequence would be facing off against the last 2 of the prime evils which have never shown face in the series so far (Belial, Lord of Lies and Azmodan, Lord of Sin); way cool if Tyrael gets corrupted and you gotta fight'im too!

As for DII, the conversion is c-r-u-d, i powerlevel in the original thing up to 62 then let got of it coz it took too much time to improve, by that time I'd whoop Diablo all over Hell difficulty :p..

then came the cursed conversion; out of "carefulness" i thought I'd try the 'travincal council massacre' in nightmare difficulty but i died by the freakin first flayer i encountered on the way!!!

Now @ lvl 62 I'm only good to start at the BEGINNING of the nightmare diffculty, skills like that barbarian weapon tornado is completely useless now that it misses everything at best. And why the heck do I keep getting items as if my level is only 30 or less? too frustrating, and some bosses' combination in Hell level are irraitional, i mean what the hell is physical immune, AND magical immune! wtf, i gotta stand there and just watch it kill me.

there has been improvements in LOD, but they're not worth it; DII beats it any day

ShadowHeart 06-25-2009 08:19 AM

Re: Diablo 3
LoD is not impossible in Hell mode... it just requires good equipment and a well built character (and of course, some strategy). You can't solo Hell mode with only rare equipment (not very easily anyway) - you need uniques and rune words.

I play strictly single player and TCP/IP games (with my brother), and only with items I've found myself, and yet I've soloed Hell in LoD with a large variety of characters (one of them being a whirlwinding barbarian). I also play the game by clearing every single area and killing every monster - no rushing through areas or skipping areas with notoriously difficult enemies. It is certainly possible.

I haven't played classic D2 in years - only LoD ever since it was released.

Leon 06-25-2009 09:31 AM

Re: Diablo 3
well yeh, i guess u could get used to it if u play it long enough, i always clear entire areas too, yet last i tried in LOD i was still in act III (nightmare) barely making it through the council alive, then dying to those skeleton puppets T.T

i did try to load some hacked saves though, wuz so hilarious with everything being messed up, u could make ur own devils to fight wit j00 lol :p

ShadowHeart 06-25-2009 10:03 AM

Re: Diablo 3
Hehe... the skeleton puppets you mention are among the most annoying enemies in the game. When they die they explode, causing massive damage to anything standing next to them (especially in Hell mode!). I usually deal with them by using ranged attacks or letting my mercenary (yes, I always have an aura-using mercenary with good equipment along) or a minion finish them off - the explosion doesn't seem to affect mercenaries/minions, only your own character.

Leon 06-25-2009 10:11 AM

Re: Diablo 3
heh, i mainly use the barbarian, not much at all for ranged attacks -.-

n yeh i cracked n started hirin mercs too coz i couldn't get past that grotesque undead that killed n skinned ppl n lives in the sewers of that arabian village, but the mercs die too fast n cost a lot to rehire/heal.

As for most annoying monster, ALOT OF DAMNED THINGS are nominees!! from those jungle kids that made me punch my poor screen to the leeches that are immune to physical, the scarrabs that kill u with chain lightning reactions (explosion if they die), let alone all those creeps in LOD's last act!

ShadowHeart 06-25-2009 10:19 AM

Re: Diablo 3
Mercs can survice pretty well if they have a high level and you give them good enough equipment :) Of course, I don't sacrifice just anything for a merc, but certain unique polearms for example are excellent for a merc :)

Anyway, we are getting a little off topic here. I think there's some old D2 thread somewhere... :D

Leon 06-26-2009 08:01 AM

Re: Diablo 3
Yeh, I only found out very recently that u can give'em weapons n stuff, i dont think that was possible in D2, but they drag me in lots of 'uneeded fights' espcially when i need to recover n runaway from a monster they pick on'im, die, n lead'im to me >.<

the ones using ice r the best coz they slow/stop most monsters, but downside is that they explode when killed the monsters leave no body to mangle with :p

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