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ShadowHeart 01-28-2005 07:19 PM

I can't buy FF Tactics.. it was never officially released in Europe. I'd have to import it from the US, but I can't play imported games anyway. And not going to go through the hassle of fixing that.

The only way for me to play FF Tactics would be through an emulator with a downloaded iso-file of the game CD.

XeroFF7 01-28-2005 09:37 PM


FFnut 01-28-2005 09:51 PM

Cloud really isn't that good of a character. He's my third least favorite, the first two being Rafa and Malak. Cloud's Limits take forever to charge and don't lock onto an enemy like regular spells do, so an enemy could feasibly move out of the way before Cloud could hit them. Plus, Cloud can only use his Limit attacks when he has the Materia Blade equipped, and by that point in the game the Materia Blade is a really weak weapon.

Shaggy 01-28-2005 09:56 PM

So i can get more then jsut the 3 girls?

XeroFF7 01-28-2005 10:03 PM

ya u can get ur own men and train them and cloud was the best

FFnut 01-28-2005 10:17 PM


Shaggy, the last few posts have all been about FFT, not X-2. We got sidetracked because I mentioned the guide I'm working on.

Anyway, you can't get anyone other than the three girls in X-2. But as the game progresses you get more powerful dresspheres (Mascot, anyone?) so it helps out a lot. You should keep Paine as a physical fighter - she has high strength. Dark Knight is the perfect class for her, if you get it.

And to Xero, let's recap the whole Cloud-In-FFT situation:
- You get him when there's only about five battles left IN THE ENTIRE GAME.
- He starts at level one while your other characters should be about level 40-50.
- The Materia Blade has sucky attack power but it's required to use his abilities.
- His abilities take forever to execute and the enemy can just move one square and be unaffected.

How can you consider him even remotely good in FFT?

Once again, Shaggy, I apologize for turning this topic into an argument about Cloud's usefulness in Tactics. I move that we forget about Tactics and only offer advice for X-2 for Shaggy in this thread from now on. Anyone second the motion?

Shaggy 01-28-2005 10:26 PM

No prob FFNUT...make a thread about it in FFT.

XeroFF7 01-28-2005 10:59 PM

Because cloud is GOD i said it beside Vincent, Cloud is the most powerful being on this Earth and the materia sword is the greatest weapon ever in FFT EVER

Chocobo-bo 02-15-2005 02:07 AM

Sorry to ruin your chat about Cloud in FFT...(cough...he sucked...cough) excuse me, but is X-2 worth buying if you haven't played it. I know that a couple of you completely dislike the endings...and to me if the ending sucks it will ruin a please advise me on if I should buy this or not.
p.s. Cloud is only god in FF7 behind Yuffie and Cid

Chocobo-bo 02-15-2005 02:08 AM

So I guess that makes him the gatekeeper of heaven not God :P

XeroFF7 02-17-2005 01:30 PM

ffx2 i think u should rent it 1st 2 c how u like it because i liked it but i dont think it was worth 50 dollar buy something lik 15 to 25 is ok but anymore and its not worth it

Mong00se 02-23-2005 08:07 PM

In most places ffx-2 is like 29.99, and for that kind of money, yes it's worth buying. The replay value is pretty good, and you can choose whether to make the game 40+ hours, or play a shortened version where you don't do any of the secrets.
I still enjoyed it, because its FF, and yes the ending wasn't the best, but the gameplay is still pretty solid

atmaweapon31685 03-14-2005 04:21 AM

Final Fantasy 6 is the greatest FF next to FF7..... thats all there is too it

atmaweapon31685 03-14-2005 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by XeroFF7
becide ff7 Tatices for Ps1 was and still is the Greatest next to FF7

FF6 is the greatest FF next to FF7

~Hidan~ 03-14-2005 10:12 AM

The game is amusing, I guess I never got very far because I laughed at it too much, lets face it it was a pretty corny game. Fun but really really Corny

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