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Arkacia 10-02-2005 05:05 AM

Re: School Uniforms
Its quite a different story when you are grabbed from behind by a stranger on the street.

I'm speaking from experience as it happened to me about 20 years ago. I knew basic self defence too, but was so bloody scared that I didn't remember any of it while the guy had hold of me. I even had very sharp knives in my bag (was working as a fish filleter at the time and was on my way to work) but the thought of getting one out never crossed my petrified mind.

Being grabbed by a stranger is a lot different to self defence classes. No matter how random the practice attacks are, you know its not real and you are safe. When this guy grabbed me all I could think of was talking him into letting me go, which I'm glad to say I managed to do. I just hope the next woman he got hold of was as lucky as I was (I reported him to the police but they weren't very interested).

Zeromus_X 10-02-2005 06:52 PM

Re: School Uniforms
what i want to know is...why any guy would want to do this to women? is it a control issue? :confused: i just dont understand these things...

Totorosama 10-02-2005 09:13 PM

Re: School Uniforms
It's just people with problems. You probably don't want to know what goes through their heads. You know what's weird? We're completely off-subject...

Arkacia 10-02-2005 10:33 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.
Quite right Totorosama :).

I've split the thread as this subject seems to be very interesting itself.

Zerlina 10-02-2005 10:38 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.
My sensei says it's people who have power issues, and feel that they need to be in control. The least common attack is from a stranger, believe it or not. The majority of violence against women is committed by familiar people.

Also, there was a survey done at a university a while ago, and they asked a bunch of college men if they would rape a woman if they knew they could get away with it. Something like 40% said they would.

Zeromus_X 10-02-2005 11:06 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.
this is interesting and horrifying at the same time... :confused: ;;

i honestly had more faith in the human race...sigh... :(

ShadowHeart 10-03-2005 05:04 AM

Re: Girls and self defence.

Originally Posted by Zerlina
Also, there was a survey done at a university a while ago, and they asked a bunch of college men if they would rape a woman if they knew they could get away with it. Something like 40% said they would.

Holy shit. Are you serious?? Never expected it to be that high.. That's sickening :(

Luis 10-03-2005 02:23 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.
Human behaviour is just about the synergy and the mix of our own circunstances. You may have 'faith' in the human race Zerosmus... But you'll find muggers, assassins, thiefs, betrayers... and other people which you may consider 'normal', but have done 'bad things' too. I do not have 'faith' at all... You live in a world which is being destroyed by humans... socially and phisically. I think you should act in a cool way, in these situations; I mean, trying to follow your reasoning and not your feelings... But honestly, this is really difficult, as Arkacia said.

Spiff 10-03-2005 04:45 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.
There's a difference between saying you would do something and doing it.

75% of sixth graders said they would kill someone for 10,000 dollars.
10% would kill someone for 5.

BTW: it's spelt defense ;)

ShadowHeart 10-03-2005 04:57 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.
I guess that's true, Spiff. But still, even saying you would do it.. that's just wrong :/

And it's "defense" only in American English ;)

Spiff 10-03-2005 05:05 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.

Originally Posted by ShadowHeart
And it's "defense" only in American English ;)

I had that suspicion. :) but what better way to find out then to ask (in a round-a-bout way)

Zerlina 10-03-2005 06:18 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.
Usually the american spelling is the more literal one, and the canadian/british spelling is more fancy.

There's a difference between 6th graders and college students.

Totorosama 10-03-2005 06:43 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.
My guess is that the world will never be perfect. WIthout the problems, you don't understand what is wrong, which then means you don't know what' s right. This was brought up in the thread (serious subjects) about the criminal activities in New Orleans after Katrina.

Rorschach 10-03-2005 08:05 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.
And that rape college poll is just gross...

Zeromus_X 10-03-2005 08:30 PM

Re: Girls and self defence.

Originally Posted by Totorosama
My guess is that the world will never be perfect. WIthout the problems, you don't understand what is wrong, which then means you don't know what' s right.

well...that makes sense.

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