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Avathar 12-03-2005 02:18 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
...And there are more ways:

129. When you stay indoors, everytime a bit of mist appears outside.
130. When you become a real fanatic row-skipper.
131. Even when the people near you only use e-mail, you visit them to help them deliver their letters.
132. When you think that in every country there is an ice cavern.
133. When you think that Terra and Gaia really once existed. :eek:
134. When you start building an airship... Hey, if a frog can build a half-ass Hilda Garde, it couldn't be that difficult!..... right?....
135. When you step up to some gangsters in the street and ask them: "Hey, do you guys also perform 'I want to be you canary'?"
136. When you start tolerating stalkers, just "because they wanted to be with you."......

Zerlina 12-03-2005 02:23 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
When you drag your friend all over a mall to find a crystal pendant that looks just right.

Avathar 12-03-2005 04:58 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
138. When you start decorating your entire house after the theatre ship. :rolleyes:
139. When you start brewing your own supersoft for the body, and superslick for the hair.

Phoenix Flame 12-04-2005 04:24 AM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
129. When you start looking through bud K to see if they have any new daggers to upgrade yours with.

Avathar 12-04-2005 06:24 AM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
141. When your girlfriend's new nickname is Dagger. :rolleyes:

Phoenix Flame 12-04-2005 07:57 AM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
142. When you can see the battles even after you close your eyes.

Avathar 12-04-2005 08:49 AM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
143. When you can play 'Kuja's theme' on the piano. :eek:

Phoenix Flame 12-04-2005 09:01 AM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
144. When you stay up past 6 am posting in forums on about you uncontrollable urge to play.

Avathar 12-06-2005 03:45 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
.... i'm running out of ideas :cool: ......

145. When you think back to the good old days, when you were driven to school on a chocobo.

Totorosama 12-06-2005 07:30 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
A few things
1) The numbering is off....
2) Don't double post
3) Here are mine...

129) When you add "kupo" or "kuuuu" to the end of every sentence, kupo!
130) When you can write down the entire story of FFIX by heart
131) When you memorize more than 20 quotes from FFIX
132) When you have unlocked all the chocobo treasure chests
133) If you have so much gil that the game gets a bug and tells you the amount of gil you have in a different language or not at all.
134) If you have gone through three sets of FFIX, and having them all die to overuse.

Avathar 12-07-2005 08:58 AM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
...No, i'm gonna continue the numbering... one who started this thread wanted to go to 1001. So i just keep the count :cool:

so.... yeah, number 152:

152. When you think viagra pills are just kupo nuts.

Totorosama 12-07-2005 07:29 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
ER? I disagree. I think it's when you call any nut kupo nut. But I digress.
153) When you start trying to sell "potions" and "remedies" in the street.

Phoenix Flame 12-08-2005 12:33 AM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX

Originally Posted by Totorosama
ER? I disagree. I think it's when you call any nut kupo nut. But I digress.
153) When you start trying to sell "potions" and "remedies" in the street.

I guess we can make up the numbering anyhow :)

154) Giving the "tail" instead of a phalange. :rolleyes:

155) Planning a foolproof battle plan to get through the next level of the day.

ave 08-18-2006 09:05 AM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
1. you try to find chocobos in the park go to trees and think that thay are the sours of all the mist
3.when you have dreams about killing ozma
4.when you think that rats can cast spells and live in claryral
5.when you sow a tail to your pants
6. when you dress frogs up and think that it mit be regete cid
7. when you go to the fair and think every clown is zorn and thorn
8. when you go to hawaii and think its suimering island
9.when you think that the desert is really madian shari
10.when youthink you come from anuther planet and wear a fake cat ears

Mega Flare 09-08-2006 06:44 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
um one of the ones tht Totorosama number 134 i have actually done lol i have gone through THREE copies of the game each dieing on me in a different way, i am now on my 4th set and still going strong as this is my favorite ff.

156: When you think your cats a torma and try to fight it only to have it scratch u.
157: When you and other ff fans meet up regularly to find out who knows which ff the best.
158: When you try to heal yourself with a Hi-potion/ bootle of water.

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