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~Hidan~ 10-21-2009 04:32 PM

Chapter 1
Nobody is sure what happened ten years ago. Maquin was a peaceful country; while not perfect it was a country even its enemies had respect for. The Quin-Jin were a powerful race, respected by the moogles for their adaptability. Their life’s within this nation was built around discipline of mind and body. Eleven years ago the Kruasarians showed up on the south boarders of Maquin. Nobody knows where they came from, they had never been seen before, not even in legends. They seemed to be lead without a true leader, organized in a way that resembled a hive-mind. Even the summons were killed with ease by these new foe. For the hundreds of thousands of warriors the Maquin had to protect their country, only five Kruasarians died in the entire invasion.

Present day:

The capitol city of Maquin, Rutilus Urbs, was now the largest slave driven city in the world. Nari watched as many of her people, younger then her, worded as slaved for the Kruasarians. She shook her head in disbelief. “These poor souls are stuck forever.” She whispered to herself, remembering that in the end, even if freed these people have no self will left in them. The Kruasarians had “treated” them, infusing their blood with the Quin-Jin.

Nari leapt onto the next building roof, she was looking for food, the bandits she had joined had sent her, the fastest and most gifted thief of the group to find medicine for some of the recently wounded members. Elixers were hard to come by these days.

As the last soldier passed Nari jumped down into an abandoned Herbalists hut and dug through stack after stack of empty bottles. She pulled her sack off her back and started putting in the potions, phoenix feathers, and Elixers. Nari’s ears perked as she heard the chink of armor outside of the store. The heavy breathing of a Damascus Wolf made the hair on the back of Nari’s neck spike in fear.

The door started to open as the Wolf poked its head in, Nari quickly jumped out a window close to her and scrambled up the back of the building and started hightailing it or the wall. Nari was a good thief but she had no desire to fight off a Damascus Wolf.

The Wolf burst through the back wall and came quickly after Nari’s scent. Nari was pleased to see that the fire her comrads had started on the other side of town kept the Kruasatians busy, she didn’t have much to worry about them at least. She turned to face her quickly gaining opponent. Her daggers drawn Nari took a bounding stance. The wolf jumped high, exposing a gap in its armor. A quick strike and a roll to the side Nari watched as her single precise attack took down the three hundred pound wolf.

Nari rolled out her thief tools and started dismantling as much of the metal as she could, getting only a few plates off the wolf before deciding its was time to get moving before more of them came, she was lucky, had it not jumped at her she would probably still be fighting, or worse dead. Only a few hundred feet till city wall, a quick leap and she was out.

A few hours later she was back at the underground thief camp thirty miles east of town.

“Ah, Nari! Yu made it back.”

“Yes Ashar, I got what you guys sent me there for too, enough to last a while.” Nari opened her sack to reveal a trove of medicine.

“You did good kid. Glad you joined our camp, though something tells me you were just fine living in the city.” Ashar joked

“Nari, did you see anything?”

“No Sam, only a set of soldiers, and a Damascus. I killed the Damascus and managed to get three plates off it, but other then that the usual, slaves and soldiers.”

Nari pulled the three pieces of high grade metal from her belt and handed them to Sam. “Give these to the blacksmith, he should be able to make a good sword for someone, I need some rest, its been a long day.”

Nari climbed up into a ledge in the cave and unrolled her bed. “Night all.”

“Night Nari, you’re a lifesaver.” Ashar smiled.

rissole25 10-23-2009 06:25 AM

Re: Chapter 1
(This is the first time i've wrote in one of these so i hope you like it)

The night air whipped across Jayden’s face as he unwrapped his sack. He pulled out a piece of bread and ate the whole thing, realizing he’d have to find more food soon before he ran out. With his hunger still there, Jayden picked up his sack and his bow and set off towards the capital.

Thoughts of Nari came into Jayden’s head as he was walking. He was hoping she would be okay wherever she was. Jayden started thinking of where she could’ve gone when he caught something out of the corner of his eye. Without thinking, Jayden automatically grabbed an arrow and was ready to fire if anything attacked him.

As Jayden got closer to the object, he realized it was just a scroll of parchment. Jayden lowered his bow but stayed alert for anything unusual. He bent down, picked the scroll up and unrolled it. The first word he saw on it was “SLOW”. He realized that this was a magic scroll. Jayden was about to throw it away when he remembered what Jiran told him before he left on his journey.

“Anything you find has value and can be sold depending on the value”

As much as Jayden hated this, he pocketed the scroll, realizing that it was a magic scroll so it would sell for at least two hundred and fifty gil. Jayden continued his walk, feeling dirty on the inside.

At last Jayden saw the capital’s walls before him and started jogging towards them. When he got to the walls he realized how high they actually were.

“How am I supposed to get up there?” he said to himself.

Jayden climbed the nearest tree until he got to the top of it. There he scanned the top of the walls.

“No Winged Forlers.” He muttered, “Something must be go…wait, what’s that?”

There was smoke rising miles away in the city. He could see figures flying towards it. Jayden guessed they were the Winged Forlers that were supposed to be stationed on the walls. He realized this was his chance and with great ease, he jumped over to the walls and landed safely on them.

Taking a quick rest, Jayden got up and scouted the buildings below him. There was a hole in the roof of one of them. With stealth, Jayden made his away over to the hole. He peered down through the hole and saw a ladder leading down into the kitchen area of a house. Jayden knew that there would be food in there. With his bow ready, he jumped down.

After landing, Jayden knew the coast was clear. He made his way to the fridge and opened it. Upon opening it, he saw the whole fridge stacked with food. Quickly and as quietly as he could, Jayden took everything he could carry, not realizing that danger had just arrived.

With his sack full, Jayden proceeded to climb the ladder. As he put his foot down on the first rung of the ladder, he knew something was unusual. When he put his other foot down on the second rung, he started to smell one of the worst smells in the world. He knew that a Shadow was in the room.

As soon as he turned his head around to look for it, the Shadow knocked him to the ground. Getting up quickly, Jayden looked around to see where the Shadow was but knew it was no use. Shadow’s were vile creatures that played with its meal before it killed it. They were invisble and only appeared at night because they hated the sun's light. The only reason you could tell if a Shadow was around was by its smell.

Jayden knew what he had to do. He started firing arrows at random places, hoping that one would hit the Shadow. On his fifth arrow, he knew he had hit it because an arrow was floating midair in front of him. Suddenly, the arrow started moving at light speed. Jayden caught flashes of it around him and knew the Shadow was too fast to attack.

An idea came into Jayden’s head which he didn’t like but he had no other choice. He took out the magic scroll he had picked up in the forest and began to unroll it. He started reading the scroll, thinking and hoping that his parents would forgive him. After he had finished reading it, he held the scroll firmly in his hand

Nѐpolit dѐra apѐn casaѐ.” he said, focusing his mind.

He felt an aura around him that soon left him. The scroll burned up in his hand until there were only ashes in his hand. He felt dirty again, but he had to do this if he wanted to live.

“SLOW”, he yelled, looking at the arrow as he said it.

The arrow’s speed decreased, making it easier to see. Jayden staggered, feeling weak because this was the first time he had ever cast a spell. He quickly readied himself and shot a flurry of arrows at the floating arrow. They all struck the invisible being, knowing he had killed it. It soon dropped to ground with a loud thud.

Jayden stared at the floor for a while, lost in his thoughts, thinking of how he did the very thing he told himself not to do. He soon returned from his thoughts, realizing he had to leave now. He picked his sack up and climbed up the ladder through the hole. He was glad he was in fresh air again, breathing the air in as he climbed up onto the wall. He looked around, making sure the coast was clear. Then he jumped off the wall and ran into the forest to get some rest.

~Hidan~ 12-18-2009 08:42 PM

Re: Chapter 1
Nari woke to the same silence as usual; the cave did not have much movement at before the sun came into the morning sky. Nari got up and pulled on her clothes, dropping her sleeping bag on the ground and rolled it up. It was her last day with the resistance and she wanted to avoid saying goodbye. It only took her a moment to gather her few belongings. She then chanted a quick Ninjitsu and bolted out the front door.

Nari had been one the run for two years now, somehow she had been marked on the top ten most wanted list, something about her scared the Kruasarians. It’s what kept her moving from rogue camp to rogue camp as often as possible. She desperately looked for her friend Jayden. She lost him when the invasion happened in her home town, her mom and dad were killed, most of the village as well, Jayden had only fallen a little behind when escaping, lucky for him his race was not on the to kill list. She knew he was out there, but where?

Nari decided to head back towards the town she had just come from, she knew it pretty well and so did Jayden, with little effort at this time of morning, she hid in a small side chamber of the sewers where they use to hide from the other kids. She setup a camp and waited.

clief101_ 12-19-2009 04:15 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Walking along the outskirts of the forest, Clief could only think back to his island, his home, his childhood.

"It's been 10 years now. I still cant remember what happened." he mumbled to himself.

He kept walking along the forest, before finally entering it. After about 30 minutes of avoiding falling tree branches and stepping over large tree roots, he could see what seemed like a camp fire. He hastily, but stealthly made his way towards it. He could see the fire now, and an area where it appeared someone had been sleeping.

"Whoever was here is long gone now" he thought to himself.

He walked towards the fire and kicked nearby dirt on it to put it out. Then left it and made his way to the other side of the forest.

After a couple days of travel, Clief finally made it to the other side of the forest, where he could see a city wall in the distance. He began to make his way to it, when he spotted some people making his way to him. He hurridly tried to make his way back into the forest but didnt make it in time.

"Hey, you there!?" yelled one of the men.

Clief turned around, and upon closer inspection noticed they were a Kruasarian patrol.

"Oh no, i cant deal with three of them by myself..." he thought to himself.

"Do you think you could get into the city? HA! I bet you wish you could dont you? Rubbish!" spat one of the partolmen.

Clief grinded his teeth as he spoke "Whatever do you mean? I'm but a simple man living in the forest, who just wanted some fresh air"

The patrolman on the left withdrew his sword "You dare lie to us!? Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness!!" he yelled.

Clief hesitated for a moment, then withdrew his steel sword from his hip. He knew instantly it was a mistake. He quickly rolled out of the way from a fire spell. without realising it, he dropped SLOW spell parchment on the ground. He then jumped at one of the guards and attacked him from above, but was deflected and put off guard. The patrolman then punched him in the face and he fell to one knee. Without hesitation he yelled "HASTE!". He quickly rolled 2 meters away from them, then dashed towards the city wall.

"Damn, i didnt want to use that now," he thought to himself.

Upon reaching the wall he spotted a tree, quickly jumped up it and then over the wall. He was safe....for now

rissole25 12-20-2009 06:35 AM

Re: Chapter 1
The night air blew against Jaydens face. He needed to get some sleep but couldn't. He had alot on his mind.

The Shadow, how did it know I was there? And I used magic........ I feel just like them now.

Jayden stopped thinking for a moment. He would have to forget his troubles if he were to find Nari.

"Nari", he murmed. "Where are you?"

He was hoping that somehow, she would hear him but he knew she wouldn't.
Jayden needed sleep so he walked back to his campfire only to find a cloaked figure standing infront of the fire.

Jayden raised his bow, arrow in hand. Jayden was cautious and didn't know what to do so he did the only thing he could think of.

"Who are you?", he asked curiously.

"I....", the figure responded, " am a prophet".

The voice was of a female. It was soft and gentle yet it was intrancing. The woman walked into the moonlight and removed her cloak so Jayden could see her.

Her eyes were a deep purple colour. Her silver hair curled down to her shoulders. She wore a blood red dress that went down to her feet. Jayden was amazed at how beautiful she looked.

"What want?

"I have much to tell you Jayden", the woman replied.

"How did you know my name?", he said, wondering who this woman was.

"As I said, I am prophet and I have come to warn you", she said in her same gentle voice.

"Warn me", he said confused, "about what?"

"An evil force will soon rise into this world", she explained, "A force that will enslave humanity".

Jayden was confused. The Kruasarians have basically enslaved half the world. If their was a new force to take over the world, the Kruasarians would not give it up easily.

"This force is even bigger then the Kruasarians", she continued. "It will will enslave all on this planet. The Kruasarians are no exception".

Bigger then the Kruasarians? The Kruasarians are worst things in the world. What could be worse then the Kruasarians.

"Believe me", she startled him. "Impossible it may be but it is true".

"But why are you telling me this", he questioned her. "Why dont you tell the leader of some resistance group or something.".

"Because", she said quietly. "You are destined to stop this evil force".


"Me........stop an evil force, Jayden said, astounded. "I er..think you have the wrong guy".

"It's not just you Jayden", she said while staring into the fire. "There are others, like you, who have the power to stop this evil. You must go on a journey to find them.

This is all to much for me. Maybe I'm dreaming this

"I'm leaving now to find the others who will accompany you on this journey. If you don't go then that is your decision and I cannot stop you. However, if you do go on this journey, then we will meet again.

She put her cloak back on and started to walk away.

"WAIT", he called out to her.

"My name is Seri. If you wish to find your friend, she is in a cave to the far east. If you wish to reach her, then you will need to use a chocobo.

And without another word, she vanished into the darkness.

clief101_ 12-20-2009 07:35 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Clief awoke on the side of the street, it was just reaching dawn.

I guess i should be on the move. Don't want people asking questions

He got up, put his equipment back on and headed deeper into the city. Along the way, markets were beginning to open, people trying to get him to go to their carts.

I don't have the money to buy things today

As he got closer to the center of the city, the scenery changed. It seemed the poor slaves of the Quin-Jin lived on the outer skirts of the city, and the Kruasarians lived on the inner.

Hmph, just like every other town. they have no respect. Filth!

The Kruasarians began to stare at him as walked. Some even calling him filth, and questioning why he was in this part of town. He wasnt sure himself, only that this way was the fastest way to get through town. He was constantly hiding from authorities, trying not to get caught being in the wrong area, but it was inevitable that he would get caught. Two patrolmen, searching the streets for low lifes spotted him.

"You there!! Stop!!" they yelled at him.

Great, just what i needed to slow me down.....SLOW!! Thats it hehe

He reached around in his coat, only to find nothing.

"Damnit!" he murmerd.

"You say something scum!?" they spat at him.

"Only that i forget to say your prayers for you!" he yelled as he withrew his steel sword.

Shocked, the patrolmen stood, helpless. Cliefattacked the first guard, and slashed him straight down the middle of his torso. He fell backwards and lay dead on the floor, in a puddle of his own blood. Clief then turned towards the other one. He quickly deflected a blow, but the force of it pushed him back several meters into a nearby wall, cracked it with the impact. Clief gasped as he hit it.

"This realy isnt your lucky day my friend. You werent expecting a major to be on patrol today," he said as he took off his shirt, revealing a tatoo of what appeared to be a giant lion.

Clief stood back up and stood his ground.

"Your right, i wasnt expecting it. But i bet you werent expecting to come across the last of the Tyen race!" he yelled as he went in for the attack. He swung his sword from above, but was defected with ease.

"A Tyen you say? What a push over," laughed the major, "I am Kontari! NOW DIE YOU SCUM!"

He raised his hand and yelled "FIRE!"

WHAT!? A spell without a scroll!!

What appeared to be a fireball shot out of Konatri's hand towards Clief.

I have no choice, damnit

A flash of blue came from Clief, deflecting the blast. Once the smoke cleared away, he was standing there, his steel sword sheathed. Instead, in his right hand, he wielded his Crystal Sword. From where he stood, he slashed the air, creating a beam. It was aimed and Kontari. He dodged it to the left and it hit the wall behind him. A look of disbelief on his face was all that he could muster up. He looked up towards Clief, but he was gone.

Clief had jumped up onto the building and begun jumped the alleyways.

That'l alert the whole town. Damn, ive done it now!

He kept jumping the alleyways for a while,wondering why he couldnt see anyone running around trying to find him,he felt it was strange, but brushed it off. He came to the other side of town in a short while. He was out of breath, and out of energy to make the last jump onto the wall. He looked behind him to make sure no-one had followed him. The coast was clear. He took a deep breath, then jumped for the wall. Barely making it, he pulled himself up, and onto it, took one last look, then jumped down. He was out.

That was too easy. They really are stu...

He looked infront of him and stood there shocked. Three Patrolmen, two winged forlers, and Kontari.

I'm in for it now. I cant them all on, even with my Crystal sword. And i still cant control Duegan, its too risky. Should i try and fight my way out of this? Perhaps someone will hear the commotion and come to help me....or would more of them appear...DAMNIT!

rissole25 12-20-2009 08:02 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Jayden tied the chocobo to the dead tree. He looked at the chocobo and thought what great creatures they were. He turned his head to the sky and knew that night was falling. Jayden walked into the forest to gather some wood.

Okay, when I find Nari, what will I do then? Is she just supposed to believe that I'm sone great warrior that will stop the world from being destroyed? I do...

A loud noise pierced the air and interupted Jayden's thoughts. It was followed by some yelling. Jayden dropped the wood he was carrying, grabbed his bow and walked through the bushes. It took him only moments to find what had caused the noise.

6 Kruasarians were surrounding a person into a wall. A Patrolmen appeared to be taking out a sword from the wall and Jayden guessed the noise was from the sword hitting the wall. The person the Kruasarians were after started dodging the Krusarians and attacking them. Surely he could not take them all on, Jayden thought and decided to help him. As Jayden raised his bow, the person had already killed a Patrolmen and was taking on another.

Jayden released to quick arrows in succession at the Forlers. The arrows hit their targets and the orlers dropped dead on the ground. This seemed to have taken the mystery person and the remaining Kruasarians by surprise.

"He has a friend", the largest one told the remaining Patrolmen, pointing straight at Jayden. The two Patrolmen started haeading towards Jayden. The mystery person ran upto the one of the Patrolman and stabbed them in the back, killing him. When he went to kill the other Patrolman, he found it already dead with an arrow sticking out of it.

Jayden thought it was a good hit and ran over to assist the guy in taking down the largest Kruasarian.

clief101_ 12-20-2009 08:29 AM

Re: Chapter 1
"Looks like i owe you one stranger," Clief said to the man.

The man looked at him quickly then back at Kontari. Clief followed his movements.

"Just because you have your friend here to help you, does not mean you can win that easily. You took me by surprise before, but now i know that attack, it wont work again!" he yelled as he raised his hand towards Clief.

The other man froze up, a look of rage exploded on his face. Clief could only guess what he was thinking, but had other things to deal with. With his Crystal sword in his hand, he slashed upwards, creating another beam at Kontari. Kontari had cast another fire spell. Both attacks exploded, forcing all three men to fall backwards. The strange man was quick to his feet.

"You shall fall this day! I'll never forgive you!" he screamed and she shot of three quick arrows at Kontari. Kontari was able to deflect two of them, but the third pierced his left arm. He yelled out in pain as his body lashed backwards from the impact. Clief could only stare as these events unfolded, he couldnt see him shoot those arrows. He looked on in disbelief as the man took another arrow and aimed it at Kontari's head. He fired the arrow, and it went true to his head, but Kontari moved just in time.

"I'll kill you both you scum!!" he yelled out in fury.

He disappeared, then reappeared infront of Clief, he barely had time to react, but was able to block the attack justt in time. As a result, he was knocked back into the air and landed several feet away.

What was that! I couldnt even see him move! What am i suppose to do now?

However the other was moving his head as though he could follow Kontari's movements. Clief was puzzled as to just how strong this man was. He got back up and took a battle stance.

Lend me some strength. Don't fail me now.

Cliefs eyes turned solid blue, a serious look on his face now. He could see Kontari's movements. He also disappeard, and reappears next to the man.

"Together we attack, and we can beat him," he said very seriously.

The man looked at him for a second, and nodded. He withdrew one arrow, and aimed carefully. Clief raised his sword above his head. They both attacked, the arrow slighty faster than Clief's beam. It struck first, straight at Kontari's heart, then the beam hit, and cut straight through him. As the dust settled, there was nothing left of Major Kontari. The man looked beside him, but Clief wasnt there. He looked down, and there he was, collasped from exhaustion.

rissole25 12-20-2009 09:01 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Jayden gave the chocobo some food and walked back to the unconscious man. He tended to the mans wounds but there was nothing more he could do. He would simply have to wait till the man regained consciousness. As Jayden stared into the flames of the fire, the man stirred. Jayden quickly turned to the man and helped him get up.

The man stared at Jayden for a while and spoke after a while.

"Your a fine ranger", he said, staring at Jayden.

"As are you a fine swordsman", replied Jayden.

The man stared into the flames until Jayden spoke.

"What is your name?", asked Jayden.

"Clief...", replied the man.

"Well Clief, I'm Jayden. Pleased to meet you."

Jayden thrust his hand forward for Clief to shake. Clief stared at the hand, then Jayden and finally shook the hand.

"My thanks to you Jayden", said Clief. "If you had not appeared to help me against Kontari and his men, I don't know what would've happened".

"Its alright", replied Jayden.

Clief felt a bit lighter then usual. Then he realised his swords were gone.

"Where ar..", Clief started but Jayden stopped him.

"There by the fire".

Clief looked beside the fire and surely enough, his Steel sword and Crystal sword were lying sword side-by-side.

Clief felt relieved now. He turned to and saw the chocobo eating.

"So where are you heading?" asked Clief, still staring at the chocobo.

"To a cave", replied Jayden. "In the east. I'm looking for my friend Nari and...."

"And?" said a puzzled Clief.

"Ah...Nothing. It's nothing", Jayden said quickly, not wanting to talk about Seri and what she had said.

"I see....", said Clief. He could tell Jayden was keeping something from him but decided not to bother him about it.

"Well", said Clief. "We should get some sleep".

He lay back down.

"Night Jayden".

"Night Clief". And as Jayden started to lay down, he started wondering about Clief's Crystal sword.

clief101_ 12-20-2009 09:19 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Clief awoke to the smell of a smouldering fire. He sat up, and looked around. His swords were still next to the fire, but Jayden was missing. He looked towards the chocobo, it was still there.

I wonder where Jayden went?

He stood up and wandered over to his swords. Still hazy from the battle the day before, he fell to one knee.

"You should take it easy," said a voice from behind.

Clief quickly spun around alerted, only to find Jayden staring at him with a large smile.

"Only me friend. I just went to get some water, I'll be leaving soon," he said.

Clief looked relieved and Jayden walked past him towards the chocobo. He put some bags of water over it, then gave it a stroke.

"I am were able to move so fast, and follow Kontari's movements so" asked Clief.

Jayden hesitated, but answered his question short "through alot of training."

Clief fell silent, he knew instantly he had touched a soft spot. Jayden then changed the subject.

"I am also curious. That sword, the crystal one. It's not an ordinary sword is it?" he asked.

Clief paused for a moment

Should i say anything and reveal who i am? I dont think he has a taste for magic judging by his reacting to the fire spell yestiday. Still, he saved my life, so i think i should owe it to him....hmmm

"To be honest? I'm the last of my kind. Those bastards killed family,"

Jayden looked a little shocked, but then smirked a little.

"Then we have something in common my friend," he replied.

Both men laughed, even though feeling immense pain at what they were laughing at. It was good to laugh, it had been so long for Clief, and he had a feeling it had been for his new friend aswell.

"You say you are heading for a cave in the east?" asked Clief.


"Well, it could be dangerous, i think i may join you for a little bit, until you find your friend that is," Clief said with a smile on his face.

Jayden hesitated, then nodded.

"I only hope that thing can carry the both of us," Clief laughed as he pointed to the chocobo.

rissole25 12-20-2009 09:51 AM

Re: Chapter 1
"Hehe, actually I'm gonna let it go", replied Jayden. "The cave to the east isn't that far and I think the chocbo has had enough of me riding it".

"Thats fine", said Clief.

Jayden untied the chocobo and he and Clief watched it run happily over the hills to find other chocobos.

With there equipment, the two men strolled into the the forest, unaware that they were being watched.

"Um...Jayden", asked Clief. "Do you know where your doing?"

Jayden looked around. He had passed that rock before, he was sure of it.

"I thought that rock looked the same", said Jayden, wondering where they could be.

"Oh no", said Clief, look worried. "We're in the Jemot Forest".

"And why is that bad?"

"Because the Jemot Forest is magical. It supposedly it confuses its visitors by making them walk the same path. Eventually....", said Clief with a heavy heart. "You die. You die from starvation. And before you die, you go crazy from not seeing anyone".

Jayden stared at Clief with his mouth open.

"Lucky for us", said Clief. "We have eachother to keep us from going crazy. And the only way to get out safely is to fly out".

"Fly...", said Jayden in a confused tone. "And how do you suppose we fly out of here".

"Well we ju....."

A loud screeching sound echoed around the forest. Birds flew from the trees and into the sky.

"What was that". asked Jayden, sounding a little nervous.

clief101_ 12-20-2009 10:05 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Both Clief and Jayden looked around in a panic.

Are we losing our minds already? Sure not, it's only been a few hours. Then what was that!?

"I think we should move from here," said Clief.

"Move where? We'll only end up back here," replied Jayden.

Clief thought for a moment, hesitated, then withdrew his Crystal sword.

"What use is that going to be? We dont even know whats out there?" Said Jayden.

"Like i said, the only way ou is to fly....I'm not comfortable with doing this though. I can't control him," Clief said worried.

Jayden looked at him confused?

Should i realy do this....I have to, its our only option....but...

"What are you goung to do Clief!? We dont have much time!" yelled Jayden.

"Okay goes," Clief replied.

He pointed his sword to the sky, then swung it around three time and smashed the ground with a giant swing. His sword lit up a bright blue, and filled the area with this bright light. Jayden squinted through the light, not able to see a thing. As the light faded, he backwards to the ground.

"Wha....what is that thing!?" he exclaimed.

"No time, just jump on!" Clief yelled.

He extended his hand to help Jayden up, to which Jayden grabbed his hand. It reminded him of their handshake the night before.

"Duegan, get us out of here!" he yelled at the creature.

Fine, but dont get used to this

The voice echoed through Clief's head. Both Jayden and Clief got on the back of the giant beast, and took flight.

While in the air Clief explained everything.

"Before you ask....i'll just be honest with you. My Crystal sword is not normal. It contains the spirit of this dragon. He is a Crystal dragon. I.....I am the last of the Tyen race," he said.

Jayden had nothing to say back to him at this point, and stayed quiet the whole trip, until finaly they landed on the other side of the forest.

rissole25 12-21-2009 10:00 AM

Re: Chapter 1
"Wow", said an excited Jayden. "I've read about Crystal Dragons and seen pictures of them. But never in real life.

Clief turned to Duegun and said, "Thanks Duegun".

Duegun grunted and materialised into the Crystal sword. The sword glowed a bright blue, like it had when Duegun was summoned. Then it soon returned back to its natural colour.

"I can't wait to tell Nari that I actually saw a Crystal dragon", exclaimed Jayden.

Clief chuckled. "How close are we to finding your friend", he said.

"Not far", said Jayden. "In fact, we're only about an hour or two away.

"How do you know where the cave is", asked Clief.

Jayden stood there thinking.

Should I tell him about Seri. How would he take it? Would he even believe me?

"I....I'll tell you when we reach Nari", said Jayden, hoping Clief wouldn't ask anymore questions about it until they got to Nari.

"Oh...yea okay", said Clief, not expecting that answer.

~Hidan~ 12-21-2009 09:52 PM

Re: Chapter 1
Nari sat in the hidden room down in the sewers, two days had passed, but no sign of Jayden. She sighed and looked at the remaining rations she had in her backpack, she was going to have to leave that night. A cold breeze came in the cave with sudden force. A cloaked figure appeared before her.

“Ok, who are you and how do you know this place.” Nari said slipping her hand behind her onto one of her dagger blades.

“No need for alarm Nari. I am a friend nothing more nothing less.” She pulled off the portion of the cape covering her face. “I am Seri, a messenger of sorts.”

“Ok so what kind of message do you have for a thief?” Nari relaxed her guard and started packing up her stuff.

“I am known as Seri.”

“Wait, Seri of the black winds?” Nari tilted her head and looked startled.

Seri looked at Nari with surprise. “You know of me?”

“Only rumors, you’re an oblivion traveler, my dad mentioned stories of you.” Nari sat down intrigued. “What do you want with me?”

“Well actually its not just you I’m interested in, Jayden was the first, and now you, and you’re not last.” Seri explained. “The whole world is in threat of being enslaved.”

“Enslaved? Hasn’t that already started?”

“Well it’s not the Kruasarians you should be scared of. I can’t give you any more details, but know this, Jayden will be looking for you in the saves to the south.” Seri pointed southward.

“So the rumors are true, you don’t get involved you just warn of the dangers, is the eye of worlds real too?” Nari’s eyes opened wide in wonder.

“Yes, you’ll need to find it if you want to save this world.” Seri smiled lightly. “Believe in the path, and find your friend Jayden.”

Nari nodded and watched as Seri disappear into nothingness. “I wonder how she knew about me and Jayden being friends.” Nari thought out loud to herself. The caves that Seri had mentioned were about two days travel walking, but Nari’s Ninjitsu would solve that problem.

As she finished packing her bags a stone that her father had give her when she had first heard the story about Seri fell out of bag. “Hmm, I almost forgot about this.” The stone had over a hundred different symbols on it. “This is supposed to be the key to the eye of worlds. I hope it can help.”

Nari took off for the south. She hoped she could make it in time to see Jayden again, it had been way too long.

~Hidan~ 12-22-2009 09:43 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Nari arrived at the cave in little time, Ninjutsu once again made her life easier. She looked around and a spark of memory came to her. This was the cave that her and Jayden found when their village was being massacred. Her heart sank as she remembered the day.

Jayden and her as usual had gotten into trouble with the local blacksmith for breaking in to his forge and making the set of daggers she now carried. Jayden made them for her with the rare black metals that they had found early that summer during the meteor showers. An angry Mr. Druan, the smith, chased them out of town. Following Jaydens footsteps Nari and Jayden ended up in the middle of an open plane, where they found these caves and explored. They didn’t return to town till that night as the moon was rising only to find the village ablaze.

As she snapped out of her little dream she could hear two people walking behind her laughing away. She quickly chanted and made the right hand movements to disappear. She watched as the two approached.

“So who is this Nari person you are trying to find anyways?” One asked the other, still too far to make out who was talking but she could clearly hear them.

“Nari is like a little sister of sorts, her and I have known each other for a long time. Her clan found me after my people were destroyed.” Jayden familiar voice echoed over the planes.

Nari dropped out of stealth and ran towards the voice dropping her bags and leaping onto Jayden hugging him. “Jayden!! I thought I’d never see you again!”

Jayden was completely taken by surprise as the five foot tall little girl jumped into his arms and hung around his neck. “Nari! Is that you?”

Nari let go and dropped down to the ground and looked up at the familiar face of her best friend. “It is! Damn its good to see you, and who is your friend?”

Clief looked at the strange little girl with her short spiky bland hair, bright blue eyes and pointy ears. He could tell instantly this girl was trouble in one-way or another. “My name is Clief. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too. Are you guy’s long time friends now? It’s been two years, I hope I haven’t been replaced.” Nari joked looking all puppy eyed at Jayden.

“Actually we just met.” Jayden smiled. “So how long have you been here? I was told to find you here.”

“I just got here and was told to find you here.” Nari giggled. “Seri ring a bell?”

Jaydens mouth dropped. “You mean she came to you too?”

“Yuppers, pretty cool eh? Can you believe we actually met someone of the Black Winds? Its pretty cool, never thought it was possible to meet a legend.” Nari said with way too much enthusiasm.

Jayden chuckled a little. “So I’m guessing your dad told you about her. Well guess what I got to see! A crystal dragon!”

Clief watched as the two young adults squatted down like two children and bragged about the interesting new things they had both seen. His interest in listening quickly falling as the stories became more and more absurd. “Will you two knock it off? Can someone please fill me in on just what is going on here?”

clief101_ 12-22-2009 10:05 AM

Re: Chapter 1
After both Nari and Jayden had explained everything about how Seri spoke to them, he couldnt help but wonder why these two, and not himself

All I wanted was to take revenge on those bastards! But now thats being taken away from me as well. Damn!

"Well it seem you two have your work cut out for you. There are others you mustfind aswell no?" he asked, trying his best to sound cheerful.

"Thats right, but we wouldn't have the slightest clue on who they are or where to find them? Perhaos Seri will point us in the right direction?" Jayden replied.

Nari sat still, deep in thought.

I wonder if she knows something else that she hasnt told us?

"I think I need some fresh air. You two have some more catching up to do," Clief said.

As he stood up Jayden nodded his head with thanx, and then turned to Nari. It was nightfall outside of the cave. Clief looked up to the stars, as he had done so many times as a child. He couldnt remember much of his childhood, or the day of the attack. His mind began to drift off a little

There was fire everywhere. A young Clief running around trying to help defend his village. Someone came through the bushes to attack him, but a tall man intervened and stopped him in his tracks, embedding him with his blade.

"You must hide my son!"

"Hey Clief?" said a familiar voice.

Clief snapped out of his day dream to find Jayden standing next to him. He was also looking to the stars.

"Y'no, i havnt really looked up at these since i was a kid...i forget they're there sometimes," He said.

Clief just stared at him and couldnt help but feel sorry for him.

He had lost everything he held dear twice as a child. He must be fighting hard inside. At least he has someone to go through it with

"Would you like to join us back inside the cave? It's a little cold outside dont you think?" Jayden offered.

"Sure, that would be nice," he said as they turned towards the cave and entered it.

rissole25 12-23-2009 01:38 AM

Re: Chapter 1
The cold air ran in through the cave but it wasn't that, that was keeping Jayden awake. He repositioned him self so he could get to sleep better but sleep wouldn't come. He was to excited. He had finally found his best friend after 2 years. For the first time in a long time, Jayden was happy. He found his best friend and he had made another friend.

Jayden started thinking of Seri. Now that he had found Nari, what was he to do now? He had no clue of where to go or what to do. Then he started thinking of Clief and he might feel like an outsider since he hadn't been spoken to by Seri.

Seri hasn't spoken to Clief. Will he still hang around, now that I've found Nari? He might feel like an outsider and leave. I'd still like him to travel with us, even if he hasn't been chosen.

Jayden decided that he'd ask Clief to travel with them in the morning. On that thought, he started to fall a sleep.

Jayden woke up. He was still tired but decided to take a morning walk. Besides, it might give Clief and Nari time to get to know one another. He looked at the cave entrance to see how light it was outside but found he couldn't even see outside.

Jayden started coughing. It was smoke but what was causing it.

"EVERYONE, GET UP", yelled Jayden.

Jayden had already gathered his equipment and belongings when Nari and Clief stirred.

"Why did you wak...", said Nari in an exhausted voice before being interupted by Clief.

"It's smoke", Clief said in an alarmed voice.

"What", said Nari, wide awake now.

"I'll go check outside" said Jayden. "Gather your equipment. We must leave now".

"Wait", said Nari but he had already left.

Jayden stepped outside to see the forest around him was on fire. The green trees that he saw yesterday were now burnt black. The sky was covered in billowing black smoke.

What happened here?. It was fine a couple of hours ago. Who or....what could've done this?

clief101_ 12-23-2009 12:51 PM

Re: Chapter 1
Clief and Nari both came out the cave to meet up with Jayden, and saw the same horrific sight. It was all gone, the whole forest was gone.

What could've happened here!? Could we have been followed? No, we were always checking.....could the new threat already be here? If so, then is it too late?

Both Nari and Jayden looked at the empty burnt out forest with a horrified look upin their faces.

"I think we should probably leave this place. We dont want anyone coming here and thinking it was us," Clief suggested to the two.

They looked at him, then eachother, and agreed that it was a good idea. They got the rest of their things from the cave and headed east, towards the town of Ishba. It was the second largest city on this continent, so Nari and Jayden were to find anyone that could help them, it would be there.


After afew days of travel, and rations getting low, the group decided it was best to rest for a day and resupply their water, and perhaps any fruit if it could be found. Clief went by himself to get the water, and left Jayden and Nari o find some food before anyone could object to. He headed towards a lake, and decided he mite have a short swim to relax.

"It's been a while since i even had a bath....a very long time indeed," he thought aloud.

He took off his equipment and clothes and walked into the water. He went as far as waist deep before he stopped and took in the scenery.

darkshadow2247 12-24-2009 01:51 PM

Re: Chapter 1
"Hey Kyli, where are we going?"

"Don't worry about it, Roache. Just follow me, and you'll be fine."

Kyli and Roache strolled around the city in a nonchalant manner. The people, the guards, the shop keepers, no one had any expectations of what the events that were to follow.

"Alright Roache, remember last week when we got the meat from the keeper down the road from here? Well when I start running, we're going to split up. You're going to take that alley. Follow it to the end and make a right. I'll meet you there, and we should be able to shake the guards if you follow my lead."

"No. Kyli no! You know that I'm no good at stealing. I thought we were just going to relax today!"

"Nope. I hope you're ready, because I'm gone."

At that moment, Kyli picked up sausage links from a vendor's stand and gave them to Roache. "Kyli, no. We're not going to do this today." Kyli grabbed another chain of links and took off.

"Kyli! What..?!"

"You! Thief!" the vendor yelled. Guards patrolling the streets snapped to alert and began running towards Kyli and Roache.

Roache threw the links and began running up the street. He was ducking and dodging through the crowd when he finally reached the alley that Kyli mentioned earlier. Since last week, it had been blocked off by crates. The vendor near that alley was currently restocking.

Roache continued running up the street. He ducked down an alley that ran parallel to the blocked one. He took a right, thinking that it would lead him to the same area. As he ran down the alley that was shadowed by the buildings, he came to a dead end. Roache was trapped between the walls and guards.

"Scum. You want to steal, you'll lose a hand!" shouted a guard.

Roache was terrified. He knew this whole plot was a horrible idea. The guards began charging and Roache cowered in the corner. He grabbed a nearby stick off of the ground and pointed it at the guards. "Stop!" he shouted adamantly. A light frost began creeping along the ground. The guards ran across the frozen ground when the frost snared their legs. Roache looked up at the guards and was amazed at what he saw.

"It can't be," one of the guards revered. "His eyes...they're...they're..."

Roache's eyes had the tell-tale sign of the snowflake.

"Up here," a familiar voice called. Roache saw that Kyli was inside of house, hanging out of a window. He jumped up and some garbage cans, took a few steps up the opposite wall and jumped to Kyli. She pulled him up through the window and they took off together.

~Hidan~ 12-25-2009 09:11 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Nari and Jayden wondered around the forest and eventually found enough food to pass as nourishment. They thought about hunting for something to eat, but came to the conclusion that starting a fire would only bring more trouble.

Nari and Jayden setup camp and waited for Clief to return. “So where have you been for the last two years Jayden?”

“I’ve traveled most of the southern continent in hopes of finding you.”

“So we’ve been doing the same thing. I really wonder what we are in store for now.” Nari sighed.

Clief returned. “Hey there is a great Lake over that way if anyone needs to freshen up.”

Nari jumped to her feet. “Great! I’m off. Don’t you too be peeking.” She giggled and ran off.

rissole25 12-26-2009 12:50 AM

Re: Chapter 1
"er...Nari", Jayden yelled. "Cliefs down there". But she had already gone.

Jayden wanted to clean himself too but stayed by the camp incase monsters or Kruasarians came buy. He started thinking about Seri

I have alot of questions to ask her. Hopefully when we next meet, she'll point us in the right direction to our other comrades we'll meet. Perhaps we might even find one in Ishba. My soon-to-be comrades. Would they believe Seri. Would they believe me. Would they be Quin-Jin? How many are there?

Jayden looked up at the sky, hoping for an answer. But it did not answer.


10 minutes had passed and Jayden was bored already. He decided he would practice melee combat, since he had no experience with it at all. If he were to save humanity, then we couldn't just fight from afar. He would have to get up and close.

He decided he would practice using short swords. They were light and swift. Perfect for Jayden. He grabbed a sharp rock from the ground and started carving a sword out of wood from a fallen tree.

At last, he had crafted a short sword. Sure, it was made of wood, but that was all he could use until they got to Ishba.

Now...who should I practice with...

"How about me"

"Who said that", said Jayden, wondering where it came from.

"Me", said the voice.

A Dragon was hovering above the trees next to the campsite. It was Duegan

"Duegan" said Jayden, surprised the dragon had come out of the Crystal sword. Let alone that it had spoken to him. "What are you doing out of your sword".

"I snuck out while Clief took a swim", said Duegan. "Man that swords stuffy".

Duegan stretched his wings and landed next to Jayden.

"Now", said Duegan. "I heard you needed practice".

Jayden was confused. How did Duegan know he was gonna need to practice on something.

"I can read minds. All Dragons can. I can read Cliefs mind while I'm in the sword. That way, I know when to come out, what Clief plans to do next and if he wants me to lend his power to him. All he has to do is think it".

Jayden was still confused. He didn't know dragons could read minds. He wondered whether Clief could read Duegans mind.

"Yes", exclaimed Duegan. "Clief can read my mind. But only Clief can. Its a special connection we share".

Jayden stared at Duegan. He could see battle scars across its body. He wondered where the dragon had got them.

"Enough talk", demanded Duegan. "Lets see you try if you can hit this rock"

Duegan started flying over to a boulder and used his nails to scratch an X shape into the boulder.

Jayden looked at the sword in his hand and raised it towards the X mark.

clief101_ 12-26-2009 07:30 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Clief was of wandering around, sussing out the area they were in, in case they needed to escape in a hurry. He found tracks that led to the campsite, and they were fresh.

What!? Great, i gotta hurry!

Clief began to sprint towards the campsite following the tracks. All of a sudden they had disappeared.

What the? Thats strange

We walked back into the campsite to find Jayden attacking a rock, and Duegan hovering above him

"I think you need an actual person to spar with dont you?" Clief chuckled.

Jayden quickly turned around to find Clief with his hands on hips laughing.

You should go back in Duegan. You know you shouldnt come out like that. What if someone sees you?

A flash of blue appeared, then Clief's sword began to glow the crystal colour again.

"Just give me ten minutes to make another wooden sword alright?" Clief said.

"Alright then. Although i hardly think this is fair.." Jayden chuckled.

rissole25 12-27-2009 02:37 AM

Re: Chapter 1
"Hey Clief", asked Jayden. "Did you happen to see Nari down there by any chance".

"Ah no", replied Clief. "Did she go for a swim"

"Yea", said Jayden, wondering what Nari was doing. "You done yet"

"Yep", said Clief, "Okay, you ready for this"

"Of course", exclaimed Jayden.

They walked away from each other until they were 5 metres away. They turned around, bowed and began the training.

Jayden ran up to Clief and swung the sword which Clief easily deflected. Jayden stumbled abit but went in for another swing. This time, Clief dodged and tripped Jayden. Jayden fell to the ground, surprised at how strong Clief was.

"C'mon", yelled Clief. "You can do better then that".

Jayden got back up but wasn't ready when Clief jumped towards him. He dodged but fell to the ground again. He looked at Clief to see him swing his sword once more. Jayden got his sword up just in time to stop Clief's sword. He pushed his sword against Clief's sword as was Clief pushing his sword against Jayden's sword. Clief's weapon was getting closer and closer to him. He had to think of something.
Suddenly, Jayden started swinging his sword around in circles, whiched moved Cliefs. Jayden jerked his sword towards himself, then moved it hard to the right. Clief's sword went flying into the air and clattered to the ground.

Clief was shocked, then he smiled. He extended his hand to Jayden to help him up which Jayden greatfully grabbed.

"Your getting better", said Clef. "But you still have much more to learn".

While Clief retrieved his sword, Jayden dusted himself off. He was surprised that he was able to disarm Clief.

"Hehe, don't think for a sec that a real enemy would be that easy", said Clief in the distance. "I wasn't trying to kill you, so I had to hold back".

Clief walked over to his equipment and added the wodden sword to it.

"You'll never know when you might need an extra weapon", said Clief. "Anyway, there's are Weapons Guild in Ishba. They train people in all types of weapons. You won't need to go the Archer Tutor, but you might wanna check out the Sword Tutor. She should be able to help you abit".

Jayden put the wooden sword by his bow and sat down, feeling weird by using a different weapon.

clief101_ 12-27-2009 11:21 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Clief looked at Jayden for a second as though he was about to speak, but decided against it.

"Perhaps we should go check on Nari?" asked Clief.

Jayden nodded happily.

"So how did you become so good at using a sword?" Jayden asked Clief while walking to the lake.

"My father taught me when i was a boy" he said as he lifted his shirt, revealing a large scar across his chest, "his handy work. He was a hard trainer to say the least....otherwise Duegan has taught me a bit aswell"

"...your you have many memories?" Jayden asked asked a little shakily.

"No...not much...i was about 9 when....well, when it was taken away from me," Clief replied.

Both men went silent for a couple of minutes.


"Yes Clief?"

"When we get to Ishba...I was thinking just now. Theres should be a tournament around this time of year and maybe you may find someone to help you on your quest...and it would also be a good way to challenge your melee combat aswell..." Clief suggested.

Jayden looked at him and saw Clief with a dim look on his face.

"It sounds like fun...but you have to teach me more!" he replied

rissole25 12-28-2009 11:31 PM

Re: Chapter 1
"There she is" yelled Clief. "In the middle of the lake"

And he was right. Nari was swimming around in circles in the center of the lake.

"Nari", yelled Jayden. "You should get out of the lake".

"WHAT", screamed Nari, not hearing Jayden.

Jayden sighed and yelled even louder then before. "I SAID THA....."

A loud deep noise surrounded the air.

"What was that", said Jayden.

"It's an Adamantoise", said Clief. "They sleep at the bottom of lakes for a number of months".

"Like Hibernating", asked Jayden.

"Yes", answered Clief, "If there disturbed while Hibernating, they become ferocious".

Jaydens was shocked. They would have to get all there equipment and leave their campsite. If they stayed, there was a chance the Adamantoise would find them and attack them.

"NARI", screamed Jayden. "GET OUT OF THE LAKE NOW". But Nari was already swimming towards them before Jayden even spoke.

The Adamantoise cried again. This time it sounded louder.

"I'll go get our equipment ready", said Clief.

The two men nodded heads before Clief went back to retrieve their equipment.

Jayden turned back to see how far Nari was from the bank. She was about a quarter of the way now. But that wasn't the problem. Ripples of water were coming from the center of the lake and there was a Dark Shadow there as well.

Nari was at the bank now. Jayden helped her up.

"Wait", said Nari. "I still have to get dressed".

"Okay", said Jayden anxiously, "But hurry up".

Nari quickly ran over to her clothes to get dressed while Jayden kept an eye on the dark shadow.


"Okay", said Nari, now fully clothed. "I'm ready".

The two went to run back to the campsite when they heard a loud splashing sound.

They turned around to see water flying through the air. When the water disappeared, they saw the silouhette of a giant tortoise.

"Lets go", said Jayden.


When they got back to camp, everything was in 3 sacks. The fire was out as well.

"Here, said Clief, tossing Nari and Jayden the respective sacks.

"Okay, said Clief. "We should get outta he...."

A loud crashing sound came from the lake. It started getting closer.

"No time", said Nari. "We fight it".

Nari got out her daggers and was ready to strike any moment. Clief followed by getting out his steel sword, but was ready to grab the Crystal Sword in case he needed it. Finally, Jayden got his bow out, ready to release a flurry of arrows.

The Adamantoise crashed through the trees. Its shell was a greenish-bluish colour while its skin was a pale yellow.

Jayden released 6 arrows in quick succession. They all hit its shell but splinterred or bounced when it came in contact.

They were shocked, but had no time to react to it. The Adamantoise lunged forward. They all dodged it. Nari took the chance to jump on its back. She thrusted one of her daggers into the shell. The Dagger bounced off it with such force that Nari fell of the Adamantoise.

The Adamantoise noticed Nari on the ground. It raised its front legs so it could stomp her. Clief ran up to it and made a quick slash at its stomach. The creature cried and fell on its side.

"Of course", said Clief. "We have to strike its skin to be able to hurt it.

Jayden helped Nari up while the Adamantoise got back up.

They all readied there weapons, ready to strike its skin.

clief101_ 12-29-2009 12:00 AM

Re: Chapter 1
The Adamantoise stood up on its hind legs, then smashed his front legs on the ground, shaking the earth. All three were shaking, not being able to find their balance. The Adamantoise then rushed towards them suprisingly fast. Nari was the first to react and just jumped sideways so she wouldnt get hit. It was just Jayden and Clief in its path now, neither of them being able to find their feet. Jayden stumbled to the ground, and Clief went to one knee.


The shaking less vigorant now, Jayden was the first to react, but had no time to move out of the way, so instead fired off five quick arrows aimed at its head. The Adamantoise was deterred and changed course now, but instead headed for Clief. Their was no time left, he wasnt able to move out of the way. The Adamantoise hit Clief, who had just managed to lift his sword and stab it, but was knocked back with such force he flew through the air very fast and hit a tree, very hard. The tree now had a large crack from the impact, and Clief gave out a yelp of pain. Nari rushed over to Clief with her quick feet and crouched down beside him.

"Clief!? Are you okay?" She exclaimed.

He shrugged her off and pointed towards Jayden, who now was the only one left fighting. She paused for a moment, then knew that she had to kill that thing before it killed them. She stood up and faced the Adamantoise, then began to run very sqwiftly towards the side of it. Just as she reaached it, she slid under it, revealing the yellow belly to her. She then stabbed both of her daggers into the belly and ripped through it to the other side. Jayden saw what she had done, and released 3 powerful arrows in its head. It collapsed to the ground but wasnt dead. Jayden felt that they shouldnt kill it, after all, they were the ones to invade its sleeping ground. He then looked at Nari, and he could instantly tell she was thinking the same thing.

"Clief!!" Nari yelled out, pointing over at Clief.

They both hurried over to him, to find him unconcious.

~Hidan~ 12-30-2009 10:44 AM

Re: Chapter 1
The Adamantoise made a high pitch roar confirming it was still alive. It shook its head and threw the arrows out of its head. Rearing the lack of damage was apparent. It turned towards Clief and started to charge.

“You take care of Clief, I can distract him better then you.” Nari commanded, Jayden noticed a strange cracking pattern in her eyes.

“I’ll get him to safety and come back to help, don’t get yourself killed.” He said nodding. He knew she could outrun it, but killing it was another thing. Jayden lifted Clief’s unconscious body and ran.

Nari quickly chanted off her ninjutsu’s. First she copied herself with a mirror clone move, then float, and finally haste. Striking from al directions the Adamantoise was very confused, striking rampantly. This was working for the time being.

Jayden finally found a safe enough place to set down Clief. “I’ll be back, I hope what you taught me will help.” The run back seemed to take almost no time; just as Nari came into view he could see she had learned some impressive tricks. He gained new hope for only a second until he noticed the Adamantoise rearing, he could tell it was about to do a hydro jet attack. What it was most feared for. The sweeping spray hit every one of the fake Nari’s that were running around, and finally concentrated on the remaining real Nari to the front.

The Blast hit Nari head on, but for some reason that Jayden couldn’t understand it seemed to bend around the area surrounding Nari. He approached close enough to see her eyes had turned a strange snowflake pattern on both Iris’s. “NARI!” he yelled at her, no response. She seemed to be in a trance.

The Adamantoise now frustrated that its attack was failing fell from it hind legs and turned its eyes to the new target. Jayden looked at the beast, then at Nari, who was now surrounded by a cool blue mist. “Nari!” still no response.

Nari started walking slowly forward, the ground under her freezing with each step. “Sleep now in an eternity of nothingness.” She whispered raising her hand as a thin arrow like attack flew from Nari’s finger.

Jayden watched as the small needle hit the Adamantoise, instantly turning it to a block of Ice, only to see Clief flying in sword overhead hitting the shell of the giant beast, shattering it.

Nari passed out, returning to normal.

clief101_ 12-30-2009 01:27 PM

Re: Chapter 1
"NARI!!!" Jayden yelled as he rushed to her.

With the shell shattered, Clief swung his sword while still in mid-air, producing his slice beam, cutting through the Adamantoise and cutting it in half. Clief landed on the ground only to collapse to his hands and knees. Jayden was too focused on Nari to notice.

"Nari!! Wake up!!" he yelled, shaking her violently.

She barely came to, her eyes back to their original state. She smiled up at Jayden, with her eyes barely open and then fainted. Jayden was relieved that she was okay. She just needed some rest.

Clief now sitting down still dazed by his own injuries looked over to Jayden and Nari ans smiled.

Your both so lucky to have eachother. What a connection

He looked over to the Adamantoise. It was a disgusting sight to say the least.

"Hey Jayden!" Clief yelled

Jayden spun around to see him sitting down. He lifted his head in acknowledgement.

"Take my steel sword and cut some pieces from that thing will ya? We can cook it for food." he said as Jayden looked back at Nari, "She'll be okay, she's not going anyway from 10 feet away from you" he smiled.

Jayden looked at him for a bit, then nodded. He walked over to Clief and picked up his sword, then walked to the slayne beast and cut some slices from its flesh.

* * * * *

Later that night, around a campfire, not too far from their last campsite, sat Jayden and Clief, with Nari laying down next to the fire.

"Perhaps we should start training more vigourisly?" Suggested Clief, clearly a little sore and clutching his ribs.

"Yeah...."Jayden responded.

He must feel bad that he couldnt protect her.

"We'll see how she is in the morning. She's just exhausted," Clief explained.

He turned to Jayden and found a worried look on his face. Clief smiled at him, keeping eye contact for a while hoping the message would sink in. Jayden then turned around and lay down as if to go to sleep. Clief did the same thing.

~Hidan~ 01-01-2010 07:42 PM

Re: Chapter 1
Cato woke in his cave deep under Tear Lake. “Someone is fighting an Adamantoise?” he whispered to himself.

The vibration was enough fro Cato to analyze the fight above him. Feeling the fight he opened a passage closer and closer to the surface. As he got closer he started to be able to profile the combatants. “So we have a small female, very agile, but not to strong, most likely a Quin-Jin. Two taller male’s of which I cant make out their race, both rather skilled fighters, but still a little green.”

As the fight continued Cato listened as one took a serious blow, when a distinct change happened, the girl started fighting much differently. “Nari!” Cato suddenly felt ill, he knew his sisters fighting style when things were close to loss that was until the final change of pace. He could hear as the earth cracked and froze above him. Something had changed, a legend was just opened, and he almost felt bad for the Adamantoise.

With the battle over he followed through the ground to where he figured was their camp and listened in. After a little bit he decided to surface just outside the camp.

Nari woke a little dazed, her head hurt, but she felt a new feeling of power in her body. Not sure what to make of it she shook off the feeling and looked around camp. Jayden and Clief seemed to be talking about the battle. Clief seemed pretty beaten up. “Hey guys, did we win?” She yawned stretching her arms above her head.

A voice familiar yet out of place. “It was quite a battle really, I am surprised you three a stupid enough to fight such a beast.” A short figure with long hair appeared just outside of full view of the camp’s fire.

Clief spun in place and Jayden grabbed his sword.

“Cato?” Nari asked quickly.

“The one and only.” Cato said coming into the light of the campfire. “What a battle you guys really did have, how have you gotten so strong little sis.”

Nari jumped to her feet and ran over to the strange monk. “I’m not the much smaller then you.” She said hugging him. “Jayden, Clief, I’d like you to meet my older brother Cato.”

Jayden lowered his sword and walked over hand extended. “Nice to meet you I’m Jayden.” Cato bowed but didn’t accept the outreached hand. “What’s with you and not shaking hands?”

“Ah Jayden, I’m sorry its not that I mean to be rude, but I cant see your hand so I cant shake your hand.” Cato explained. “So you’re the brave one who lacks skill with the sword, but has the advantage in luck, and that means the one with considerable skill but overall bad luck during the fight must be Clief.”

“Yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Clief said not bothering to move; with consideration that Cato couldn’t see. “How is it you know so much about the fight if you cant see?”

“I feel the earth, it tells me everything you see, as long as its on the ground.” Cato replied modestly with a chuckle.

rissole25 01-02-2010 03:50 AM

Re: Chapter 1
"You must be hungry", said Nari, grabbing a piece of cooked Adamantoise and offering it to Cato.

"No thanks", said Cato, looking disgusted. "So", asking all 3 of them, "Where are you headed".

"Ishba", said Jayden.

"And what brings you to Ishba", asked Cato curiously.

"Well...", began Jayden and Nari.


"Seri", said Cato. "Seri came to you".

"You know her", asked Jayden.

"Know her", said Cato, laughing now. "I practically saved her life".

"What", exclaimed Jayden.

"How do you know her", asked Clief, trying to get into the conversation.

"It's a long story, said Cato. "Are you sure wanna hear it".

All 3 of them said yes and Cato began.

"About 3 week ago", began Cato. "I was meditating in the Stadlo Mountains. I was in the 13th hour of meditation when a loud noise interupted me. It sounded like something had hit the ground. I stopped meditating. Angry that I had been interupted. But when I knew what lay infront of me I was shocked".

"It was Seri of the Black Winds", Cato said, now looking at Nari. "I remembered the storys that Dad use to tell us about her and about what it felt like to be in her prescence. I just knew it was her. Anyway I knew she was hurt badly, so bad that she couldn't even speak, she must of being trying to get to the Fountain of Life".

"The Fountain of Life", said Clief. "I thought it was just a myth".

"Whats the Fountain of Life", asked Nari.

"The Fountain of Life was supposodly created by the Gods when they created the earth", said Clief. "It is said that its waters are what kept the Gods alive while they created the earth. It also healed them of any wounds they recieved. When they left the earth, they created the Stadlo Mountains around it so no-one could get to its waters and abuse its power."

"Yes", said Cato, "I couldn't just leave her there, so I decided to take her to the fountain myself. I knew I'd find it because I was with Seri, and you see, the path opens up only to a God or a Goddess.

"What", said Jayden.

A Goddess. Seri's a Goddess. No way. How could I not tell she was a Goddess

"Seri's a Goddess", said Nari, surprised by the discovery.

"Yes", said Cato. "Anyway, I gave Seri some water from the Fountain of Life and she recovered almost instantly. She thanked me and gave me the ability to go to the Fountain of Life myself. She was about to leave when I stopped her. She told me the world was in danger and she had to warn the warriors who would stop it. Then she disappeared into the air. I suppose that she meant all of you".

Clief wanted to say that he wasn't chosen by Seri but decided it was better not to.

"May I join you", said Cato. "On your quest. I would like see what danger she was talking about".

"Ofcourse", said Nari. "You're my brother".

clief101_ 01-03-2010 09:32 AM

Re: Chapter 1
"Well, its becoming midday, we should get a move on and try and make up some lost ground," Clief said struggling to stand up.

Clief looked over at Cato from head to toe, sussing him out, then began to walk off. He saw some little animals that resembled rabbits, all in a family they scrurried along the forest floor away from Clief's boots as he walked. He couldnt help but smile, thinking to himself.

If only I could remember my family....

He continued to walk, not noticing that Cato had caught up to him.

"Some unfortunate bad luck you have there Clief," he said walking beside him.

"Yeah...I should've seen it coming realy. It was my fault," he replied.

"Nonsense, you shouldnt be so hard on yourself," he said, smilimg in Clief's direction.

Clief smiled back, then realised Cato couldnt see it.

"You must be incredibly skilled in the way of earth to have seen the battle without the ability to see like us," Clief said.

"Well, when one has no sight one must seek out an alternative way of seeing," he chuckled.

Clief smiled again, but this time not at Cato.

I must sound realy stupid right about now

He looked behind him to see Nari and Jayden chatting away to each other.

"I would have thought you'd be catching up with your sister?" Clief asked.

Nato looked at him "Your right," he said as he slowed down so the other two could catch up.

By myself again....

rissole25 01-06-2010 09:56 AM

Re: Chapter 1
After 3 hours walking, the four warriors reached the gates of Ishba. Nari gasped at the massive towers that arose from the city.

"So this is Ishba", said Nari.

"Yes", said Cato. "It was built by the Royal Legion 136 years ago. They used it as the capital and as their headquarters until they found Xenon, the current capital and largest city in the world. They are currently planning to come up with a way to rid everyone of the Kruasarians. But", continued Cato with a sad look on his face. "It will be of little effort if their is a new evil to be dealt with".

The soldiers by the gates greeted them as they walked through them. They walked for 10 minutes along the main path, past shops of all sorts, until they reached the market square.

"Well", said Clief, "We'll all do our own thing. Then we'll meet up at the Stadium just over their when the tournament starts.

They all nodded to each other and went off in their separate directions.


Jayden went over to the weapons shop first and bought himself a map, arrows for his bow and a mythril sword. He would need a better sword if he were to enter the tournament. He stepped outside and looked at the map he just bought.

After 5 minutes of looking on the big map, he finally found the Weapons Guild. It was directily south of his position. He found a path that went south and followed it. Eventually the path stopped right outside a 3 houses next to eachother.

What the....this should be where the Weapons Guild is

Jayden took out the map and noticed he was on the path next to the path he should've taken. He turned to his left and saw the a tall building 100 metres away.

That must be the Weapons Guild

Jayden decided to go through the alleyways instead of backtracking the path. It would be much quicker.

He turned a corner and stopped. Two guards were ahead, but they weren't like any of the other guards he'd seen around town. They wore Gold Armour and had there heads covered with Gold Helmets. Their weapons were made out of Adamantite. They were talking to each other and Jayden wanted to know what they were talking about. He snuck up to a couple of crates just metres from them and listened in.

"So have your troops found her yet", said one.

"No, their still looking", replied the other one. "Have yours".

"No. We have to report back to the King about this".

The King. They must be the Royal Legions High Guards. So thats what they look like

"We'll keep searching after the tournament starts. We won't draw as much attention then".

"Okay. But I don't know how we're going to find her. She is a goddess after all".

A goddess. Are they talking about Seri. That could mean she's here in Ishba

"Alright then, we'll send a messenger to Xenon to tell the king we'll be staying a little longer then expected".

Jayden peered around the corner of the crates to see the two High Guards walking around the corner into the main street. He stood up and decided he would tell the others about this when they met back up. He walked out of the alleyway and preceded to the Weapons Guild.

clief101_ 01-06-2010 12:39 PM

Re: Chapter 1
After Clief left the group, he couldnt help but feel a little relaxed. He didnt realy feel apart of the group, even though he was welcomed.

Perhaps i shouldn't go to the tournament and just leave? Would they even care? They have a mission that doesnt involve me

He wandered over to the tournament sign up desk deep in thought. There was a man in front of him in the process of signing up. He was short and bald, looked kind of old from where Clief was standing.

Surely he doesnt think he could actualy win this tournament??

The short old man had finished and walked off. Clief stepped forward and grabbed a sheet of paper and pen. He filled out the form and handed it back to the man behind the desk.

"Collemsium is behind me. Locker room room is that one over there. Be in there by 1pm or you wont be included," he said pointed behind him to his left.

Clief nodded and began to walk over there.

Judging by where the sun is, id say its roughly midday. Wont be long i guess.....will i be able to get very far with my injuries?

He wandered down to the dark dank locker rooms, awaiting for his companians to arrive.

~Hidan~ 01-10-2010 03:37 PM

Re: Chapter 1
Nari and Cato sat outside of the Coliseum. “So are you going to take part in the tournament?”

Cato shook his head. “No, I’m not much for this kind of fighting. Besides how fair is it for me to fight them if I can see everything they do, no matter what direction they come from.”

“True, I don’t plan on being in the tournament either, I still don’t know what happened during the fight the other day, last thing I need is to accidently kill a bunch of people.” Nari sighed as she looked at her hands.

“So tell me about these friends of yours, I believe I’ve met Jayden before, am I right?”

“Yes, you left our village about two years after he came to it. He’s been my friend for a long time. As for Clief, I don’t know him very well.” Nari stood up and started walking around on her hands. “Jayden seems to have a deep respect for him, they are comrades as far as I can tell, and because of that I think he’s pretty interesting. Clief is a talented fighter, and he has a crystal dragon’s sword.”

Cato laughed. “Sounds like you have some good friends.” Cato turned his head slightly to the left and looked towards the Coliseum. Just then Jayden walked up.

“What are you two doing?” Jayden said looking oddly at Nari walking around on her hands. “Have either of you seen Clief?”

“He’s in the lockers.” Cato said pointing at the Coliseum.

“Really…. I was hoping that he was trying to get some rest.” Jayden sighed. “Well I think I am ready for the tournament.”

Nari stopped walking on her hands and sat back down next to Cato. “Well lets see where our seats are, the tournament starts in a few hours.”

rissole25 01-11-2010 12:28 AM

Re: Chapter 1
The three of them walked into the Coliseum. The man behind the desk sent Nari and Cato to the Coliseum behind him while he sent Jayden to the locker rooms on his left. As Jayden was walking to the locker rooms, he remembered the High Guards. He turned around to call out to Nari and Cato to tell them about it but they had already gone.

Dang it. I'll have to tell them after the tournament. At least I can still tell Clief.

As Jayden was about to descend the stairs leading to the locker room, he noticed a board on the wall to the left. He walked over to it and read it.
There were 28 people competing including him and Clief. To the right there was a message.


Third Place: 10000 gil
Second Place: An Adamantite weapon
First Place: Dinner with the King of Xenon

Dinner with the King. If me or Clief can get first place, then we'll be able to meet with the King and ask him about Seri.

Jayden looked over the board to see what they would have to do. Would they have to compete with each other or fight against monsters? It didn't say anything about it on the board. Whatever it was, Jayden was determined to get first place. He descended the stairs and walked into the locker rooms.

They were dark and dank. Jayden looked around the room to see only 5 people in it getting ready. The other competitors had not arrived yet. He looked around again to see Clief sitting down on a bench and walked over to him.

clief101_ 01-11-2010 11:00 AM

Re: Chapter 1
"Hey Clief! How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?" asked Jayden.

"I guess so?" replied Clief.

"Good, because i dont want you losing to me only to complain that you were sore!" Jayden joked.

Clief laughed at this remark, feeling slightly happier that Jayden was so upbeat.

"Nari and Cato aren't fighting?" Clief asked.

Jayden shook his head, but now looked at Clief more seriously. He sat down next to him, crouched over, wispering the story about the royal guards.

"I figure that whoever of us wins, we can ask the king about Seri, what do you think?" Suggesting Jayden.

Clief thought for a moment, then said "you would have to win then"

Jayden looked suprised at this.

"You've actually met Seri, and are on this mission, not I. You know more about her than what i do. You should be the one to win....if we both make it to the finals that is" Clief said.

Jayden realised that what Clief said was true, then thought about how the tournament was going to be fought.

"Say Clief, are we fighting these other people or against monsters?"

"Well, there are 28 people in this tournament. You were the last to sign up, no more spots are vacant. We fight monsters to start with, until there are 12 of us left. Another words,all 28 of us are in the 1 battle ground, and the surviving 12 go to the finals, then we are pitted against eachother. The first to give up or die loses." He said.

Jayden looked surprised by this information. He didnt know of the dangers this tournament possessed.

'Dont worry, we have eachothers backs dont we?" Clief asked.

Jayden nodded, and extended his arm. Clief grabbed his his hand and shook it vigourisly.


"I guess thats our queue," Clief said, struggling to stand up.

Jayden noticed and offered his help, but Clief shrugged him off.

"Just a little cramped, nothing to worry about," He said smiling.

They both walked towards the arena, the dark became light, and Clief hear lots of cheering.

Good luch Jayden

rissole25 01-11-2010 09:43 PM

Re: Chapter 1
Clief, Jayden and all the other contestents entered the arena. They all looked around at their surroundings. It was a big circular arena that had a rugged landscape. The ground was uneven everywhere, there were many obstacles such as trees, small walls and rocks. It was not suitable for fighting.

"This is gonna be harder then I thought", said Clief, staring at the walls surrounding the contestants. Jayden looked too. There were 5 tunnels surrounding the arena, all with gates in front of them.

"I suppose the monsters will come out from there", said Jayden.

"Yea", replied Clief. "Lets go".

All 28 contestants walked into the center of the ring. Jayden looked up into the stands to look for Nari. At last he finally found her. She was talking to Cato. Jayden wondered what they were talking about.


Everyone walked to different spots of the arena so they were at least five meters apart.
Jayden and Clief made sure they were near each other.


Jayden looked up at the announcers area to see five sorcerers, each in a different coloured robe. Jayden was disgusted, he knew he wouldn't press the red button to get help, especially from them.

"The nearest black pole is just over there", pointed Clief. Jayden turned around and saw that it was about seven meters away from him and Clief.


Two people left the group and headed towards the exit tunnel. After they had disappeared into the tunnel, the tunnel entranced enveloped into a light blue see-through wall.


Everyone readied their weapons. Jayden looked at Clief one more time and noticed his Crystal Sword.

"Don't forget", said Jayden. "Summons aren't allowed, so you can use the Crystal Sword but don't get Duegan out okay".

"Okay", said Clief, grabbing his steel sword.

Jayden held his sword in a way that would allow him to fight but would also allow him to grab his bow in time.

The steel gates surrounding the other tunnels opened up. Jayden looked up at Nari and Cato one last time to see her smiling at him. He looked back at the tunnel closest to him to see the dust moving inside.

clief101_ 01-12-2010 04:55 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Here they come. If i need your strength during this Duegan, dont come out, understand?

Yes, alright then, I shall channel my power through you when you need it

As soon as the gates opened Clief moved straight towards the gates, hoping to get an easy first kill, Jayden backed him up, staying a few meters behind him. Other contestants had the same idea, whereas others decided to stay back and hide till they had to fight.


Clief spotted the first beast, it was a Chimera.

What!? Already!? What kind of beasts do they have in store for us!?

"Be careful, I think they have powerful monsters for us!" Clief yelled at Jayden.

He nodded back, not taking his eyes from the Chimera. Clief attacked it from above, but just missed it.

Damn! I cant move freely!

As soon as his feet touched the ground the next monster came through the gate, this time it was an Ochu. He quickly pivoted and attacked it head on. Jayden was busy with the Chimera, trying to lay any kind of attack on it, but he wasnt swift enough with the sword yet. Finally he managed to hit it, but only lightly as the Chimera moved.

We're taking too much time on this small fry! I dont want to reveal my Crystal sword till the finals

Clief stabbed the Ochu in the side, then side swiped it and took it down. He finished it off by swinging his sword and cutting through its head. Jayden had just finished with the Chimera, managing to cut its head off. He was fast learning how to properly use his new weapon.

Other contestants were fightin monsters aswell, including the ones that stayed back. Another two people had given up, and 1 other had pushed the red button on the black pole.

Waste of time entering if you ask me.....UUHHH!!

Clief just noticed a man in a black cloak taking out a Malboro in one attack with little effort.

This isnt going to be easy.....

rissole25 01-12-2010 11:25 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Jayden turned around to see Clief fighting a Bomb. He hoped Clief would beat it quickly before it exploded. If it did, he wouldn't think Clief would survive.

Jayden turned towards the gate to see two giant flans coming towards him. He would not win the fight against them even if he tried. Spells were the only thing that were effective to flans. He would have to get them to fight a spellcaster. He looked at Clief to see him finish the bomb off before ran off to find a mage.

clief101_ 01-12-2010 11:35 AM

Re: Chapter 1
Clief noticed Jayden run off.

What!? He's leaving!? Damn!

He turned to find 2 Flans heading towards him, one was a lightning Flan, the other Ice.

I've only mastered the Fire spell, and I wouldnt have a clue how to summon up a water spell....damnit!

"FIRE!!" Clief yelled while pointing the palm of his hand towards the Ice Flan. Before the blast reached it, the Lightning one moved in front of it.

They're organised!?

The lightning Flan then glowed, and casted Thunder. Clief quickly jumped around as fast as he could, hoping not to get hit by the spell. It landed right next to him.

That was too close. Where did Jayden go? I need his help!

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