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Zeromus_X 08-29-2005 11:28 PM

i dont know why this happens, but im trying to start a new game of ff9, but every time i talk to the rat kid on the steeple, he says"hurry, the plays gonna start soon, " , and it starts to go to the next screen. but it doesnt. the music plays, but the screen is black, like when it switches screens. does anyone know why this happens? :confused:

Zerlina 08-29-2005 11:37 PM

Re: ?????
Get a new game.

Zeromus_X 08-29-2005 11:39 PM

Re: ?????
you mean a new disc 1? lol...that would work i guess. :) would game stores sell used copies of just one of the discs? because the other discs work fine.

Arkacia 08-30-2005 12:34 AM

Re: ?????
Yes, I agree with Zerlina. It sounds like a dodgy disc to me too. You could try cleaning it or just get a new one. My Civilization 2 disc did that a while ago. I carefully cleaned it under plain running water with a very soft cloth, then wiped it, again very carefully, with a dry very soft cloth. Its run fine ever since. May be worth trying because if the disc is stuffed, it certainly can't make it any worse ;):).

(oh, Zeromus_X, could you please censor the last word out of your sig. The occasional mild swear word may survive in a post, but not in a sig or user name because it appears in every post you make. Thanks :))

Coelie 08-30-2005 05:00 AM

Re: ?????
and if you are to scared to clean it with water...just gently whipe it with a t-shirt that works for me every time:D

oh and eh....I agree with Zerlina 2:p

Xartex 08-30-2005 07:23 AM

Re: ?????
The same thing happend to me but i couldn't get to the room on the airship where the tantalus review their plan to kidnap prinsess garnet... i just got a new game

Coelie 08-30-2005 07:35 AM

Re: ?????
very very s-t-r-a-n-g-e I nevah had any problems with my cd's...maybe you guys should treat ur cd's better ;):D:p

ShadowHeart 08-30-2005 07:49 AM

Re: ?????
If you've had a game for a long time, it's bound to get some scratches and stuff eventually unless you are extremely careful all the time :)

But on the other hand, we've had our copy of FFVII (mine and Xartex, we're brothers, although he kept it since I moved out) since it was released here almost 8 years ago, and the game still works somehow.. well, besides the ending FMV I think :)

Arkacia 08-30-2005 08:20 AM

Re: ?????
About half of our PSX games are second hand. The Civ 2 game (along with all our FF games) was one of them and when you buy second hand, you buy as is. We are careful with our discs and unless they are in the machine, are never out of their case.

Coelie 08-30-2005 08:23 AM

Re: ?????
Well...all my games are 2nd hand 2...maybe 3rd hand...still...they run perfect

ShadowHeart 08-30-2005 10:03 AM

Re: ?????

Originally Posted by Arkacia
We are careful with our discs and unless they are in the machine, are never out of their case.

Well, yes, leaving a disc out of its case is a big no-no for me, and in my family. Still, some of the oldest PSX games may have a few minor scratches, but nothing that hinders game play.. FFIX is the only game that broke down as far as I can remember.

In any case, CD technology in general is pretty delicate, and it's actually amazing (or terrible I guess) how noone has figured out a way to make a medium that can take some rough handling (that isn't too expensive either I guess). Maybe they figure it's not worth it, but it leads to problems when a game, album or the like becomes near impossible to find in stores due to how old it is..

Zerlina 08-30-2005 02:57 PM

Re: ?????
Tsk should take care of your discs like I do. By the way, I just LOST the first disc of FFVIII :P

Zeromus_X 08-30-2005 09:19 PM

Re: ?????
yeah, the ps i have is like, the original playstation, so it doesnt really work i borrowed my friends, and it loads the game correctly...or however the information on the discs goes..(computer illiterate :D ) now i get to play ff8 again! yay!! :) fun times 4ever!! hey...i got a new sig idea... :rolleyes: ive also considered getting a mini they cost less than the big one ? id also assume theyd cost alot less, since its been out a few years..meh. :)

Sin 08-31-2005 12:21 AM

Re: ?????

very very s-t-r-a-n-g-e I nevah had any problems with my cd's...maybe you guys should treat ur cd's better
like muah ever FF cd in a seprate plastic bag and then ina a soft clothy thingy bag thingy for the cd holder u

Zeromus_X 08-31-2005 06:55 PM

Re: ?????
i wish i were that careful with my things.. :p

Sin 08-31-2005 10:19 PM

Re: ?????
lol..well u knwo once i was playing FFix from the bigg right and saw a glitch in the game when the title fmv come up with the airship it kinda got stuck there for a sec..i was like...:|....and then i took the cd out right away..and well what i saw was..well my face was liek this:eek::eek::eek: there was a bigg @zz scratach on it...dude i had a heartattack...i cleaned it alot but not much u knwo kinda worked for a bit liek a lil betta but still a lil glitch but now i gots a cd cleana but my ps..:| is busted damn! and i need to play FFIX!!!!! i seriously going crazy:(

Zeromus_X 08-31-2005 10:59 PM

Re: ?????
lol..i must be the only person here that isnt so careful with their stuff...i wish i could be all clean and careful n'stuff... :)

Sin 08-31-2005 11:25 PM

Re: ?????
i wish i could be all clean and careful n'stuff... THEN BE THAT KINDA PERSON!!

Zeromus_X 09-01-2005 12:25 AM

Re: ?????
lol...thats like asking a black mage to use holy... :D (i really hope that everyone here got that dorky as it was.. :D )

Sin 09-01-2005 12:30 AM

Re: ?????
*Laughs out loud*............................................. .................sike not..justy wanted to make you happy for a sec..;)

Xartex 09-04-2005 08:06 AM

Re: ?????
well if the ff9 cd broke because someone wasn't careful enough, it was neighter me or my brothers fault, we always but the cds where they belong after we've played, in the box... it was problably two cousins of mine who dosen't but them in their boxes, that includes our games when ther're visiting us, no matter how many times i tell them to put them in the boxes, they don't... it's very f*ing annoying

ShadowHeart 09-04-2005 09:00 AM

Re: ?????
Haha, yeah that is annoying :)

Coelie 09-04-2005 11:32 AM

Re: ?????
hehehe I bought almost all my ff games from my cousin (he played them all) :p

Xartex 09-04-2005 08:03 PM

Re: ?????
well, just hope your cousin was careful with those cds

Totorosama 09-21-2005 11:53 PM

Re: ?????
Moral of the story: Treat your CDs right and they will treat you right in return by entertaining you properly, without any bugs or errors. Duh.

gcarev10 10-06-2005 06:56 PM

Re: ?????
lsd ,lsd that you snifing i know and marihuana that is frist simptom of drags lsd baby lsd.

Avathar 12-02-2005 03:08 PM

Re: ?????
nono, i treat my cd's the right way, but there still remains a (minor) problem with my third disc of FF9: the movie sequences: they go freaking slow!!!!!!!! Too bad, since Terra looks cool, Alexander looks cool, ....

Phoenix Flame 12-02-2005 04:53 PM

Re: ?????
I've had that problem with VIII, IX, and VII - if it's not the disks you may need to upgrade your PS2 [to a new(er) one]. I did and now they work fine.

Zeromus_X 12-02-2005 11:00 PM

Re: ?????

Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
I've had that problem with VIII, IX, and VII - if it's not the disks you may need to upgrade your PS2 [to a new(er) one]. I did and now they work fine.

yes, im borrowing my friends newer (the smaller ) ps1, they work fine on that. i should get a ps2 for christmas...yay!! i get to play ffX!! another game to beat...

Phoenix Flame 12-04-2005 04:27 AM

Re: ?????

Originally Posted by Zeromus_X
yes, im borrowing my friends newer (the smaller ) ps1, they work fine on that. i should get a ps2 for christmas...yay!! i get to play ffX!! another game to beat...

All Right!!! Let me know if you need any help with the game (or I suppose you could just consult the forums) :p

I think you'll like it! It's my second fav. (next to VII of course) :)

gcarev10 12-04-2005 12:31 PM

Re: ?????
do you know that Gilgamesh is a 4 arm man in ff 9.

Phoenix Flame 12-04-2005 12:38 PM

Re: ?????

Originally Posted by gcarev10
do you know that Gilgamesh is a 4 arm man in ff 9.

Sounds...familiar, yes.

Avathar 12-04-2005 12:47 PM

Re: ?????
yes, offcourse. But you only get know his name at the end of the game, well, the treasure game that is.

Totorosama 12-07-2005 07:32 PM

Re: ?????
Where is this? I don't remember.

Avathar 12-10-2005 06:03 PM

Re: ?????
Well.... you meet him in a couple of places(since he's a thief that moves a lot):

first time you've seen him, he's called Alleyway Jack, in Alexandria, in the utter beginning of the game (he's the guy that explains Tetra Master)

second time he's in Treno, when you're back from Alexandria taking a break (he's in the seq. involving Eiko/Quina/Amarant)

third time you can meet him is in Daguerreo. When you speak to him, you can ask what your thief skill is, or you can play cards with him. The cardgame with him is special, 'cause he only plays with airship cards(and since i collected every card in the game, i played against him a lot; just for the invincible and others :D )

gcarev10 01-29-2006 12:08 PM

Re: ?????
Go on the internet and download the bug fix cd (u have bug on cd) i fix my ff 8 on that way , my problem was i dont have card mod and med lv up so i fix with that software that i think of u problem with cd ,but if u wont buy new cd. Lot cd on ff series have bug on cd i reed someware of that thing.

Squall Lionheart 01-29-2006 12:18 PM

Re: ?????
...isn't he the same as in FF8?

Tiny Bronco 01-29-2006 01:06 PM

Re: ?????
Your Disc is scratched up in that part. Try to clean it using something very soft. Very soft. Start at the center of the disc and brush outwards. Not in circles if this doesn't work you might have to get a new disc. This happened to me with FF7 in disc 1 slums. I just had to get a new FF7. I was able to buy a brand new one!!! I was lucky!

slimcloud 02-11-2006 10:17 PM

Re: ?????
you should all treat your cds like you treat your mothers with delicacey mmmmm!!!!xxx

Avathar 02-23-2006 09:12 AM

Re: ?????
Well, a character named Gilgamesh also appeared in (as far as i know) in FFIII, FFV and indeed FFVIII(= replacing Odin). But the Gilgamesh of FFIX, well, it also shares the cowardness of the other ones, but doesn't show much story, as in FFV. :D

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