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Seyluv 04-23-2007 10:56 PM

Sephiroth's Real Mother?
There was another woman, Sephiroth's real mother. Her name was Lucrecia, who is she really?

Seyluv 04-23-2007 10:59 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Oh crap, I posted this in the wrong forum.

jedi geoff 04-24-2007 05:27 AM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
haha oh dont worry it happens to all of us

Spec Highwind 04-24-2007 12:57 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Lucrecia Crescent is a scientist working with Hojo, and later his wife.

You should play Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus if you are interested in this part of the storyline.

Tifa-chan 04-24-2007 02:19 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Yea Spec is right.

Lucrecia is a female scientist who worked on the Jenova Project, alongside Professor Hojo and Professor Gast. She was Vincent’s love interest and was mother of Hojo's child-Sephiroth.

Lucrecia is estimated to have been born around 60 years before the events of the game. She worked as a Class A biotechnologist for the Shinra Electric Power Company under the direction of Grimoire Valentine, Vincent Valentine's father. Her thesis on Omega and Chaos had suffered much criticism and she was anxious to prove her colleagues wrong. During one of her investigations she happened upon the suspected location of the dormant Omega.

During the events before Final Fantasy VII Lucrecia was assigned as an assistant to Professor Faremis Gast alongside Professor Hojo in the town of Nibelheim. They were to investigate the excavated specimen (later known as Jenova) from the Northern Crater which was suspected to be an Ancient (Cetra). Upon analysis they falsly believed it to be a Cetra and attempted to extract its cellular DNA in order to artificially produce soldiers with the Cetra's abilities. She used her unborn child as the subject of the Jenova Project's first in vitro experiment despite objections from Vincent Valentine. During pregnancy, Lucrecia began receiving visions of the horrors her unborn son would commit, and in an untimely encounter, discovered Vincent shot by Hojo. Fearing for his life, Lucrecia exposed him to the stagnated mako which had been named "G Substance," causing the being known as Chaos to be absorbed into his body. Though his life was saved, he was left in a feral madness. Disgusted with all that she had done to those she cared about and the changes Jenova's cells had wrought in her own body, she attempted to kill herself. However, she was unable to easily die because of the presence of Jenova's cells in her body, and, thus, she isolated herself in a cave and trapping herself within mako crystals located in a remote location. During the events of Final Fantasy VII she is discovered by Vincent and the others, and she asks if Sephiroth had died yet. Vincent hoping to help her rest in peace falsely tells her that he had died.

Quoted from Wiki

Seyluv 04-24-2007 06:44 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Ok thanks you guys for the info.

Does she have long red hair or was that somene else I saw?

Spec Highwind 04-24-2007 07:02 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Brown hair. One of my favourite characters ever designed by Square. (Not the one from FFVII, but the one from FFVII: DoC, of course :P

Seyluv 04-24-2007 07:17 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Oh ok, I see clearly now

Tifa-chan 04-24-2007 08:15 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
^__^ Glade it was all cleared up for you. Yea she is the one with the brown hair. In a high pony tail. I know who you are thinking of when you said red hair. That was Shalua Rurie(sp?) she is a scientist who works for the WRO with Reeve. She is also the older sister of Shelke.

Seyluv 04-24-2007 08:20 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Oh Sephiroth's mother was a human right?

Tifa-chan 04-24-2007 08:21 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
yes. Accually, the Sephiroth that Lucrecia gave birth to IS NOT the real Sephiroth! He is a clone of the real Sephiroth who died years before! Just wanted to clear that up XD

Seyluv 04-24-2007 08:28 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
I knew that Sephiroth was a clone and the real one died long ago.

This Lucrecia thing is new to me I only knew of her because of something after the FFAC movie. I didn't even have Vincent in my party so really I had no way of knowing.

Tifa-chan 04-24-2007 08:51 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
ah makes sence

Zeromus_X 04-24-2007 09:52 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Moved to Final Fantasy VII forum.

Tifa-chan 04-25-2007 12:01 AM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
thank you ^__^

Gackt Camui 04-25-2007 02:27 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
I have no idea why anybody would listen to anything wiki has to say. They have been wrong countless times, so why people still rely on their information is beyond me.

Tifa-chan 04-25-2007 10:13 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
It's not always wrong kelley

sora3112 04-26-2007 09:19 AM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
how do u no abbout sephs mother?

Tifa-chan 04-26-2007 01:00 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
um playing the game and reading articals from the creators themselves.

Gackt Camui 04-28-2007 12:28 AM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Okay the creators yeah..but way. If you ever want to prove something to me...make sure the info you have is not from Wiki

Tifa-chan 04-28-2007 01:52 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Well yes and no. Wiki can be both right and wrong, just depends on who wrote it and altered it.

Gackt Camui 04-30-2007 12:46 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
And seeing how you don't know the person well enough to know if they are being real or stupid...I don't trust it.

Tifa-chan 05-03-2007 05:05 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
*shrugs* each to their own I guess

Gackt Camui 05-03-2007 07:42 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
I know I know each to there own...I think the only thing they have ever gotten right was Gackt's birthday.

Dead Pepper 05-04-2007 06:30 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
I use Wiki to write all my essays, which is probably why I don't pass things, lol.

I know Lucrecia was Sephiroth's Real mother and all, but to me it kinda seems like he's just a big mess of Hojo, Lucrecia and Jenova. They kind of all had a hand in it. So in a way, Sephiroth was right, Jenova was his mother kind of, but Lucrecia was more so.

And who the hell would sleep with Hojo? He's like... *greasy hair!* *Glasses* *Eww!*

Gackt Camui 05-04-2007 06:39 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
I know right....well hey some girls don't go for looks, they like money too.

Tifa-chan 05-05-2007 09:07 AM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
But I don't think Hojo had a lot of money XD Something we will never know I guess, enless...she was forced into it...*badmemories* Kay not going their! that is growse!

Well either way...Sephiroth is just a replica. Story tells the real Sephiroth was even more of a bad a55 then Sephiroth 2!

Gackt Camui 05-06-2007 08:37 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
He probably was. Either way he is my smexy sephy.

Tifa-chan 05-06-2007 09:08 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
lol then Cloud is my Sexy Cloudy!

Gackt Camui 05-07-2007 12:18 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
You can have Cloud, you can even have Sephy. I'll take Reno and Loz lol. Even though Cloud is better looking than Loz, you have him already so thats okay. I have Reno. And and I claim Vincent, sawwy lol

Tifa-chan 05-07-2007 06:11 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Cloud and Sephy and Kadaj for meh!

Gackt Camui 05-08-2007 12:38 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
I'll take the first Kadaj. :D

Tifa-chan 05-08-2007 06:30 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Well you can't have em! I already called them! so nah nah na!

Gackt Camui 05-09-2007 05:23 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Fine you can have them. I'll take Reno and Vincent and Gackt. :D

Tifa-chan 05-09-2007 10:13 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
I get Kim. Hyde and Miyavi then! Don't forget Toshiya!

Gackt Camui 05-10-2007 11:34 AM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
I don't really want Kim. He's hot but he screws to many people. And hyde well why have hyde when you can have Gackt. Miyavi isn't worth fighting over and neither is Toshiya. The band is what counts stop giving him all the credit. So Gackt, Shunsuke, Lee, Jason and I are all content so there!

Tifa-chan 05-10-2007 04:10 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
*stickstoungeout* Your opion! MINE MINE MINE! NAY NAY NAY! XD lol You love me!

Gackt Camui 05-17-2007 12:09 PM

Re: Sephiroth's Real Mother?
Yes it sure is. lol. Neways....I think maybe if Sephy had a "real" mother that raised him with loving care and kissed his booboos when he got hurt...he would probably turn out to be a nice caring guy that would make a great father and husband! lol

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