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Arkacia 06-08-2007 06:13 AM

I need your ideas.
As you've all no doubt seen, the forum is losing activity. We all need to put our thinking caps on and try to brainstorm some ideas to get things here interesting again to bring the old people back, and new ones in through the door.

Some things I've thought up, or seen posted in the admin/mod secret area are..

New forum areas for other games besides FF.

Getting rid of the Spamtastic forum, and replacing it with an IRC instead. You can all chat to each other on that in real time. That will keep the forum for proper discussion subjects that encourage people to post.

Updating the forum, and finding a new, and hopefully better, version of the RPG.

So, let me know what you all can come up with. All ideas are welcome, don't think something you think up won't be accepted. There is no such thing as a stupid idea :).

ThroneofDravaris 06-08-2007 08:02 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
Merge with a larger, more successful forum.

Phoenix Flame 06-08-2007 08:38 AM

Re: I need your ideas.

... :o

I disagree. Just because a forum is larger doesn't mean they are more or less successful than FFNet. We are a success. Hands-down. The only time you fail is when you don't get back up. We haven't even really 'fallen-down' either. So what if a few people leave - we'll go on because we have great members and staff, we care about the forum and FF WILL NVR DIE! Muahahahaaa.... ;arf

Kat 06-08-2007 10:27 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
we could update and advertise the forum,lol.
but Arkacia's idea sounds kinda fun =D
and a new PRG as she mentioned that should help a little too.
these aren't the only ideas i have lemme think some more then i'll post some more.

ThroneofDravaris 06-08-2007 10:48 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
If the activity (or lack there of) here wasn't considered a problem we wouldn't be posting in a thread about increasing activity on the forum.

Really, merging with another forum is the most practical way to fix this problem. Replacing the spam forum with IRC is nice for the members who already post on the forum but it's not going to pull more people in or lure any people back. The vast majority of forums have such features now days. Updating the RPG isn't really going to increase activity on the actual forums. Sure, you get 'gil' or 'exp' for posting or whatever but that sort of thing only ever breeds nonsensical spam posts, something this forum has more then enough of already.

The only way to get more members is to give people something they can't get on any other forum. EoFF has a large userbase, many of them (although not nearly enough) capable of creating genuinely interesting discussion topics. FFShrine has rather lax rules, leading to a casual (if particularly hostile) environment in addition to being packed to the brim with music downloads. Advent Children Forums has a URL name that by default will provide it with a lot of hits. What does FFNET have to keep people here? Well, not a lot: thus the lack of activity.

At the end of the day, the best way to attract more active members is to, well, have more active members. Obviously, this is a catch 22 situation, but merging with another forum is a way out of this and the only solution that I can be bothered to think of.

Luis 06-08-2007 12:20 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
If FFNet does not have such things (as in other Forums) to attract members, it will have to find one. If there are STILL members in here, that's for some reason. So, there's no need for a merger.
You don't have to bother thinking of this either, I don't think you may contribute with positive feedback.

Hydra 06-08-2007 12:24 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
I think, if anything, we'd merge as a last resort, when the forum is REALLY dying. I.E., most of our major members and staff leave. Even then, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I completely agree with Ark also, but I suggest we keep Spamtastic, as well as get an IRC chat. For a lot of reasons, really. The most easily seen one in time. The IRC will get pretty boring if there's no one to talk to on it, and hey, not everyone's on at the same time.

The more variety forum categories we have, the easier it'll be to be noticed. 'Cause, y'know, ANYTHING can get in Google. So, the more we....well, basically advertise and give variety to our forum, the easier information will be transferred to Google. So when anyone searches a specific subject, we'll be one of the first links/hits on the page.

A improved RPG hack would be good. =D I don't see a lot of people using it anymore. I do from time to time, but it's terribly boring, due to no new monsters to fight, since it takes a lot to level up enough to unlock them. That's why I made the thread in the Feedback and Suggestions forum.

So, yeah. I just agree with everything. :D

ThroneofDravaris 06-08-2007 12:31 PM

Re: I need your ideas.

Originally Posted by Luis
If there are STILL members in here, that's for some reason. So, there's no need for a merger.

People stay on forums where they are familiar with the other members. Familiarity isn't going to help you recruit people.

Originally Posted by Luis
You don't have to bother thinking of this either, I don't think you may contribute with positive feedback.

What exactly was 'negative' about my suggestion? It is, at the very least, guaranteed to get host of new members.

Luis 06-08-2007 12:46 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
Oh, sure familiarity helps! =D
No hostile environment means it's a good environment, thus a place to recomend to friends. It's not difficult to fit in here...
About that feedback, I didn't mean to offend you actually! XD
You don't seem to care much about the Forum (about the members either, indeed)... thus I thought about no positive feedback.

But I keep thinking that it is not a good idea. It is like, if all the 'minor' Forums merged with a larger one, because they're not so big. Merging with another Forum is like... giving up the actual one.

And I'm not giving up. ^^

blackstar 06-08-2007 12:52 PM

Re: I need your ideas.

Originally Posted by Luis
Oh, sure familiarity helps! =D
No hostile environment means it's a good environment, thus a place to recomend to friends. It's not difficult to fit in here...
About that feedback, I didn't mean to offend you actually! XD
You don't seem to care much about the Forum (about the members either, indeed)... thus I thought about no positive feedback.

But I keep thinking that it is not a good idea. It is like, if all the 'minor' Forums merged with a larger one, because they're not so big. Merging with another Forum is like... giving up the actual one.

And I'm not giving up. ^^

Im agreeing with Luis on this one :D (Braveheart baby!!!)
But in seriousness adding an im section and keeping the spam would be a good idea i agree with hydra and revamping the RPG could not hurt at all. I also agree with you that maby we should add some more specific sections for some different games other than FF.

ThroneofDravaris 06-08-2007 01:05 PM

Re: I need your ideas.

Originally Posted by Luis
Oh, sure familiarity helps! =D
No hostile environment means it's a good environment, thus a place to recomend to friends. It's not difficult to fit in here...

People don't see that sort of thing when they look at forums though. What they do see is a site with few active members and not a lot of discussion topics.


Originally Posted by Luis
About that feedback, I didn't mean to offend you actually! XD
You don't seem to care much about the Forum (about the members either, indeed)... thus I thought about no positive feedback.

I was not insulted. It's true that I have never really developed any real fondness for this forum, however that isn't to say that my suggestions to improve it are thought up arbitrarily, nor with counter-production in mind.

Originally Posted by Luis
But I keep thinking that it is not a good idea. It is like, if all the 'minor' Forums merged with a larger one, because they're not so big. Merging with another Forum is like... giving up the actual one.

And I'm not giving up. ^^

It wouldn't be a whole lot different then this forum taking on a variety of new members and staff.

If you are keen not merging with another forum then an alternative (although perhaps not as effective) solution would be to make a front site. Most of the more popular forums have detailed information on most of the Final Fantasy games such as walkthroughs and character data. Often, people originally visit these sites for FF information, then eventually begin to explore the forums later. Since FFNET does not have frontsite it is eliminating this potentially lucrative demographic.

Luis 06-08-2007 01:28 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
It feels so good to be quoted so many times... XD

But again, you didn't say anything I didn't know in your replies.
The fact that there're many other bigger forums does not mean that this one is going to die soon. There were already big forums last summer, when Hydra, Kat and many other members joined the Forum.


Originally Posted by Luis
And I'm not giving up. ^^

Anyone else has more ideas? :)

ThroneofDravaris 06-08-2007 01:42 PM

Re: I need your ideas.

Originally Posted by Luis
The fact that there're many other bigger forums does not mean that this one is going to die soon.

I don't expect this forum to die soon at all. More likely then not, this forum would continue along with the handful of members that still come here for as long as Shaggy is willing to maintain its existence. If I thought this forum was a complete lost cause I wouldn't suggest anything. No one would ever be willing to merge with a forum that has absolutely nothing to offer.

And I realize that members are still joining this forum and actually staying, however this doesn't seem to be at a rate higher then people seem to be leaving or becoming only partially active.

darkshadow2247 06-08-2007 02:08 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
All forums face a down time or slow period as some like to call it. This is the summer season in the Northern Hemisphere. This is usually where most of the inactivity of the entire year will come into play. People hit the beach, are out for longer hours, and just aren't at computers as much. If you're worried about the down time, don't. It's summer. It's a trend that happens in ALL forums.

Anyways, one thing I've noticed about most successful forums is that they have a main site attatched to it. This forum is a lone standing one, which means it has a forum only. When you go to places like gorrilla mask, they have a main site with lots of content. Then they have a forum behind it. The same goes with Photobucket.

This is not to say that a lone standing forum can't succeed, because it can. I've seen it happen. But what I suggest is a gimmick of some sort. This is a Final Fantasy forum, so I know content can be limited though.

Tifa-chan 06-08-2007 03:49 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
Place to post your fanfics, because mine don't fit in the post amount, um oh and an rpg section for people like me who rpg online! >.> god knows I need MY kinda rpgs. Maybe a section were we can talk about things WITH PICTURES!

Arkacia 06-08-2007 07:13 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
I really like the front page idea, and we have looked at that in the past. Both Shaggy and I however haven't done anything about actually doing it, obviously, but it is high time we did.

Yes, now I think it is time to get more on offer for visitors including walkthroughs, information ect. Make this more than just a mediocre chat forum. That will help attract new members, and give current members something substantial to add to the site.

Keep the new forum rearrangement/addition ideas coming. New games being catered to is something I think we not only could add, but should. Especially with new games constantly being released and becoming populour.

dappa 06-08-2007 07:32 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
It wouldn't bother me if spam tastic disappeared cause I think most of the threads suck, but I like that idea of a chatroom.

I think the mods and administrators should be more tougher on these nonsensical posts I have been seeing lately. That may make it more pleasant for people to read if they dont have to read rubbish.

darkshadow2247 06-09-2007 02:51 AM

Re: I need your ideas.

Originally Posted by dappa
I think the mods and administrators should be more tougher on these nonsensical posts I have been seeing lately. That may make it more pleasant for people to read if they dont have to read rubbish.

Amen to that.

That's honestly why I took a short hiatus from here. There was a lot of immature
"LEIK ZOMG ME 2!!!1!!"
like posting on here. I just thought when the member grew up a tad, I'd be back.

I'm not saying that as in this forum needs me, because it'll be the same whether I'm here or gone. But that puts off a lot of members.

Phoenix Flame 06-09-2007 04:38 AM

Re: I need your ideas. wai! RLY?! zOMGosh! XD!

Totally. I got totally frustrated (and no offence meant here) with all the k/j-pop threads, pics, and 'zOMG no way! Gackt!!! *dies*' posts littering our fair forum.

Then the 'anti-Asian' revolution started....<_< yeah - that was not cool at all.

I think that the Spamtastic section is great - I've told the mods and admins that I get my 15 mins. of laughter/day there. Sometimes silliness isn't bad at all...but I believe there is a responsibility that all of us as members have to keep insensitive, nonsensical posts out of ANY part of the forum....Use common sense when posting something on the forum.

This is a huge reason why my post count has gone wai down. I just won't comment on certain threads/discussions because it's flat-out ridiculous conversation. This will only get worse - I fear - with a chat option. Yes, this forum has some awesome members who keep it alive and make it fun; it also has the bottom 20% that aren't so fun (and you'll have that anywhere.) 80/20 rule.

Lastly: a few thoughts... I like the chat option overall - good way for us oldies to hang out and not blitz the spam section. I like the idea of a 'front page' with more options. Ie: Tabs for - Chat, forum, Walkthroughs, Pics, Members, More info about FFnet, Join, What's new, etc. It will look and BE more up-to-date. Lastly - I hope we never merge. We don't have to and WON'T if the trend last thought. Square hasn't put out a 'great' FF that's not online-based for a while. I think that once they do the FF forums will be more-alive again. I'm not sure what all we can put together for 'advertising' like Hydra spake...but it sounds good to me.


Doctor 06-09-2007 04:54 AM

Re: I need your ideas.

Originally Posted by darkshadow2247
All forums face a down time or slow period as some like to call it. This is the summer season in the Northern Hemisphere. This is usually where most of the inactivity of the entire year will come into play. People hit the beach, are out for longer hours, and just aren't at computers as much. If you're worried about the down time, don't. It's summer. It's a trend that happens in ALL forums.

Anyways, one thing I've noticed about most successful forums is that they have a main site attatched to it. This forum is a lone standing one, which means it has a forum only. When you go to places like gorrilla mask, they have a main site with lots of content. Then they have a forum behind it. The same goes with Photobucket.

This is not to say that a lone standing forum can't succeed, because it can. I've seen it happen. But what I suggest is a gimmick of some sort. This is a Final Fantasy forum, so I know content can be limited though.

*Nods head, totally agreeing*

Content shouldn't just be confined to Final Fantasy, though; it should expand to anything Square Enix. At least, that's what I think.

Extended game sections would be a good idea...I don't think that anything in Spam should be changed, though....I don't think that a live chat there would make much of a difference. It might even be more of an annoyance to some people, believe it or not.

I've always wondered, though; what's the difference between Forum Games and the spam section? maybe those two should be merged together. I don't see the point in keeping them separate.

Arkacia 06-09-2007 07:40 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
The live chat would be an IRC room that people join to chat if they want to. I'm not suggesting an on forum shoutbox type thing because they are annoying to the extreme.

The general quality of discussion does need to improve, so either stricter moderation (which I doubt most of you would like to see) or the forum itself changed so the topics themselves encourage more than idle chit chat posts.

I would like to see that IM/internet/SMS/Leet speak banned here to be honest. It is difficult to understand, makes the poster look 10 years old with an IQ of 20, and is just plain irritating to see. We can all read, write, and speak english, or we wouldn't be here. A possible addition to the standing forum rules perhaps?

Phoenix Flame 06-09-2007 07:56 AM

Re: I need your ideas.


Ok? o.0

I have no problem with that - perhaps with ONE THREAD being the exception - Hydra's creation '1337 t3!k c3nt3r' ( being that exception???

Luis 06-09-2007 08:28 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
Keep posting more ideas, I liked many of yours... I'm sure I'll think of some more than the ones I already suggested.

Spec Highwind 06-09-2007 09:17 AM

Re: I need your ideas.

Originally Posted by Arkacia
I would like to see that IM/internet/SMS/Leet speak banned here to be honest. It is difficult to understand, makes the poster look 10 years old with an IQ of 20, and is just plain irritating to see. We can all read, write, and speak english, or we wouldn't be here. A possible addition to the standing forum rules perhaps?

That's our deepest wish <3

And what about the 1337 Sp33k thread?

Tifa-chan 06-09-2007 10:30 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
So wait now everyone is anti asain? Well that makes me feel bad, I love asain people. *isnowmad* Reason's such a trator Gackt is a god!

I like the idea of walkthroughs and what not, what would really help the forum.

I was think though, what if we accually got a paid host for a site, and have the forum be a shoot off from it? You know like a website about the final fantasy series with lots of info and such? <--- Just an idea

Phoenix Flame 06-09-2007 11:35 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
I'm no traitor! ;ang

...and Gackt is no god.

I was just saying that spamming photos all over the forums and making several different threads for the same thing is nonsense.

Tifa-chan 06-09-2007 02:10 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
O_o there was only one thread though for Gackt, and one for Miyavi last time I checked. And Yes he is a god!

dappa 06-09-2007 02:53 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

And yes I agree with arkacia on posts which have all this internet sms slang, most of it I dont understand and makes it irritatiing to read thats why some threads I dont bother to read.

Arkacia 06-09-2007 05:03 PM

Re: I need your ideas.

Originally Posted by Spec Highwind
That's our deepest wish <3

And what about the 1337 Sp33k thread?

That thread will be fine, as it is in spam. If this new rule is introduced, and it probably will be, Spamtastic will be exempt.

darkshadow2247 06-09-2007 05:37 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
Commenting on a lot things mentioned in this thread:

The AOL kid speak should stop. You are losing a lot of members due to it. I used to be admin on another site but stepped down for various reasons, most being due to not being able to commit enough time, and we gathered random people from the Internet aged from 16-25, and asked them to comment on our site. We also asked them to give the number one reason why they wouldn't join. The top two reasons: Immature kids making immature threads that are nearly identical - userz wur tiipin leik disz.

I think the Spamtastic section should stay, but heavier modding rules on the other parts of the forum. People spam the other sections enough. They should keep it in the spam section. I mentioned it before, but a member said their posted count went due to spam. Same as mine. The point of a forum is to have fun. But remember, we're not 6 years old. Show at least a little maturity.

The front page - whomever it was that said it should be extended to all Sqaure Enix titles was smart. That's a good idea and it will bring in more members.

Spec Highwind 06-09-2007 05:40 PM

Re: I need your ideas.

Originally Posted by Arkacia
That thread will be fine, as it is in spam. If this new rule is introduced, and it probably will be, Spamtastic will be exempt.

Oh... I totally agree with that.

Tifa-chan 06-09-2007 10:31 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
At least someone liked my ideas. But were is the fun in taking away some things? Spam section is our little place to have fun, and everyone needs to have some fun, not always be serious. I mean yes there is always a time and a place to be serious, but 24-7? That is what ruins you life and relationships with others. If you can't lighten up once in a while, well then, O_o that's just weird.

Okay I am done, just try to see where I am comming from first please.

dappa 06-09-2007 10:58 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
I doubt they will remove anything. What I think they should do is not give out gil or add anything to a users post count when they spam in the spamtastic forum.

Another thing that people need to do and dont is read all the threads and see if what they are gonna say has already been said. I trawled through the ff8 forum earlier today and noticed that some of the older threads had the same subject material in them than some of the newer threads.

blackstar 06-09-2007 11:10 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
Im sorry if i piss some people off with this but some of you seem like you want to totally make this site a lock down on the fun section i mean yeah we have got really off track with a major spam overload but totally removing the spam section would lead me to want to leave because I enjoy the goofing off. But yes i do agree that we should enforce less spam on the other sections and an rpg thread for roleplaying might be kinda cool if we got it started. And one other suggestion would be to go through and delete alot of the absolutly DEAD threads and clean up a bit.

Tifa-chan 06-09-2007 11:34 PM

Re: I need your ideas.
I am in whole agreement with blackstar. Again like he said, not to be mean, but the way this is all going, it does sound like a lock down, and you may lose so members who are hear all the time due to it. Just my point of view.

Arkacia 06-10-2007 04:31 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
Calm down people. Nothing has been decided and everything here is only ideas. From the reaction so far, Spamtastic will be staying, but spam in the rest of the forum will be clamped down on. That is the whole purpose of this thread, for us staff to see what you the members are comfortable with changing, and what you aren't.

Zeromus_X 06-10-2007 04:55 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
I would definitely get rid of the Spamtastic forum and install an IRC client instead. A frontpage with walkthrough information and the like would also be a great idea, and I believe that I would actually contribute to such a thing. I think that would be just the thing to attract more people, though obviously we would have to all work together to gather professional-looking content.

Tifa-chan 06-10-2007 09:14 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
I have a question. In all honesty, not to be mean or anything by any means, but do all you really want/care about is more members? I mean I see we have people join all the time, weither or not they come back or not is a whole diffrent story. But if all you really want is more members, then what truly is the point of this forum? I used to be on another forum called Mizuiro, and all the own cared about what how many members she had, not how close nit the friends who were already there felt about the whole thing. For some forums turn into a form of a family, and close friendships. So from my experiance with forums and all, if all you want is more members, I fear the forum could go down hill.

Now as for ideas, I am sticking with my whole front page idea. I think that would help jazz the site up. My whole thing with it though, was make a real website for the Square titles, with info, pics, yadi yadi da, and have the forum shoot off from that. If you look at other Final Fantasy and square based websites, that is what they do, and they do soo well too. Perhaps maybe some of you are on a forum based from a website, like FFextream, and FFinsider, and know what I am talking about.

Again read and think before flying off the handle and all everyone. Just take a moment and breath if it upsets you. I care about this forum too, so I don't want to see it break apart for reasons, and things we cannot agree upon. I respect everyones opions, ideas, and points of view. I also respect all admins, and the job they are trying to do. I know because I am an admin on so many forums myself, what a pain it can be sometimes. Let's just all work together towards and outcome that everyone is happy with. I love you all. You are all my friends in my book. Ne?

Phoenix Flame 06-10-2007 09:39 AM

Re: I need your ideas.

Originally Posted by dappa
Another thing that people need to do and dont is read all the threads and see if what they are gonna say has already been said. I trawled through the ff8 forum earlier today and noticed that some of the older threads had the same subject material in them than some of the newer threads.

Actually, Dappa - I'm glad you brought this up.

It's been my intention to clear up those mangled posts/threads beginning with the FF's I know the most about (perhaps Zero, you can help with anything b4 VI as I still haven't even gotten through FF1.) I've just been bogged-down a little. I have some free time coming up so I'll do so.

Otherwise, I disagree that Spamtastic should go (as I've mentioned.) If a lot of the activity is in that section...there goes 90% of your activity on the forums...THAT in and of itself will lose us a lot of members. ;)

ThroneofDravaris 06-10-2007 10:12 AM

Re: I need your ideas.
Not necessarily. Removing the spam forum might encourage members to post in the other sections. Indeed, if activity there is what you say it is (I doubt it's 90% but I haven't counted. I can't bring myself to spend my time in there) then perhaps it would be a good idea to encourage people to stop posting their and instead focus their attention on a few of the other forums. The only difference between a general thread and a spam thread is one requires you to put some actual thought into what you post. If people really have so much trouble doing this, then perhaps this IRC chat room being discussed is exactly what they are looking for.

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