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The Dark Paladin 12-30-2004 02:15 PM

FFVI Trivia
Since I didn't see any threads in this area, i've decided to start a FF6 Trivia thread. Guess at the question, and then post another question. The first question:

Q: Which relic gives you the ability to regain HP as you walk around?

FFnut 12-30-2004 05:18 PM


Which is the only Esper to teach the spell "Merton?"

The Dark Paladin 12-30-2004 06:22 PM

An excellent question! The answer to that is Crusader.

Q: What item must you wager in the Colosseum, to fight against Siegfried?

FFnut 12-31-2004 12:01 AM

Toughie... I'm gonna go with... Megalixir?

There is a theory that Gogo is a (not-so) famous political figure. What is said political figure's name?

...If that's too hard, how about - what do you get from Lone Wolf if you save him instead of Mog in the World Of Balance?

The Dark Paladin 12-31-2004 05:49 PM

Congratulations, Megalixir is the correct answer! As for your question, if you save Lone Wolf, you get the gold hairpin.

Q: Which two espers teach you the spell Meteor, and what are the learning rates for the spell, for each esper?

FFnut 12-31-2004 07:49 PM

Odin x1 and Crusader x10.

By how many times does the Offering multiply your attacking?

On a side note, it's great to have someone else who's played FF6 on these boards.

The Dark Paladin 01-04-2005 09:44 PM

the Offering relic allows your character to attack four times, in one turn, also known as the XFight command.

Q: What are the three magic spells that hit the enemies, and your party members?

ShadowHeart 01-10-2005 11:06 AM

No idea. Just wanted to say that I've played FF6 too, and liked it, but not enough to remember the answers to any of these questions :)

atmaweapon31685 01-10-2005 07:23 PM

FF6 is the greatest Final Fantasy in existence. It was my first to play and will always be the best in my eyes.

The Dark Paladin 01-12-2005 06:48 PM

Pardon my rudeness, but since this is a trivia thread, i would appreciate it if you post in this thread, to please have a guess to the question that comes up. Thank you very much.

FFnut 01-25-2005 08:44 PM

As for the question... um... Merton, W Wind, and... Quake?

What three bosses can you fight on the airship? (The attack on the Floating Continent and the World Of Ruin are where these are fought)

Zynk 03-17-2005 06:18 PM

DeathGaze or something like that the mob that gives you Bahaumut....
Master Chupon and his Ocopus friend-"I'm going give him a BLITZ!"- Sabin

Coelie 04-26-2005 12:37 PM

The Dark paladin : Q: Which two espers teach you the spell Meteor, and what are the learning rates for the spell, for each esper?

FFnut : Odin x1 and Crusader x10.

I must say this is wrong......It's Odin x1 and RAIDEN x10

FFnut 04-26-2005 05:28 PM

The only spell that Raiden teaches is Quick. Crusader teaches Meteor at a rate of x10 and Merton at a rate of x1. Please get your information straight.

Coelie 04-27-2005 08:08 AM

yeah ur right sry....rememberd wrong :P

Zeromus_X 07-27-2005 03:54 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
a response to gogo being a political figure: Adlai Stevenson. i think he was a governer of illinois.
sorry to interrupt the thread - -,....

leviathan's flare 11-20-2005 04:55 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
what is the one thing that Gogo can't copy or mime?

Zeromus_X 11-20-2005 02:50 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia

Phoenix Flame 11-27-2005 06:41 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia

Originally Posted by Zeromus_X

This is correct.

Two parter - 1) Who is the character you have to fight in the Arena and 2) what item do you have to wager and what do you get for winning the battle?

ShadowIsGod 02-08-2006 04:59 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
!.) Shadow 2.) You bet the Striker and you win a Striker and shadow joins your party

Avathar 04-20-2006 06:48 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia
..reasoniamalive hasn't been coming for a while, now.
And you're right! :D

What is the first weapon of Terra? :)

Zeromus_X 04-20-2006 09:21 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Mythril Knife/ Dagger/ Dirk?

Avathar 04-21-2006 06:10 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
The mythril knife! :D Correct!

What's the name of Clyde's companion appearing in Shadow's dream? :)

Zeromus_X 04-21-2006 08:20 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Baram. (Reference to 'Bonnie and Clyde', two American west train robbers.) Name an Esper that gives +50% HP of HP growth during a level up.

LoneWolf 05-06-2006 01:42 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Bahamut, How many dragons must you kill in order to get the esper Crusader?

Zeromus_X 05-06-2006 02:31 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Eight :)

Likewise, name an Esper that gives +50% MP to your MP growth during a level up.

LoneWolf 05-06-2006 05:22 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Crusader :D , Who were the 2 espers that you could buy at the jidoor auction house?

Avathar 05-06-2006 07:08 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Zone-Seek and Golem?

What are the names of Cyan's wife and their son?

LoneWolf 05-06-2006 08:45 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Think its Elayne and Owain.

There are 2 ways to get sabins Bum Rush blitz, one of them is getting to a certain level. What is the other way?

Avathar 05-06-2006 11:50 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Finding Duncan in the World of Ruin?

LoneWolf 05-06-2006 11:56 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Correct. Your turn avathar. (didn't know if I should have done an edit or not please let me know, thank you)

Avathar 05-07-2006 06:57 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
When i made my last post here, i couldn't think of a question. :P

Where in the World of Balance can you find a Chocobo Forest? :)

simi87 05-10-2006 08:51 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
i'll give up... where is it?

Avathar 05-10-2006 03:22 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia
It's east of the Empire's Capital. ^^

How many years are between the Magi War, and the events in FF6?

simi87 05-11-2006 03:36 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia
1000 years

Avathar 05-11-2006 03:56 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Correct. :) Your turn if you feel like posting a question. ^_^

simi87 05-11-2006 04:23 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia
which is the effect of the magic Pep-Up (strago's lore)?

Zeromus_X 06-02-2006 10:13 AM

Re: FFVI Trivia
Since it's been awhile and you answered correctly anyway, feel free to create a new question Avathar. :)

Avathar 06-02-2006 01:35 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia
- At what Level does Sabin master the Fire Dance blitz?

- What is the name of the monster that you randomy get attacked by, while you fly on the Falcon Airship?

simi87 06-02-2006 04:40 PM

Re: FFVI Trivia
the monster is doom gaze.
i can't remember the level of sabin's firedance...maybe 20

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