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Andrew Scaves 08-05-2005 11:21 PM

The Krystal*Light Series
The krystal Light Series is a gaming series that I started. When it officially comes out, don't look for the name Andrew scaves that's just my character's name, anyway I'll be giving you a taste of Krystal*Light7 The Apostles. I'm not going to let you steal the original. Once Lyde makes the intro, I'll post the the first Chapter.

Lyde Lyde 08-05-2005 11:30 PM

Re: The Krystal*Light Series
Okay here's the criteria, after this post Andrew will be releasing Krystal*Light7 The Apostles Nick's Chapter1 The Panic. After he has succesfully finished it, I will post clarifying that that is the end of the chapter. After that you can post your opinions on it.

Andrew Scaves 08-05-2005 11:52 PM

Re: The Krystal*Light Series
Nick's Chapter1 The Panic
In the year of 2026 on the planet New Vera in the country of Rujca, there lies a man named Nicholas Schovitz. He is a 17 year old Caucasion male, his hair is untidy and black. His eyes are blue and his attire consists of a black long sleeve shirt, red jeans, black sneakers, and two finger cutted red gauntlets, with a red tathered cape. He's in his rundown wooden house with his family consisying of his father, mother and his 12 year old sister
His father's name is David, like his son he has untidy black hair, a thick mustache, and is the age of 38. His mother's name is Barbara, she is 37 with long brown hair. Finally, Nick's little sister's name is Rebecca, she has long black hair, blue eyes, and an angelic face that can pursuade the most hateful person to buy cookies from her. It is 8:15 at night, Nick and his father are eating in the kitchen while the two females are in the living room watching TV.
Nick and David conversing about a basketball game they've seen. Five minutes into it Rebecca and Barbara comes storming into the kitchen.
"David, the news just said that the Italvance army just invaded us!" shouted Barbara.
"What part?" David asked.
"Verding" barbara answered
"Verding, that's only two cities away, let's get going!" said David.
[INDENT]They sprint upstairs and immediately pack up nick and his father grabs their invers blades and heads downstairs. Inverse blades are swords that the blade is the handle and what is usually the handle is the weapon, longer than the blade. Nick's and David's inverse swords have an iron handle, shaped in a jagged manner, the handle is blue, long, and spiky.
As soon as they reach the bottom step, they head through the kitchen and out the side door. Outside it is taint and dark.
"We're going to the Verdums' house!" David commanded. They sprint off into the woods for half a mile. Once they got out they headed to a two story old wooden house. David knocks on the backdoor
"Who is it?" a male voice asks
"It's David!" David replied hastily. the clinking of locks being sounds and the door opens. A balding, brown haired, 38 year old, skinny man stands.
"Charlie we're being invaded by the italvance army said David.
"Really?!" said Charlie in fear.
"Yes, get your family, pack up, and get out of here!" David shouted.
The man scurried off into his living room where his family lies. Nick's family gets inside and locks the door. They enter the living room. Charlie and his family are now upstairs packing. A minute and a half later they come down the stairs with small suitcases. As they head to the backdoor, they hear the front door being pounded on by something heavy. As soon as they closed the door behind them they hear that the door has been knocked down.
"Damn, they're already here! said Charlie
"Where are we going?!' Charlie shouted. When he said that the sound of guns blazing came.
"We're going south, we'd be better in Calastan" said David.The two families, run into the woods heading south. For 3 hours they continue to avoid the Italvance army. They stop in a forest to to rest and make camp.
Marvin, Charlies son, has just made a fire, with him, Charlie, Nick, and David sitting around it. Barbara, Rebecca, and Charlie's wife Lisa, are sleeping in tents, but with Lisa on the open bare ground
"Nicholas, go around and cast a barrier spell, you can't be too safe" said David.
"Okay" Nick replied. He stands up and walks 3 feet around their camp, raising his hand while releasing a stream of light blue energy. He stops after circling once. Nick sits back down.
"Dad, what are we going to do, once we reach Calston?" he asked.
"We'll get jobs and one we have enough money, we'll take a ship to Arcana' David answered.
"only if the army didn't come so fast we could've ridden in my van" said Charlie.
"Nick, put out the fire, we better get some sleep" said David. Nick then gets up and puts out the fire by throwing dirt on it and stamping it out. They then follow the tree girls by going to sleep.

Andrew Scaves 08-05-2005 11:54 PM

Re: The Krystal*Light Series
The next morning the two families packs up and continues to head south.
"Daddy, what are we going to eat" whined Rebecca
"Just pick some berries or something, we have to hurry" said David. Rebecca runs about looking for berries to eat, as they stroll Nick Converses with Marvin.
"So how long do you think it'll take us to reach Calastan?" Nick asks.
"On foot, uhhh, probably a month" marvin answers.
"A month1" said Nick shocked by this answer. "You think we can avoid the Italvance army for a month?!" said Nick with shocktation on his face. Charlie looked back at him.
"Once we get to the mountains, I'll tame a heiker and we can fly for the rest of the way" said Charlie
"How far are the mountains from here?" Nick asked
[IMG]"About ten miles" Charlie answered.[/IMG]
"Ooh boy" said Nick. Rebecca starts charging up to them holding out her hands filled with purple berries
"Here, want some?" she asks Nick and Marvin. Nick and Marvin takes some berries from out of Rebecca's palms and eats them.
"Aaah, David a monster's coming!"shrieked Barbara.
Just then as all of them look ahead, a brown horse-like creature with dozens of twisted golden and green horns, comes galloping at them. David quickly removes his sword from its sheath and comes after the monster. David slashes it across the monster's rightside to its right-front leg. In response to this, it opens its mouth and fires an electric blast that hits David.
"David!" barbara gasped.
"Burn" says Nick. he ejects a ball of flame from his palm and it hits the monster in its eye, lighting its head. The beast wails while emmiting sparks, and falls to the ground dead. Nick goes over to his father whom is still sitting on the ground.
"You okay, Dad?" Nick asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine" David replied. He gets up onto his feet. "That little shock was nothing".
"What type of monster was that?"Rebecca asked.
"That was Exeldash" Nick ansewered.
"Pretty weird looking" said Rebecca, gazing at the monsters burnt head.
“Come on, let’s keep going” said David. The two families continue to stroll the forest.. Two hours later the party stumbles upon a large, wide, red and gold house in the forest
“Hmm, what’s a big old building doing in this forest?”Rebecce pondered.
“No, it’s a house” said Lisa
“Pretty strange looking house” Rebecca replied. It’s true though, it looked more like an ancient temple or a fortress than a house.
“Should we take a look?” Lisa asked
“No, the Italvance army could be inside!” said Nick.
“I don’t see any footprints or vehicle markings, so no one can be in there” said Charlie. “Besides, I need to dry off from this rain”.
“Alright, we’ll go in” said David. They enter the building. Inside it is dark and plain, the floor is wooden.
“Hello anybody here?!” David called out. His voice echoed in the distance.
“I thought no one would be here” said Charlie. They continue to walk the house. They stop coming to a doorway on their left. It leads into a kitchen
“Ooh a kitchen, hope there’s some food” said Marvin eagerly. He dashes into the kitchen, with the rest following. Marvin opens the refridgerator.
“Alright the fridge is packed!” he said. He immediately starts taking things out of the fridge. “Momma, you gonna cook us something?”
“We’re not staying here for long, the people who live here could be back any second, let’s dry off, take some things we need, and head out” said Charlie removing his glasses
“But we need food too!” said Marvin. Charlie puts his glasses back on and leaves out another doorway
“I guess we can cook, I am a bit hungry, these berries didn’t last” said Lisa.
“Can I help too?” Rebecca asked with eagerness,
“Of course” Barbara answered. Rebecca hands Lisa and Barbara a heap of ham, a can of turnip greens, and potatoes. They begin cooking. Charlie returns a little later with towels. He gives them out to Marvin David and Nick.
“Awww, didn’t I tell you we don’t have enoght time for that?!” he said.
“Just settle down nothing's going to happen” Lisa replied.
“Sorry, it’s just, it’s just” he stammered. Charlie sits down onto a chair. The women turn around and continue cooking. 25 minutes later the food is ready and they are preparing to eat. Lisa finds plates and silverware from out of a cabinet and drawer. And puts them on the table too.
Lisa, Rebecca, and Barbara joins the the boys to the table.
“Let us join hands and pray” said Barbara. They do so.
“O’ mighty God, bless us with the food we are about to consume, and please let us survive through this invasion, and if we shall die, let our souls be taken and sent to heaven, Amen” said David.
“Amen” everyone else repeated. They begin eating. Twenty minutes later they’re finish eating and preparing to leave.
“Take some of that food with us” David ordered. “Nick you go and find any weapons we or anything else that we can use’. The families head to the far back of the house. As they head to the far back, they hear a door being swung open hard.
“Someone’s coming!” said Charlie
“Draw your weapons” David commanded. He, Charlie, Nick, and marvin draws their swords and a pistol. Just then six soldiers dressesd in white green, and red uniforms, comes storming into the hall.
“ The Italvance army” Charlie gasped. They tried to escape but it was too late, they all were shot down except for marvin and nick who dodged the bullets.
“Die Rujca Scum!” shouted one of the soldiers. Nick casts three burn spells that hit two soldiers. They all are armed with shotguns and swords. Nick and Marvin get to their feet and marvin shoots a soldier with his pistol right between his eyes. The remaining soldiers fire
Nick deflects the bullets with inverse sword with great speed. Marvin has been shot dead. In rage Nick sets the floor to fire and casts a shock spell throught the flame. The shock spell sends a small spark from Nick’s palm. The fire surprises the soldiers.
He now casts a hydroga spell that erupts an atrocious amount of water, putting out the fire and and crashes the soldiers hard into the wall. Nick now grasps his sword with both hands and stampedes to the soldiers. He hacks the soldiers to death in anger to the murder of his family and Marvin’s Nick approaches his family and kneels down, sobbing.
Just then four more come armed with melee weapons. Nick hears them and in response he goes beserk. With rage of fury he cuts the soldiers asunder with ease. He is now panting with tiredness. He looks over his shoulder and re-enters the hall.
He goes over to the deceased families and takes their bags. He leaves the house. Outside there is two fort vehicles that the soldiers arrived in. Nick begins to enter the vehicle before he realizes something.
The vehicles are painted with the Italvance colors. He thought that if he was driving it, Rujcans would retaliate, so he he re-enters the house. He comes back with a bucket of blue paint and a brush. On the sides, hood and rear of the car, reads Rujca. He gets in, cuts it on and drives off , as he does an asian family approaches the house.

Lyde Lyde 08-05-2005 11:56 PM

Re: The Krystal*Light Series
That was Krystal*Light7 Nick's Chapter1 the Assault, post here for a while and he will soon be releasing Vincen's Chapter1 The Assault

Andrew Scaves 09-12-2005 09:51 PM

Re: The Krystal*Light Series
Lyde you have it all wrong it's the Panic, not the Assault.

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