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Seyluv 12-21-2006 04:48 PM

Is it right to cheat on someone you is in a relionship? Have you ever done this? Would you ever cheat?

For me I believe it is wrong to cheat on someone. I will never do this act or will ever plan to do such a thing.

John Smith 12-21-2006 04:53 PM

Re: Cheating
No, no and no :)

I'll forever hate who does it.

Seyluv 12-21-2006 04:55 PM

Re: Cheating
Right now two of my classmates are talking about how they cheat on their girls and how everyone is doing it. Which help me create this topic.

I strongly am against cheating, I mean why would I do that to someone.

Staircase 12-21-2006 05:26 PM

Re: Cheating

Originally Posted by John Smith
No, no and no :)

I'll forever hate who does it.

My exact thoughts...

It isn't true love if you are tempted to be with another woman, so why stay with the person you are cheating on in the first place?

Kiera 12-21-2006 06:07 PM

Re: Cheating
Well I know its something most of you all do not like, I do not like it either its horrible. But the thing is, if the person you are dating before marriage, if they cheat on you, no one is to tell them not to. They make their own choices and if they do cheat on you and try to cry back in your arms to have both of you, to either leech off of what you ahve or just like to play games, that is their choice. Plus if they do that, its also not right to hate them for it, they are not the person for you. Even though you thought they were. Now if they were married to you, that is a different story.

Avathar 12-21-2006 07:00 PM

Re: Cheating
No, NO, NO!

Cheating is never good, in my opinion, even if it's cheating for a good reason, or for good intention, or if the significant doesn't figure it out, it all would just come down to failure in trust, no matter what.

Kat 12-21-2006 07:33 PM

Re: Cheating

Originally Posted by Avathar
No, NO, NO!

Cheating is never good, in my opinion, even if it's cheating for a good reason, or for good intention, or if the significant doesn't figure it out, it all would just come down to failure in trust, no matter what.

quoted for the truth ^-^

John Smith 12-21-2006 09:02 PM

Re: Cheating

Originally Posted by Avathar
No, NO, NO!

Cheating is never good, in my opinion, even if it's cheating for a good reason, or for good intention, or if the significant doesn't figure it out, it all would just come down to failure in trust, no matter what.

I wouldn't have said it better myself :)

BTW, Kiera, if you had a boyfriend and he was cheating on you, how would you feel?

Seyluv 12-21-2006 09:18 PM

Re: Cheating
One ogf my best friends was cheating on her boyfriend with two other guys and then it caught up with her. She was to get married to this guy and he cheated on her two times in a row. One time in her very owned bed. I believe that if you do something it will come back on you. I treat everyone I know with the same respect they give me.

Phoenix Flame 12-22-2006 09:17 AM

Re: Cheating
Ok,...time to own up. Maybe someone will learn something from my experience. Last year I cheated on my gf. It did not come to sex...but might as well have because that's how she felt. She has always had a difficult time with trust and to do something like that to her was trust shattering. I believe what Avathar said about not doing it even for the 'right' reasons. It may seem right to you at the time, (for me it felt right because of anger, misunderstandings and insecurity) but you will inevitably ruin everything...your self-respect, self-image and feelings of self-worth. It really sucks. I eventually came clean because I really did/do love my gf and wanted to put it all behind me. I hoped that we could work things out and for a short while (a week or so) it worked. Afterwards, though, she couldn't handle it anymore and broke it off with me. I was devastated. I went from thinking she was the one, to unsure and confused (cheating) to being 100% sure, to losing her...I thought for good. However, after about 3 months of silence, she called me one day because her good friend AND grandmother passed in the same week - and she needed someone to talk to. I was there for her and we've been rebuilding trust ever since. It's been a long, difficult journey: but very worth it. I love her and know that there is nothing that will ever tear me away from her like that again...I would even understand it if she decided to cheat on me (for similar reasons or for revenge or just because.) No one deserves what I did to her. Every day I wake up I remind myself of it ~ because I don't want to repeat the past. I mostly use it as a rear-view mirror, but every once in a while she will be insecure and ask me again how she can be sure I'll ALWAYS be there for her, and "I just know" doesn't cut know? I know because I would rather die/kill myself than lose her again. I know because I'm writing this post now. I know because she is my Sun - the center of my universe. I know because EVERY SINGLE DAY WE WERE APART I thought of her and missed her and longed for her. She is my ewe lamb. My partner and my lifesaver.

So, er...John; do you forever hate me?

John Smith 12-22-2006 02:57 PM

Re: Cheating
Yeah :mad:

If she forgived you, it's her bussiness, but I don't understand why you cheated on her if you loved her that much.


Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
Afterwards, though, she couldn't handle it anymore and broke it off with me. I was devastated.

And she did a very good thing.


Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
However, after about 3 months of silence, she called me one day because her good friend AND grandmother passed in the same week

My feelings :(

Spec Highwind 12-22-2006 03:03 PM

Re: Cheating
One of my best friends is always cheating on his girlfriend... And I hate that... If he hadn't gone to Switzerland I would make him tell her the truth... or else I would tell her myself.

So, my answer is no. Definitely not. And it is the worst thing someone could ever do to me.

Staircase 12-22-2006 07:52 PM

Re: Cheating

Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
So, er...John; do you forever hate me?

There is a big difference between those who cheat and realize what they have done, and those who cheat and continue to do it. I will forever hate those who cheat and do not see the wrong in it. It is as if they do not care about anyone else's feelings at all.

Obviously it was a bad idea for you to cheat on your girlfriend, but you also realize your mistake.

John Smith 12-22-2006 08:01 PM

Re: Cheating
Still, he has done it and nothing can happen that erases that. Nothng can happen to make so that it had never happened. Nothing can take it out of their memories (Except amnesia, but that's another thing >_>).

Yes, it's a good thing that he realised what he had done and that what he did was wrong. It's a good thing that he feels bad about it. It's a good thing that he bares in mind the horrible thing that he did to his girlfriend.

If she forgived you, who am I to judge you?

By the way, you two are back again, aren't you?

Phoenix Flame 12-23-2006 01:00 AM

Re: Cheating
Yes. We are together. And thank you Staircase for your point of view. I have definitely grown to appreciate all that has happened, for it has made us stronger as individuals, as well as a couple.

Yes Smith, you are right: nothing can ever erase that from our memories, but God (with the help of time) can heal a lot of wounds and make lemonade out of the most sour of lemons.

BTW: You are still my favorite wizazard :D

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