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alfaitha 05-20-2005 03:45 AM

The One Thing i didn't like about FF8
I loved Final Fantsy VIII to death; it is my favorite Final Fantsy game. But there is one thing about the story that continues to irritate me everytime I play it. I hate the little twist in the story that relates the characters according to fate because they all apparetly (except Rinoa) grew up together in their early years. That just takes away so much from the characters as far as their history, development, diversity, and individuality; as opposed to FF7 in which all of the characters have distinct and interesting backgrounds. That's why that scene in the busted up Trabia basketball court is the worst part of the whole game for me.

ShadowHeart 05-20-2005 03:59 AM

I thought it was a bit cheesy myself, but I can live with it :) My sister was watching the first time I got to that part, so if I ever play FFVIII when she's around, she asks if I'm playing that game where all the characters find out they were childhood friends lol.

Gumdrop 05-20-2005 04:52 AM

Yes, that part of the game was awful its one of the things I dislike the most about FF8. For me the other realy bad bit in FF8's story was definatly when the Garden flew out of the way from the missiles, I know its supposed to be fantasy but thats still one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in a game.

ShadowHeart 05-20-2005 05:10 AM

Aye, the Garden thing was a bit stupid too. Flying shelters? Ah well, it goes well with the story anyway, how else were they supposed to evade the missiles? :)

Gumdrop 05-20-2005 04:31 PM

how about stopping them lauching in the first place? or changeing their course in time? two much better ways than having flying blue buildings that you can steer around like cars.

alfaitha 05-20-2005 04:55 PM

hahaha, yeah, the flying garden thing bothered me a little too, but I also thought it was a little fun. Who'd think they'd escape by flying the entire garden structure.

xoBabyGurl22ox 05-21-2005 08:00 AM

Well yeah just seeign it pop out of the ground is kidna weird. But yeah it is a good way to evade teh missiles but kinda stupid. And that basketball court that got on my nerves it was too long! :mad:

Wezzy 05-21-2005 08:37 AM

i agree the basketball bit was very long and annoying and it's not interesting at all, plus there backgrounds are all crap.

ShadowHeart 05-21-2005 10:13 AM

Actually, yeah you're right HC. When I first went to the Galbadin missile base, I assumed they'd stop the missiles completely or at least change their course.. all they did was set an "error rate" or whatever to the maximum, and such a setting is absolutely retarded. Think about it. Who would make it possible to increase the chance of your missiles missing? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Another thing I always wondered about is what actually happened to the missiles. This huge cloud of smoke surrounds the garden, and the missiles fly right into the middle of it, and it takes a while for the garden to come out of that smoke. Even if the missiles had missed the garden, and hit the ground, they do cause an explosion on impact.. but the garden comes out undamaged.

alfaitha 05-26-2005 07:05 PM

Yeah, that pissed me off too. I mean error ratio, are you serious? Yeah, it was pretty stupid to have a flying garden. I guess until you get the Ragnarok, you would have to take the subway everywhere. :)

squall7468 10-17-2005 04:08 PM

Re: The One Thing i didn't like about FF8
yea the only thing we really no about rhinoa is that julie is her mother the one laguna likes and generall callaway is her father doesnt give her past in the game

squall7468 10-27-2005 09:04 AM

Re: The One Thing i didn't like about FF8
btw to make sum really nice exp go to the island closes to hell and for the most ap go to the island closes to heaven i just found out about it and its really good wat to lvl up and all

~Hidan~ 10-27-2005 04:03 PM

Re: The One Thing i didn't like about FF8
I wasnt a fan of any of the flashbacks in the game, it just made me frustraited and wanting to get on with the game.

Luis 10-27-2005 06:46 PM

Re: The One Thing i didn't like about FF8
I liked the entire game. It's a fantasy game, so although the fact that all the characters were together when childs, and then they all find themselves again, is for me not more than a funny event. It doesn't make sense in a real way, of course!! But it's a fantasy game. But I understand what you mean.

Zerlina 10-27-2005 08:32 PM

Re: The One Thing i didn't like about FF8
Am I the only one who just completely hated FFVIII? It was completely shallow. You could dig for things in FFVII, and FFIX was a classical telling of the heroic journey. FFVIII was just terrible. The FMV graphics and backgrounds were good though, I guess.

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