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Leon 10-04-2009 02:17 AM

So umm.. yeah!
i had this idea before and I suggested it to sephi but i dont remember why suggestin was shot down; bout makin kind of a short story (or maybe one that'll keep having sequels if it meets success) usin actual members who liven -or used to- liven up the place; i remember alot of people n their characters that I'm considering including thought not all will have same effect on plot, some "have" to be sidekicks (i KNOW i'll get kicked flat for this -.-"), mostly it'll be about the newer generation that's postin'ere as now i've been around'ere long enough to know which r the veterans n which r the relatively new ones n for how long each have been postin n also learnned some o the history behind this place (not even halfway through, i admit it {avathar n hydra spam too much}), n when did each's activity stop

so anywayz ppl i'm thinkin o usin so far r in no particular orderz or even correct spelling (will be coorect in plot ^.^;) :
the portuguese duo (spec n JS)
zana (i DONT CARE, this iz what i wanna call j00 >.<)
almost forgot darkshadow#

and i can't forget a definite villain kb :D :D :D!

comment or suggest other ppl that i might know (know well enough to include, sry, but it would be WAY hard to include new forum joiners ppl 4 nao, srysrysrysrysrysry..)

A'course as the egomaniacle imbecile that i am, it is only right to assume the main guy's role XP (i HAS to get teh girl TOO, no teh girlZ XDDD)

i'll try to make i come out as good as it can beeeez; i may even include some unnamed -yet recognizable- references o' other ppl and mebee even a few famous incidents or trademarks around ;P
even if none o' these guyz come back, it'll b another one o mah tributes to this place (member tah movie? still have it.. somewhere? ;)

kinda flahsbacks me into that time i made that speech into a very similar period n situation too last year: (feel free to compare it to this following cute speech ^.^)
Yeah, so the forum isn't all that active. Some members are still leaving and not many are coming and that's aside from the spam bots still. This RP section's last group activity was too much of a long time ago, and I've never seen any of the members who posted in it online exception to sephiroth recently this time. I've been here for only 2-3 days but now i know enough about many here and there's a chance the whole forum will become a ghost town if activity keeps dropping,

And now.. one year later as i stand here n see it, it's still not stoppin me, i'll b startin the moment i figure out the plot (startin sketches tomorrow) should b ready round the 22nd by the time i get that lil story ready t go

rissole25 10-05-2009 05:10 AM

Re: So umm.. yeah!
Hmm that sounds like a good idea

Leon 10-06-2009 04:01 AM

Re: So umm.. yeah!
m so stuck assignin roles so far, too much pressure @_@

but i look so cool defyin all teh inactivity oddz lolz :p

rissole25 10-07-2009 04:14 AM

Re: So umm.. yeah!
yea i just joined up and its so quiet.

Why no-one post here anymore?

Leon 10-07-2009 10:21 AM

Re: So umm.. yeah!
it's just a matter of time,

if i know these guyz even a lil, they'll check back every few weeks, n if there's even a doubt of something resembling activity (namely, me n u for teh time bein) they'll b back one by one ;)

but this place has lots of history u know, u can check some of it out of boredom if u want
yesterday i jus stumbled upon it n it made me feel great;

my beginnings in this place, and inevitably the birthplace of my everlasting conflict with kb (start from post 4300):

it may not intrest u as much but when i found it, i read it all the way to the end ^.^"

rissole25 10-07-2009 09:40 PM

Re: So umm.. yeah!
hm interesting

Leon 10-08-2009 12:20 AM

Re: So umm.. yeah!
yeh, n also..


heeeeey we gotta stay on topic >.<" (this isn't spamtastic)

~Hidan~ 10-10-2009 03:05 PM

Re: So umm.. yeah!
If you need a space to start this just let me know ^_^

Leon 10-11-2009 06:02 AM

Re: So umm.. yeah!
suuuuuuure, but first i gotta make sure its worth its own space,
soz when i get back from NYC n sort my stuff out, i'll start wit no special sections til i make sure its goin somewhere n that i'll b able to manage it smoothly

i did already start on some sketches, but what'z mentionned above'z pretty much all teh detailz so far; it's jus GOTTA turn out 2 b super cool :p

Leon 10-27-2009 05:25 PM

Re: So umm.. yeah!
well jus a lil update is that it'll be delayd a lil bit due to college exams, however i did manage to make it into a big plot wit endless posibilitiez ;)

can't set an exact startin time though :p

rissole25 10-27-2009 05:33 PM

Re: So umm.. yeah!
endless possibilities...sounds like it'll be a good story

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