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gcarev10 02-12-2006 12:15 PM

say what u say it is something or what for u who play theis game say something.

Zeromus_X 02-12-2006 05:37 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
i've played most of the video games, up to the 2005 tournament one. (since it's cheaper than using my money on real life cards that are really expensive...).

unfortunately, the yugioh video games have little to no replay value.

example: "whee! i beat everyone and got every card! what do i get?"
"you...beat everyone and got every card."
"that's it?! "


i dont really play tcgs that much anymore, all my magic and yu-gi-oh are in a shoe box somewhere....

Tiny Bronco 02-12-2006 06:39 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
I never liked any card game with monsters except for Magic.

baralai 03-01-2006 11:48 AM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
It's only a bunch of Crap!

darkmajinvegeta 03-04-2006 10:31 AM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
tiny bronco *****

gcarev10 03-05-2006 01:21 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
I dont agree with u 2 game is good and it is hard .
for Zeromus X

I reed that what u said good job.

Dragoon lord 03-12-2006 10:46 AM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
i never like card games so much but i like magic a bit...

Tiny Bronco 03-12-2006 01:41 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
I just hate games where there are a couple of numbers and whichever one is bigger wins. They bore me insanly. I used to like Yugioh and whach the cartoons but then it got so stoopid because there are like a thousand unstopable thing and so many super Gods and what not. It has become a huge marketing plore.

Magic however needs strategy and thought. Mainly it's good because it is consistant though. In magic everything has a purpose in some deck. There are only like 5 really really powerful monsters, but they can still be stopped. Magic makes sense to me.

Avathar 03-12-2006 02:12 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
Indeed. That's why i only keep myself busy with Magic ( :rolleyes: am also more of a collector than a player :D i love the graphics and artwork/And with some series, the background story :D (Urza :) ......)

I used to watch the Yu-Gi-Oh cartoons as well, though.....but not kinda dull....

darkmajinvegeta 03-12-2006 02:37 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
yu-gi-oh are a good card game (duel masters sucks!!!!)

Zeromus_X 03-12-2006 06:07 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
The manga is much better than the anime. (And the anime is bad because it has a horrible dub, different music and many things were cut out.) It's also filled with filler episodes, which is the bane of all anime.

I like the manga because it's bloody...:rolleyes:

gcarev10 03-19-2006 03:08 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
I mast say something abaut all thread put in this forum and that is that this game what i out is not a spam and some1 say that i mast explain game for exp: game story or something like that, i was thinking that u all will know game by her name i some1 not play game who i put in thread i will explain the game in short .


I am hoping that u all will understand that.

What u think when u say that free duel i not good that is only way to have good gard ok u can bay them but they have to much price for me.

So that is that i hope that was clear all confusion abaut threads.

Lyde Lyde 03-19-2006 05:50 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
I've played this card game not in a while though, it's based on luck, strategy, and a quick thinking mind. The rules are to simply clear your opponet's Life Points to 0. If you run out of cards from your deck you automatically lose.

gcarev10 03-22-2006 05:30 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
hey zeromus x
can u ask u 1 thing
how can i have Seto 2nd i fight with him ,he just don wont to fight with me after i won batle with Labirynth mage he just let me go through the door to fight with sebek and neku i dont understand why he wont to have duel with me.
i won all duel with mage in the shrine.

Zeromus_X 03-22-2006 08:10 PM

Re: Yu-gi-oh
Oh, Forbidden Memories. That was actually a pretty fun game to me. (Most people hate it though :confused: )

Actually...Seto should be the second or third to the final boss. (Or..fourth?) My memory's a little hazy regarding that game. Sebek and Neku are in that one maze right? So you're almost to the end of the game.

Since I'm not very knowledgable on the YGO video games anymore, I'd think this'll help you out:

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