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Yggdrasill 02-21-2007 05:09 PM

Opinions of XII.
I was just wondering if someone could give me their thoughts on FFXII, it's out in Europe in 2 days and I've got enough money to buy it, I'm still trying to choose between Okami and FFXII though. I've heard some people say that it's horrible and probably one of the worst FF's ever, is this true?
So could people give me their opinions on the game?

Btw, a side-question; Is this game incredibly linear.... like FFX?

Hydra 02-21-2007 05:33 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?

Originally Posted by Yggdrasill
I was just wondering if someone could give me their thoughts on FFXII, it's out in Europe in 2 days and I've got enough money to buy it, I'm still trying to choose between Okami and FFXII though. I've heard some people say that it's horrible and probably one of the worst FF's ever, is this true?
So could people give me their opinions on the game?

Btw, a side-question; Is this game incredibly linear.... like FFX?

I stopped reading right there.

Get FFXI. Nao.

Okami IS fun, but after one play through, you'll be sick of it.

As where FFXII, is incredibly fun, and you won't be making yuck faces at it for anytime soon. FFXII has more replay value, story, and gameplay than Okami will ever have. Okami is GOOD, but it's not great. It's only good for one time through, while you'll have fun with FFXII for ages. =D

Yggdrasill 02-21-2007 05:36 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?

Originally Posted by Hydra
I stopped reading right there.

Get FFXI. Nao.

Okami IS fun, but after one play through, you'll be sick of it.

XD, I thought "FFXI? What the?" Then I read on and knew it was a typo, yeah, I was thinking of getting Okami but I'll get FFXII now, afterall, I couldn't live with myself If I hadn't played every FF at least once. =P

Hydra 02-21-2007 05:40 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
Oops, silly me. XD Even if I wanted FFXI, my computer couldn't take it. =D

Yeah, totally buy FFXII.

Got it right that time. =D

Okami's great for a rent, but I made the mistake of buying it.

I was satisfied, until I finished. I didn't want to play it again. XD

Yggdrasill 02-21-2007 05:44 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
I wanted to ask this question as well; why exactly is FFXII a 16+? It doesn't seem to have blood or violence in it so the rating is a bit weird. XD

Hydra 02-21-2007 05:50 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
Well, you do hit stuff.

Seems like violence to me! XD

It is pretty groundbreaking too. Not that it has an effect on the rating.

I'm not sure how you rate it in the U.K, to tell the truth. XD

Sixteen is Teen, and it's T for Teen over here. =P

Wait till Fran goes crazy. XD.

Yggdrasill 02-21-2007 05:52 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
Just seems a bit weird. =P
Resident Evil 4 is a 15+ over here and yet FFXII is a 16+. WTF? XD
I think the age raters over here must have made a major mistake when rating FFXII. XD

Phoenix Flame 02-21-2007 05:57 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
Perhaps it is because you are wielding all matter of weapons and killing nasty marks and villians alike =D I disagree w/Hydra though. I found XII extremely unsatisfying - mostly because of the storyline...or lack thereof. There is simply not enough character or story development. Even later on, when the world is falling apart - there's no evidence of it ~ you can freely roam anywhere in the world without it blowing apart or w/o insighting mass hysteria (unlike 6, 7, 10, etc.) Be warned; however, as I was in love with FFX - you may not appreciate my review. I gave FFXII 6.8/10. It would have gotten a much better score with a little more work by the developers to get rid of some monotony, ditch the license board for something a little bit more exponential (like the sphere grid) and story/character development.

My advice: Borrow it from a friend or go in on it together to pass 1 1/2 months away kicking the crap out of baddies. You'll be happy, your friend will be happy, and you won't think you've wasted $50 US (whatever it is by you) + money for the guide...

Hydra 02-21-2007 06:04 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
I know, but his choices are of the two.

So, I picked the best one out of the two. =D

I agree with you on the story, but not on the license board though. That's about it though really. Still, as flawed as it is, it's a bit better than Okami.

If you take Reasons advice (which you should. XD!), still get FFXII. Okami's kind of a waste too. It's got an awesome story, awesome gameplay, and you'll have a good time with it, but only ONCE. Don't buy it! That sounds horrible, but don't! XD

Yggdrasill 02-21-2007 06:06 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
Yeah, I usually buy games which I'll play about 3-4 times before taking it back, if I'll get bored after one play-through of Okami then I'll avoid it. I certainly aren't paying £30 for Okami if I'm just going to play it once. =P

Hydra 02-21-2007 06:08 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
Then again, you might want to.

The story is so awesome though, I doubt you'd want to hype through the whole game, only to play through it again, knowing what'll happen and being bored.


Yggdrasill 02-21-2007 06:11 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
I only ever play through games more than once if it's an RPG, (I've literally played through FFIX 10 times, XD) I don't like the idea of breezing through a game a second time and knowing where everything's placed, how to solve the puzzles, etc.

Hydra 02-21-2007 06:14 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
Well, FFXII's for you then.

Okami's good, but has zero replay value. XD

Besides, FFXII is longer. =D

Yggdrasill 02-21-2007 06:15 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?
FFXII it is then. =P
Now....I have to wait till Friday to get it, dang. XD

Hydra 02-21-2007 06:20 PM

Re: Opinions of this game?

Originally Posted by Yggdrasill
FFXII it is then. =P
Now....I have to wait till Friday to get it, dang. XD

Dang. XD

You can still change your mind.

Either a quick, awesome game or a long, fun game.


Sounds hard to choose. XD

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