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Luis 08-12-2005 10:30 PM

What about Advent Children??
Ok guys, we know Advent Children will be released in September, we do know the plot(more or less)too,we know who the characters are,but let's go deeper. I've been told the movie will last about one hour and a half, in another forum. The movie will be released in USA in September, will it be also released in Europe at the same time? Do you think it will be available in many languages? By the way, I'll probably find the characters a bit stranges talking by theirselves..perhaps some of us had already imagined the characters with a certain kind of voice, so it will make it strange for us, doesn't it?
Anyway, does anybody know if it will be only for PSP or it will be released in DVD also?
I'd be very pleased if you answer my questions.

Luis 08-14-2005 03:57 PM

Re: What about Advent Children??
Ok...if anyone reports me some of these information I'd be really pleased...

Luis 08-17-2005 10:51 PM

Re: What about Advent Children??
Ok, I know many of you know this information...please give me a clue or something!! I need to know something of this about Advent Children!! C'mon wise guys, show me how much you know! Xp

Spiff 08-18-2005 11:07 AM

Re: What about Advent Children??
Patience :)

Release dates:

US Sept 15 2005
Japan Sept 16 2005
Uk & Europe January 2006

DVD for sure
PSP :confused:

~Hidan~ 08-18-2005 01:13 PM

Re: What about Advent Children??
It going to be kick ass, there, i gave you info, NOW GIVE ME A COOKIE!

ShadowHeart 08-18-2005 02:26 PM

Re: What about Advent Children??
No cookie for you!

Bah. Why do we Europeans always get things later than everyone else :/

FFnut 08-18-2005 03:27 PM

Re: What about Advent Children??
Everything's made in Japan and the Japanese give the Americans stuff first because they remember that we bombed them during World War II and they fear that we might do it again. Europe is more of an afterthought. :p

Luis 08-18-2005 03:59 PM

Re: What about Advent Children??
Thank you very much for the information Spiff. Ido NOT understand it Shadowheart, we'll have to wait 4 months to have it here!! Damn, I can't wait so long!!

Spiff 08-18-2005 06:54 PM

Re: What about Advent Children??
America = one language

Europe = dozen languages

ShadowHeart 08-19-2005 06:16 AM

Re: What about Advent Children??
Yes, but we Swedes only get English versions of games anyway (except for sports games like NHL and FIFA), for example, so we could technically get the game at the same time as the US (except I guess for the PAL conversion). And as for Advent Children, we only need Swedish subtitles, and speaking about movies in general, movies come out here generally around the same time as in the US (Spiderman 2 went up here the same day as in the US, just as an example, most "big" movies are like that). But I guess they want to synchronize the release dates for all of Europe..

SquallLionheart 08-19-2005 07:22 PM

Re: What about Advent Children??
anyone know if ac is going to have a game made of it 2???

Helkaweth 08-20-2005 09:18 AM

Re: What about Advent Children??
It's always released here in America first because as Americans, we consume more than any other country (other than China). I've got a friend working at Gamestop, and he says it'll be both on PSP and DVD. At first the plan was for only releasing it on PSP, but that would've been a major mistake.

And to answer SquallLionHeart's post, I'm fairly sure there will be no game accompanying it.

Luis 08-20-2005 05:14 PM

Re: What about Advent Children??
You're right, there won't be a game.
And the fact that Americans consume more than other countries doesn't satisfy my question, as benefits do not change (at least in this case) according to time. I find more understandable that the delay could be due to the translation to many languages (Spanish, German, French...)
Guys, everytime I watch the trailers again I get so impressed that I think I won't be able to wait anymore!XDDD

Ac][d-FyrE 08-28-2005 12:28 AM

Re: What about Advent Children??
ADVENT CHILDREN ROCKS, ive seen all the trainerz n read the story over, view, go Cloud, n the three clonez hehe n xxxx THAT geostigma it will b the end of us all hahaha

Sin 08-31-2005 03:29 AM

Re: What about Advent Children??
hell with with everything i need to watch the movie *CRIES*!!!!

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