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TherathxRikku 04-03-2010 06:43 AM

The Drug Thread
Most of us have dealt with someone addicted to some kind of narcotic, some have even been an addict themselves. I'll admit I've done a bit myself. Thankfully, I never got addicted, I also smoked cigarettes and will smoke again when I turn 18, that I am addicted, unfortunately...

So, if you or someone you care about was addicted to something, share your story. I promise your secret will be safe...

Phoenix Flame 04-05-2010 09:56 PM

Re: The Drug Thread
Pot. Trying to quit ATM, actually.

However, if that's the worst thing someone is addicted to, with all the craziness in this world, I don't really feel that's necessarily a bad thing. Still, to each his own.

clief101_ 04-08-2010 09:35 AM

Re: The Drug Thread
i dont touch any kind of drug, unless if its good stuff (panadol etc...) nor do i really condone anyone that does it...unless its alcohol? and to a degree smoking

darkshadow2247 04-09-2010 12:36 AM

Re: The Drug Thread
My dad's life spiraled out of control due to marijuana. He's done a line of coke or two, but he was never heavy into the harder stuff. He was all about weed, and it got that way when I was about 8.


He stopped coming home at his normal time, I rarely saw him, I never got to talk to him, etc. Then one night when I was about 10, he outright said to my nuclear family that he had a drug problem. Fast forward 7 years, after coming home about every other day, he came in the house high and got into an argument with my mom. He went outside, grabbed a bat and started smashing stuff in the house. I told him to get the fuck out and to never stop foot back into the house while high again.

I went to USMC boot camp about 6 months later. He wrote a letter to me telling me how proud of me he is, etc. I wrote him back saying thanks and that it's a shame that that was the first time in years we've had some type of actual conversation. Then I told him that even though I was 17 and out of the house, we could still build a father/son bond. My only stipulation was that he quit using whatever drug was his flavor of the moment. I'm currently 20 years old. In those two and a half years, I haven't heard from him.

He left my mom's house for a place about 150 miles south of it. I recently sent him an invitation to my wedding out of formality so he at least knows that I'm getting married, and to my surprise, he RSVP'd. Do I expect him to attend? Not at all. At this point, I don't care if I ever hear from him again.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I am drug free.

TherathxRikku 04-10-2010 01:15 AM

Re: The Drug Thread
That sucks, hope it works out.

@Clief, keep it that way, once you start, you'll understand why it's so hard to stop.

My friend finally quit Aerosol after he blacked out and smashed his face in by falling.

clief101_ 04-10-2010 01:18 AM

Re: The Drug Thread
thats a very heart felt story dark. Its always sad to hear things like that :(

darkshadow2247 04-21-2010 12:35 AM

Re: The Drug Thread
GEtting hurt is an inevitable part of life. I don't share my story to get sobs and sympathy, but it is to serve as a warning to everyone that a "harmless" drug can make your life spiral out of control.

Seyluv 04-21-2010 06:23 PM

Re: The Drug Thread
Well mine do coke >.> didn't know til a few years. He seem to be outta control, like sellin all his stuff and always asking us for money to support his habit. Course no one gives it to him, but sometimes my mom do.

As for me...never had i even been tempted to try. Cos me a good girl ^___^
And the person i look up to is a good role model and doesn't do that stuff. (well not that i know of >.>)

As for liquor & cigarettes...never touched. I had beer once as a teen, but don't like.

TherathxRikku 04-21-2010 06:36 PM

Re: The Drug Thread
I could never stomach enough alcohol to even get a buzz, it's basically canned piss to me.

@dark, warning noted. :p

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