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dappa 08-25-2007 11:21 AM

"All Hail the Throne"
We all love the Throne so we have a thread created especially for him. He has demonstrated time and time again that he is a sage with great knowledge of final fantasy and so myself and all the lovely people of FFnet would like to know what your opinion of this forum is and even more important your outlooks on life Throneofdravaris.

Guys and Girls use this thread to ask throne any question you like and hopefully he'll use his great wisdom and answer them.

let the questions begin!!!!

Phoenix Flame 08-25-2007 11:24 AM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
Where do all the odd socks go? o_O

XD! Just kidding. Throne, Ian and I put this together and we're serious about honoring the wisdom W/I those bouncy eyebrows.

"When did you first begin playing Final Fantasy? How much/how often do you play? What are you planning on doing with your life" are just a few of the questions I have at this time. I have a notebook and am planning on taking copious notes. please, if you'll indulge us.

ThroneofDravaris 08-25-2007 03:03 PM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
This seems kind of strange since I hardly ever post here but I can't think of a good enough reason not to go along with it.

When did you first begin playing Final Fantasy?
End of 2003. I had just bought a PS2 and picked up Final Fantasy X as a afterthought. It was pretty good so I went back and played the rest of the games.

How much/how often do you play?
Only when a new title is released, or I've felt like going back and replaying an old one. I wouldn't know what that is in hours/day.

What are you planning on doing with your life
Nothing in mind.

It's probably worth noting that there are people with far greater knowledge of the series then what I have. I think Zeromus_X, at the very least, has completed all of the titles. I could never really muster up the incentive to complete FFII, due to it being terrible and all.

Spec Highwind 08-25-2007 03:36 PM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"

Originally Posted by ThroneofDravaris
I could never really muster up the incentive to complete FFII, due to it being terrible and all.

Well... maybe you should play it to the end before saying that... It was a game I liked from the beginning, therefore I can't talk that much, but the ending is far more exciting than the beginning, in this particular case...

dappa 08-25-2007 07:35 PM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
Heres a question Throne

What do you think of this forum?

Spec Highwind 08-25-2007 08:03 PM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
ToD, tell me your favourite games, movies, series, quotes and books.

ThroneofDravaris 08-26-2007 07:13 AM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"

What do you think of this forum?
It's a fairly inactive final fantasy forum.

favourite games
The N64 Zelda games.

Fight Club

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Nothing comes to mind.

and books.
Battles Royale and the Death Gate Cycle.

Phoenix Flame 08-26-2007 09:37 AM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
...this is kinda like 60 Minutes. = D

What is your biggest pet-peev about this forum?


What's your favorite part of this forum?

ThroneofDravaris 08-27-2007 06:36 AM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"

What is your biggest pet-peev about this forum?
The large space between posts is still annoying.

What's your favorite part of this forum?
No real preference beyond liking the gaming based forums more then the general forums.

John Smith 08-27-2007 10:00 AM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
Wow, this is just like a "Meet the Mods" thread, except it's a regular member instead of a mod. ^_^

Hmmmmm... let's see... What's your favourite Final Fantasy? :P (I'm not too creative >.> xD)

ThroneofDravaris 08-27-2007 12:15 PM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
Final Fantasy IX

Spec Highwind 08-27-2007 06:22 PM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
"Can" you play at least one game in each style (like RPGs, FPSs...)? ("Can you play", as if "do you like")

ThroneofDravaris 08-28-2007 02:59 AM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
Beyond the odd action/platform game I pretty much exclusively play RPGs.

dappa 09-02-2007 08:27 PM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
Heres one for ya throne

Name two final fantasies which have "Atomos" in them

ThroneofDravaris 09-03-2007 12:52 AM

Re: "All Hail the Throne"
I don't really see the point of general knowledge questions online since one can easily just look it up via google.

But FFV and FFIX.

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