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DarkCloud 07-29-2005 11:52 AM

Best THING about FFVI
What is the best thing about FFVI? Share your thoughts.

Zeromus_X 07-31-2005 02:11 AM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
thats kinda vague. do you mean anything? then id say the glitch that happens when relm's sketch command fails! first time it happened to me, i was on triangle island, and i sketched a zone eater..then the screen glitched up and played kefka's final boss music, LOL!! then , when i reset the game i had all these items i didnt have before! i had a atma weapon, and i never got any treasure from the esper cave!! ha ha ha ha...just thinking about it makes me giggle! thats my favorite thing about ff6.(ps, has anyone else ever done that trick? pm me)

Legendary Shadow 08-03-2005 07:04 AM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
I'd have to say the best thing about FFVI would have to be Shadow, he's an awesome character, and he has a complex past that actually makes you think.

Zeromus_X 08-03-2005 08:56 PM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
shadow is awesome. is there an order to the dreams?

Legendary Shadow 08-03-2005 10:16 PM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
There is but it's been awhile since I seen them, I do know if you off him on the floating island (Meaning you left him on the island instead of waiting 'till the last 5 seconds) when you get Relm instead of a dream from his perspective you get a dream of Shadow. or Clyde, from her perspective and basically vice versa. All together I hear there is about about 5 dreams. Aside from Shadow's complex story, the man litterally does thousands of damage for free with his dog, and it costs little money to get his shukurens, which even in the World of Ruin is still overkill on some monsters.

Zeromus_X 08-03-2005 11:07 PM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
are there any clues to who Relm's mother is? (hopefully it's not Gogo...)

Legendary Shadow 08-03-2005 11:16 PM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
Well there isn't any clues about Relms mother, but I have an assumtion on her last name being Arrowny, since usually before you end up with a child you get married (And even if they didn't you'd still probably expect to have the woman change her last name to match the mans last name to fit in the family and such) So I'm also assuming Shadow's real full name is Clyde Arrowny. Other then that I've got nothing accept for her being Strago's daughter, which would explain why Relm calls Strago grandpa.

Zeromus_X 08-03-2005 11:45 PM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
There's a list of final fantasy characters at Wikipedia. It has all the Amano names compared to Ted Woolsley's names. Clyde's last name is Arrowny, sos Relm's, but Strago's(Stragus) last name is Magus. Maybe it's just his title as a mage? Relm could be adopted... so many questions... I just started a new game. (I cant decide if ff4 or ff6 is my favorite.... they're both just Wayyyy too good...) Im gonna try to name my people Amano's names, if they fit. Luckily, with ZSNES, i can skip through all the beginning talking parts. anyhoo, the site is , and you just click on English, or whatever language you speak, and you search for "final fantasy characters" and itll give you a list of the characters names for pretty much every ff game! (except that Mystic Quest one) its a neat website!

...... sorry, i just had to get that off my mind. I just think of all that stuff all at once! well, at least this thread will have an orange envelope! :)

Legendary Shadow 08-04-2005 12:09 AM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
Well Relm could be adopted but it wouldn't explain some of the things Clyde says in the dreams, particularly the one he has when you first get him in the World of Ruin. and Magus could have been Relm's mother's
old name before she met Clyde. See? This is what I love about Shadow, he actually makes you think, or if you're lazy, he makes you read someone elses thoughts, which ever one fits the catagory.

Coelie 08-16-2005 05:38 PM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
uhm...hello talking about wandering off the subject...I'll bring us back to the subject again...The best I think abt ff6 is that laugh of kefka, I can't keep my eyes dry (due to the laughing hard) everytime I hear that Kefka laughing! hauhauhauhau :p

Coelie 08-16-2005 05:40 PM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
and I forgot to mention it but I think that purple octopus (can't remember the name) is pretty funny 2 he's a cool guy >.<

Spiff 08-17-2005 03:37 PM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
Characters, lots of characters

ShadowHeart 08-17-2005 03:51 PM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
Actually, there are too many characters in FFVI.. some of them have literally no background story, they just feel thrown in for the sake of having more characters. They could easily have gotten around with a couple less IMO..

The best thing about FFVI IMO is the story, with the battle against the evil empire, and in the end Kefka. I don't know, but that's what made the game seem so interesting to me at first and what kept me hooked the whole time.

c_power99 08-17-2005 09:44 PM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
Getting an 8 hit attack for the first time using the offering and genji glove relics.

Helkaweth 08-20-2005 01:11 AM

Re: Best THING about FFVI
The opera...yep...I'm a dork

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