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Gumdrop 12-19-2004 08:14 PM

a few favorites...
I know lots of people love ff8 and enjoy talking about it so I thought I would start a topic on it....I was wondering, which is your favorite chararcter and GF? also you might want to say why (if you can). my favorite character is Quistsis, not many people seem to like her the most, most people go fro Squall or Rinoa but persionaly I find those two a tad anoying. My favorite GF is Cactuar because I love cactuars and I find the summon amusing, I think the tonberry one is my second favorite ^_^

FFnut 12-19-2004 09:17 PM

So you wish to challenge me...
We do not wish to fight!
Begging me for mercy?
Damned imbeciles. Why do you wish to fight?
...It's our nature...

That should tell you all you need to know about my favorite GF. Favorite character? Edea, second being Seifer.

Wait, when you say favorite GF, do you also mean the non-conventional GFs? If so, then my favorite is Gilgamesh. No question whatsoever.

The Dark Paladin 12-30-2004 02:09 PM

My favorite character in FF8 would have to be Irvine, for the variety of attacks he can use in his limit break.

As for my favorite GF, that would have to be Eden, becuase no matter how many times I screw up, i can always hit 250 on the Boost ability.

ShadowHeart 01-10-2005 09:04 AM

Lol, GFs.

*shakes head*

The GFs suck, when talking about summoning them. They're fairly useful in the early stages of the game, but lose in usefulness the farther and farther you get in the game. Still, I do have 1 favourite.. Diablos :)

I've finished FF8 3 times I think (the 3rd time was solely to get through the game at the lowest possible level).. and with each game I summoned less and less GFs. The first time, I used them throughout the game, but I used them a lot less the 2nd time (hardly at all except for the first disc basically), and the 3rd time I don't think summoned a GF in battle more than once or twice in total or something. GFs takes too much time to summon, and their damage is generally not worth the hassle, especially later in the game. So what do I do in battles in FF8? Simple.

1) Meltdown all enemies.
2) Triple-Aura.
3) Wack away with limit breaks.

I've found that this is definately the easiest way to get through the game, especially when you're at very high levels, and you also get way faster battles this way than when using mainly GFs. What do I do before I get Aura? Well, in boss fights I take Squall's HP down to the yellows, barely enough to survive a boss' strongest attack, and hit the bastard with Renzokuken over and over. The other party members are then merely supporting Squall to make sure he doesn't die. Not difficult, and a lot of fun actually.

The one thing I don't like about FF8 is the level system, and it's not a small thing. In FF8, you can basically beat any enemy or boss at any level (except maybe Omega Weapon). Where's the challenge? Last time I played I escaped from every single random battle and killed the final boss at level 19 (higher than I would have liked, but oh well). The game gets HARDER at higher levels, when enemies' HP shoots sky high and their sometimes very strong special attacks become available (as an example, there is NO comparison whatsoever between a Red Dragon at a level lower than 20 and one at level 100). In the end, the level system in FF8 completely ruins the fun of leveling up your characters, and building up your characters becomes only a hunt for 300 of all the best magic for junctioning.

Despite this, I've actually had a lot of fun with this game. I love the meltdown + aura + limit break combination, it's a lot more fun than using those boring GFs over and over. This game is one of the worst FF games IMO, but far from bad. That says a lot about the FF series doesn't it? :)

And finally.. as for favourite character. If you've read my post in the FFVII section, my favourite characters are here (which should be obvious from my main battle strategy) just like there based on their limit breaks. Squall is the unchallenged #1, followed by Irvine. Then Zell and Quistis, then Rinoa and the worst character is Selphie. Just like with Cait Sith of FF7, I don't like the randomness of her limit breaks. Sure you may get The End, although I never did (never tried, never played with her), but what's the chances unlesss you cheat? Renzokuken ownz!

Quezacotl 01-14-2005 10:21 PM

Yeah that strategy always works wonders. Either that or simply cast Aura on Selphie/Quistis at the start of a battle and use The End/Degenerator. That made levelling up on the ICTH even easier. :p

My favourite charcater storyline-wise was Squall by far. Quite a lot of people didn't seem to like him, but I did right from the start and he was so well developed throughout the game. Battle-wise though Zell is by far the best, Duel is much better than Renzokuken + Lionheart even.

Favourite GF... should be obvious. :p

ShadowHeart 01-15-2005 09:52 AM

I think Renzokuken is better than Duel.. I like Duel, don't get me wrong, but as good as Renzokuken? Come on now! Hehe.. I guess it's just a matter of personal preference.

Degenerator is nice but so damn cheap. I used that once to level up Eden to level 100. I made Quistis equip Eden, put her HP in the yellows, gave her the ability to always start off every battle and I think there was something that made her snatch all experience as well, or something? Not sure. In any case, Degenerator at the start of every battle and Eden was level 100 fairly quickly :) I don't like Eden too much though, it wastes too damn much time (I just wanted to see it's maximum damage). Or any other GF for that matter, as should be obvious from my post above :P

And leveling up is severly overrated in FF8. That's the worst thing about the game.. that they ruined the whole point in leveling up. Apart from that, the game is actually quite fun, but far from the best FF game :D

Gunslinger 01-18-2005 02:26 PM

FF8 is easily my favourite......New romantic graphics and THE best sound-track........heaven!!!

Rinoa however is a the most annoying character in FF ever. She is what I would call a generic Final Fantasy girl.....dopey and too nice by half. Wish she had been left in space!

Irvine is the best character......a true gunslinger.

Zatsugaku 01-23-2005 07:41 PM

favourite character: edea / quistis, squall is a bit sappy and irvine reminds me too much of my cousin.

favourite gf: shiva, always has been and always will

Chocobo-bo 02-14-2005 02:22 AM

The best character in this game has got to be Selphie...LOL...j/k it's got to be Quistis...she can do anything. Her limit breaks are amazing and the degenerator is just plain ridiculous. I would have to agree that Rinoa may be the worst female character in any of the ff games besides maybe Rikku...hmmm they both start with R. Coincidence, I think not.

GF - Diablos, Cactaur, and Cerberus are tied

Mong00se 02-14-2005 11:53 PM

I just don't understand... I thought Quistis was a horrible character. Shes all over the place. One minute she's the leader, next shes in love with Squall, then shes demoted, etc etc. Shes too all over the place for me. Also I never found her a useful character. My lineup generally consists of Zell, Selphie and Squall. The first two have limit breaks, and Selphies magic is through the roof, and I use that to cast all the spells on them. Plus, I seem to always get either Rapture, Full-Heal, or Wall first thing when I open up her limit break.

Favorite Character though... I didn't really like any of the characters in this game. I didn't think they really jived together. If I had to choose I'd probably choose either Squall or Seifer, just because they're the coolest out there.

As for GF, I seemed to use them less and less as the game progressed, but for some reason, I always took a liking to Shiva quite fast. But my favorites are Diablos and Cerberus. Cerberus has the most useful ability in the game.

Chocobo-bo 02-15-2005 01:49 AM

I agree with you on the Cerberus having the best ability in the game...but come on...Selphie over Quistis. You've got to be kidding. I thought that Selphie was one of the worst characters in the game...but maybe that's just because I never used her. Quistis' abilities on the ICTH are what kept me alive more than anything. All I had to do was use put initiative on her and keep on using degenerator...if that's not useful i don't know what is.

ShadowHeart 02-15-2005 03:40 AM

Degenerator with Initiative is probably the cheapest tactic ever :)

XeroFF7 02-15-2005 01:46 PM

me i like all the char equally because they all are not better then vincent
and my fav gf is bahamut by far

but i think its the fact the he was used in every ff

ShadowHeart 02-15-2005 02:48 PM

He wasnt used in every FF... there are no summons/GFs in FF1 :)

FFnut 02-15-2005 11:31 PM

FF1 - Bahamut, the king of dragons, asks you to go on a quest to the Castle Of Ordeal and bring back proof of your bravery - a rat's tail, actually. Bring him the rat's tail and he upgrades all of your characters.

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