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Andrew Scaves 12-30-2007 10:13 PM

A cure for homosexuality?
A recent study from a scientific group have discovered a way to alter a fly's sexual orientation. The case brings about a lot of controversy, like homosexuality being biological and not based on the choice of the person. You can read on the article here

Yoko Kurama 12-31-2007 07:42 PM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
I'm not even going to read this article... Homosexuality is not a problem or disease... Whether scientists think they have figured it out or not...

Andrew Scaves 12-31-2007 08:55 PM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
The scientists were contemplating as to see if they could cure homosexuality. I was just stating by this experiment if time would arise if the decision were to offer genetic surgery for homosexuals or bisexuals to become straight or the straight to become gay. I was merely contemplating on the future about something that will probably most cause protest.

Yoko Kurama 12-31-2007 09:32 PM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
Alright, my apologies if I came off as rude just now... Being gay myself, I, obviously, don't believe that it is a biological thing...

Luis 01-01-2008 12:59 AM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
Homosexuality is not a disease. So, I can't think of a reason for scientists to do so... actually, I think they should use that time for investigating a cure for cancer, or aids... for example.

Yoko Kurama 01-01-2008 05:54 AM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
That is good point Luis... Cancer and AIDS is way more serious than a cure for something that many wouldn't want to be cured from, even if it were a disease...

Andrew Scaves 01-01-2008 11:33 PM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
Update: They manage to altered the sexuality in mammals as well

Yoko Kurama 01-02-2008 04:06 AM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
Well, the woman who asked them to pull the plug was completely right... The research of this is completely misguided... They, as Luis said, should be searching for cures for cancer and AIDS... So what if they can change a subject's sexuality... They would be able do to the same thing with anything, given a motive... The mind is very complicated and many different therapies or treatments can alter ones thoughts or views...

Doctor 01-03-2008 03:25 AM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
I just can't believe that they're pouring money into bullshit like this. CURE homosexuality? NO. SUCH. THING.

Try finding a cure for CANCER, retards.

Sorry, but this really pisses me off. AND the fact that they were experimenting on animals. It's sick, sick and twisted..

Yoko Kurama 01-03-2008 11:46 PM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
Yes, it is... How to word this? ... Yeah, sick is a good word Faust... I mean, there are many LIFE THREATENING things out there to worry about, rather than worrying about altering someone's being... That is even more sick than testing it on the animals...My sexuality is a part of me... Of who I am... So if they were to take that away from me, I would be "me", now would I? I mean, my parents have already told me that I'm full of bull-s*** for being gay... They are part of the population who says "We are right, homosexuality is just a bunch of people denying their true desires, etc." ... People like that are idiots for saying that a person doesn't know their own self...

Kat 01-07-2008 11:05 PM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
This thread makes me kinda sick too.
I mean, I'm straight and everything..but if someone loves someone, they should be able to love that person no matter what their gender is, no matter what. It wouldn't be fair if they couldn't. Thinking about someone who can't be with the person they love because its "not right", that makes me kinda sad thinking about it; makes me feel bad for them.
And fzcking testing this shit on animals?
wtf dude?
How would they like it if we put them in little cages for hours on end and shoved all these different medications down their throats? Watch them die?
Watch them suffer?


Yoko Kurama 01-08-2008 01:08 AM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
Yup yup Kat... Too true... Wow, this thread seems a little one-sided, eh? But thats okay...

Doctor 01-10-2008 11:11 AM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
Yes, it IS pretty one-sided, but that's only because most, if not all, of the people here have a good mindset, a good conscience, and plenty of common sense.

This is a mere matter of COMMON SENSE, and it would surprise me if someone were to suddenly pop up and decide to support this little twisted 'experiment'.

Kat 01-10-2008 07:28 PM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?

Originally Posted by Doctor (Post 110362)
Yes, it IS pretty one-sided, but that's only because most, if not all, of the people here have a good mindset, a good conscience, and plenty of common sense.

This is a mere matter of COMMON SENSE, and it would surprise me if someone were to suddenly pop up and decide to support this little twisted 'experiment'.

..That wouldn't surprise me all TOO much.
I know there are plenty of people in the world like these 'scientists'
Who just don't care of people feel anymore.
Thats how it seems to me.
As we go into the future, maybe people will start looking like robots.
But..I would never respect or forgive anyone I knew that would want to support this.
Thats horrible.

kb-sama 01-10-2008 08:04 PM

Re: A cure for homosexuality?
This is BULL!

you know they say that we'er made from god right? well if there are gay peploe then god has to be a little gay himself

Why?! WHY?! are theses ass-hat wasting time and monney on this maddness!?

They can be helping the old live longer!

They can Fix 3rd-world states!

BUT NO!!!!


god this makes me mad......gays are human too!!!

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