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alfaitha 05-13-2005 06:37 PM

The most-vile villan
Who is thew best bad guy in Final Fantasy

I would have to say the coolest is Sephiroth... but my personal favorite is Seifer.

Squall85 05-14-2005 02:54 AM

i haven't beaten all the ff games but so Seifer followed by Sephiroth

Wezzy 05-24-2005 03:20 PM

sephiroth is the best. i love him i wish he was in every ff game. the worst is seifer he is a batty and he thinks he's cool he thinks he's 'hard' but really he isnt

Spiff 05-24-2005 05:29 PM

Kefka, mean and evil but as also a comic relief. Sephiroth is a close second because he was way up there on the evil scale, and he made me hate him.

But Kefka was still better.

LoKuS 05-24-2005 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Wezzy
i wish he was in every ff game.

No. :mad:

FFnut 05-24-2005 09:08 PM

I hated Sephiroth, but not because he made me hate him. He's an awful villain. I mean, that sword is obviously compensation for something else that's probably very small. :rolleyes:

Kefka was just plain awesome. I dare you to find a one-liner spoken by any FF villain that are better than his.

Wezzy 05-25-2005 05:42 PM

which ff is kefka?

ShadowHeart 05-25-2005 05:49 PM

Kefka is in FF6.

Squall85 05-26-2005 02:12 AM

Comon Sephiroth isn't a awful villian

Raven 06-09-2005 07:57 AM

I like those three bad mages from ff 9, they were fun to kill!

Rain 06-14-2005 07:35 PM

Re: Favorite Villian
My favourite would be Sephiroth. Least is either Kuja or Seymour *cant decide*

obliviongirl 06-14-2005 08:20 PM

Re: Favorite Villian
The best bad girl was Adel!!! :)

ShadowHeart 06-15-2005 02:43 AM

Re: Favorite Villian
Heh yeah, definitely. Now that I think about it, there really weren't many female villains in the FF series.. wonder why?

obliviongirl 06-16-2005 07:59 PM

Re: Favorite Villian Edea, Adel,......theres more i just can't remember them....that lady from FFX-2, and not really!!! Help me ot here people!!!

FFnut 06-23-2005 09:31 AM

Re: Favorite Villian
Interesting new question...

I notice very many people like Sephiroth, but nobody's mentioned Queen Brahne. Why?

I mean, they both fill the exact same niche - former mentor who's gone insane and spends the majority of the game being chased by the heroes.

My favorite villain of each, and my reasons:

FF1 - Garland. I mean, the knock you all down line? Classic.

FF2 - The Dark Knight. Sure, his entire story is now a clichè, but that wasn't so back when the game was made.

FF3 - N/A

FF4 - Hm... Golbez was a pretty good boss, but the only really evil thing had almost no story. I'll go with Golbez.

FF5 - The recurring villain wins here. Gilgamesh. I mean, he's funny, he won't die, and he ends up a good guy at the very end. And then he comes back in FF8 to beat the hell out of Seifer. How could you not like him?

FF6 - Kefka, definitely. His only weakness (and thus the only way anyone could possibly think he's a bad villain) is an almost non-existent motive for what he did. Still, he got pushed around in the beginning and became a god. I can't really see what more motive you people need.

FF7 - Recurring villain wins again! That's right, there's no way that you can dispute the coolness here. Sephiroth pales horribly in comparison. Go Turks!

FF8 - So hard to choose... in these later games they don't really have bad guys, just misguided people... uh, Adel? Ultimecia? Edea? Whichever one of those three was the most evil.

FF9 - Urgh... much as I hate to admit it, Necron gets this one. Kuja was awful, I can't count Garland because he already won in FF1, and Brahne... is like Sephiroth, like I said at the top of this post. Necron reminds me of Castlevania: Lament Of Innocence, when you defeat the vampire you've been trying to kill all game and then Death appears for the final battle.

FFX - Well, Yu Yevon was complete bull, and Jecht wasn't really evil (although his music was awesome). Seymour wins by default... only really EVIL guy there.

FFT - Too many villains to count... we've got the Lucavi, Delita, the greedy bastards who want power for themselves...

So there you have it. Of course, that says nothing about my all-time favorite villain, who hails from the Chrono series - Lavos. Anyway, feel free to dispute any of these (I especially want to see what people think about the Sephiroth/Brahne thing).

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