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Peridot Fayth 01-05-2008 02:26 PM

Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
Hi guys

I will admit I purchased FFX-2 in the hope that Yuna and Tidus would be reunited, now I know the special ending they are but I'm referring to in game.

Do you think Tidus should have been "in game" in FFX-2?

Leave you thoughts too please :)

Doctor 01-05-2008 05:10 PM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
No. I'm sure that many people expected Tidus to come back in X-2, and to be a part of the game. But that was the problem--it would have been expected, and therefore, too predictable. Besides, it makes more sense to see him in the special ending, because if one recalls at the end of FFX, after the credits, we see Tidus floating around in the water, and suddenly, he decides to swim up to the surface, and then we see no more. That little bit doesn't make sense UNTIL YOU SEE THE SPECIAL ENDING TO FFX-2.

Of course, another scenario could have been that, if Tidus was "revived" at the BEGINNING of X-2, then that little scene might have made sense. After all, he popped up back near Besaid, right? Would it have really mattered either way?

In my mind, though, it still makes more sense for me to see Tidus come back to life in the special ending, when Yuna finally finds him after she quests through the main story.

This is probably waaay too much to be thinking about for such a simple question, but these are the thoughts that come to my mind when I think about it. I'll repeat my answer, though--it doesn't really bother me that Tidus wasn't "in game", as you put it, Peridot Fayth. XP

Peridot Fayth 01-05-2008 09:20 PM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
Hehe, not too in depth at all. I'm absolutely fascinated with Spira and the whole story and history behind it. Sadly there isn't too much of it.

I believe much of what you say is correct - it would have been too predictable however, it's not so easy to get the special ending. I will admit my first go at FFX-2 I didn't get the special ending - it was only by accident that I found out there was one from the web. I think if I hadn't have known about it I would have been more disappointed with the game than I actually was. I'm currently playing the New Game Plus for those of us who didn't get 100% lol

dappa 01-08-2008 12:04 PM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
I would love for him to show up in the game at some point, but not as a secret ending though, I thought that completing a series of events in the game, no matter how small to see him at the end sucked. I think that you should see him regardless of what ending you got.

Quizastotl 03-23-2008 09:19 PM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
I just watched the special ending on you tube, I'm so happy, i was really angry that he just faded away on her like that, now I know they'll be ok.

Indigo Truth 04-11-2008 10:37 AM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll

Originally Posted by Quizastotl (Post 113143)
I just watched the special ending on you tube, I'm so happy, i was really angry that he just faded away on her like that, now I know they'll be ok.

I'd glad he at least showed his face, but it would have been good if he showed up a little more. what would have been cool would be if you could have used him against Vegnagun and Shuyin, that would have made my day =]


TherathxRikku 12-21-2009 04:28 AM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
Honestly, yeah, it would've been cool to see him, but his leaving made such an imapt and was kind of ruined by his return in X-2, it was a happy ending, but it wasn't as big an impact as X was. If that at all makes sense.

clief101_ 12-21-2009 05:27 AM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
tthey shouldnt have made X-2, it ruined the franchise. dont get me rong X is still awsum, but not AS good as it was before. i hated the battlesystem and the storyline, HOWEVER, i did love the way it linked up the X world with VII

TherathxRikku 12-21-2009 06:42 PM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
They were planning to make it anyway, the LARGE cliffhanger at the end of the credits called for it. :P They didn't do what we thought they would, I like to call it the "tough sh^t" rule.

clief101_ 12-22-2009 10:15 AM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
haha, thats true....they had to put him in the game ast least somewhere. just at the end

TherathxRikku 12-22-2009 05:19 PM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
Pretty much. But no one expected Tidus to be a secret ending.

clief101_ 12-23-2009 12:37 PM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
i dont think any1 expected there to even b a secret other FF has that....cept for DoC

TherathxRikku 12-23-2009 05:58 PM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
I'll take your word for that. Dissidia had one, I still don't have it.

clief101_ 12-24-2009 04:30 AM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
tru...only the spin-offs....and X-2 was the 1st spinoff

TherathxRikku 12-24-2009 09:01 AM

Re: Should Tidus have been in FFX-2? Poll
Yup, woulda been cool if the others had secret endings, make the games even more playable. ^-^

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