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gcarev10 10-06-2005 07:43 PM

kuja dead??
Is it Kuja dead think for second abaut that we never so him dead in fact on the end zidane cover him with his body. When you think he is not dead he is alive and zidane put him on same place. Square mast made a second ff 9 relod. :confused: ;) :cool: undefined

Totorosama 10-12-2005 07:08 PM

Re: kuja dead??
What did you say? I don't understand. Could you explain using better sentence structure?

Coelie 10-15-2005 07:07 AM

Re: kuja dead??
god dude I agree with Toto ur english sucks :p

gcarev10 10-16-2005 02:11 PM

Re: kuja dead??
is it kuja dead understand now????????????????

Xartex 10-16-2005 07:52 PM

Re: kuja dead??
Eeeehhh, do you want to ask us if Kuja is dead or not? really sorry but it's quite hrd to understand

Arkacia 10-17-2005 12:10 AM

Re: kuja dead??
Ok, people. Enough of the mild flameing ;).

Not everyone has english as their first language and not all of those who have learned it are word perfect. A bit of patience and tolerance would go a long way here. If the post is confusing to you, try asking for clarification nicely :).

I think I understand the post. He is simply asking if others think Kuja is really died at the end of FF9 or not . I can't answer that because I've never finished that game. Will have to get around to it one of these days.

Zeromus_X 10-17-2005 12:10 AM

Re: kuja dead??
huh...i guess he couldve been dead...but i dont know. i remember after zidane goes to find him in the iifa tree, they show the white letters that are saying something about kuja, how he wanted to be more than a genome :confused: i think it was the other genome with a soul, mikoto (was that her name?) talking, i got really confused during that part, trying to figure out who was talking and all.

you know, you never see kuja after that(not like he has a reputation :rolleyes: ), so it could be anyone's guess.

add on: ack, arkacia posted before me ^^;; :p

Totorosama 10-30-2005 05:00 PM

Re: kuja dead??
I'm almost on the fourth disk (I'm in Terra) of FFIX, so when I finish, I'll come back to you guys and tell you if Kuja died or not, capische? Enough arguing. THanks, Ark.

gcarev10 11-02-2005 05:54 PM

Re: kuja dead??
for Toto You will faund noting it is philosofical ask.

Xartex 11-05-2005 12:04 PM

Re: kuja dead??
well, anyways i think that he died, i mean he stopped moving and all, so i don't think he survived it

Max the Man 11-05-2005 11:37 PM

Re: kuja dead??
I think that Kuja... didn't die... I guess... I never finished the game, but people who were banned from other FFforums decided to spoil the game without spoiler marks... which is schnaptastic (in an angry way) imho. oh well.

Zerlina 11-06-2005 12:33 AM

Re: kuja dead??
Can I be a pain in the butt and say no one ever dies in FFIX. After all, their memories live on ^^.

Zeromus_X 11-06-2005 02:11 AM

Re: kuja dead??
there are always those crazy plot analysises...where do those people find the time ?! -I-;; im sure gamefaqs has one...

one person thought(on's forums) that vivi died :eek: and im like "ugha?!" and then they went through all this analysis an evidence which was still kinda vague...

i just let it be, because plot analysises make my brain hurt...0_o;

gcarev10 11-09-2005 04:28 PM

Re: kuja dead??
i dont agree that he is dead , zidane cover his body with his .

Avathar 12-02-2005 01:50 PM

Re: kuja dead??
Talking about complex endings... i'm not sure i get the end of Final Fantasy IX:

It's like this (i think):

Terra was dying, their people were too powerful for themselves, and almost noone survived. By this decay, Garland was selected to govern the remains of Terra. That planet must fusion with Gaia, for the restoration. Genomes were build for new bodies for the dead spirits of Terra...

The Lifa Tree: a giant machine that leads souls of Gaia to Terra. Why do they need more souls? The Invincible also captures souls. Is it a new fuel or somthing? After Terra was destroyed, the Lifa Tree opened a spacy gateway that leads to the crystal world. The crystal is the thing that determines life and death, right?
So Kuja destroyed the crystal.... Then there was Necron. I wasn't sure at all what he just is. I think (Garland said something like this) that that was the spiritual side of the lifa tree, the actual tree on gaia was the physicial mechanisation. So they destroyed Necron.
But that dude said he will always exist if there's life and death.

But Kuja destroyed the crystal.... So later on Gaia. Noone can die or be born or what?!

It's more complex than it seems....Well, from my point of view that is.

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