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Seyluv 11-02-2006 04:25 PM

Vampire, Real or Not?
I know is is a really wild dumb question to ask or even debate on, but do you think vampires are real?

Yggdrasill 11-02-2006 05:43 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?
Since Vampires were made as fictional creatures, no. :p

Staircase 11-02-2006 07:16 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?
Well, whats your definition of a "Vampire"?
And whats the difference between a Vampire, and a really dedicated Vampire goth?

Kat 11-02-2006 07:27 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?
No,vampires are simply a fictional character.....IMO
thats what my mommy always told me XD

Avathar 11-02-2006 08:30 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?

Originally Posted by Yggdrasill
Since Vampires were made as fictional creatures, no. :p

John Smith 11-02-2006 08:44 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?

Originally Posted by Kat
No,vampires are simply a fictional character.....IMO

And I reenforce IMO :D

I don't think that they really exist, otherwise there would be people screaming about them like when they see UFOs flying aroung in the sky :O

Hydra 11-02-2006 09:47 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?
If vampires were real, I would've been one a while ago. :D

Are there even any "facts" that prove logically that vampires ever exsisted?

dappa 11-03-2006 02:56 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?
Vampires aren't real in the sense of how you see them portrayed on T.V.

On top of that you have people who live the vampire lifestyle and they call themselves vampires so it all comes down to one question "what is your definition of a vampire?"

I vaguely recall somebody mentioned in history called 'vlad the impaler' but I cant remember much more on the subject.

Avathar 11-03-2006 03:20 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?

Originally Posted by ultimecia
thats an intersesting question its just like asking are ghosts real? or are aliens real? we just dont have enough evidence

Ghosts and aliens aren't really in the same line of fictional creatures, such as vampires and werewolves;

since any sorts of apparitions or wraiths are based on what people sense around them, since these "spirits" are not from this world, and can't interact directly with this world (which aren't the ways of so-called vampires);

and aliens isn't in the same line of vampires either, since alien life form does exist. But intelligent alien life form: that's but to guess, really.


Originally Posted by dappa
I vaguely recall somebody mentioned in history called 'vlad the impaler' but I cant remember much more on the subject.

Ah, you gotta love romanticising historical figures. :P

In the same way, you could call Genghis Khan a vampire.

Phoenix Flame 11-03-2006 05:25 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?

Originally Posted by Hydra
If vampires were real, I would've been one a while ago. :D

I second that one Hydra!!! :D

I'd love to be a vampire - probably up until I had to bite someone for a meal.

ultimecia 11-03-2006 09:38 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?
thats an intersesting question its just like asking are ghosts real? or are aliens real? we just dont have enough evidence

Seyluv 11-03-2006 10:15 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?
Vampires goths are just pretend, but I read somewhere that vampires are myths. That there is some evidence that vampires are real and some that they aren't not real. There is a timeline that shows how vampire change over the years. When I fixed my laptop I will post it for you guys.

Seyluv 11-03-2006 10:17 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?
Let me check out this link...

Arkacia 11-03-2006 10:31 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?
Vampires are a product of imagination, movie makers and medevil superstitions.

The vampire we think of today had its roots in Bram Stokers fictional novel and was brought to visual life by movie makers. The medevil myth of the vampire grew from ignorance and misunderstanding of those suffering a rare disease that is passed through families, and was more common back then because of interbreeding.


Anyone calling themselves a vampire today is either delusional, or just acting. There is no such thing as a vampire, not as portrayed on movies and in books anyway.

Cloud101 11-27-2006 05:21 PM

Re: Vampire, Real or Not?
Actually, huh...I shouldn't be doing this, there are people with vampirism, it is a disease which affects VEEEEEERY few people. But, it's not how it is on TV or anything, but much less. I have a friend with a minor case of VP. He supresses it easily, but I've heard of others who weren't so lucky, and were killed at a young age, it's sad, his twin had it , but died at birth, it's wierd thinking of him as a vampire, but remember, the vampire that you see in fairy tales are made-up, so no, real vampires don't exist, not really anyway. I've sworn to keep it a secret, so I won't tell you his name.

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