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Anikin 12-20-2005 06:50 PM

Which is the best of these four
Which is better. Final fantasy, Final fantasy II, Final fantasy III or Final fantasy IV.
You can tell me you're opinion about them aswell and the major or importaint facts about them that make them soooo good.

Zeromus_X 12-20-2005 09:10 PM

Re: Which is the best of these four
oh god, trying to pick a favorite out of those is like ...well, its a really difficult decision.

ff1- its the first final fantasy. what needs to be said? ^^;; ive played my nes cartridge so many times, and it really is pretty much the only nes game i play anymore. it might as well be fused with the nes...) monks kick ass. specially hasted, oh yes they do! :D

ff2- i liked it, though alot of people didnt. (and, due to a bug, leveling up is a cinch.) c'mon , you get to go to hell. hell is the final dungeon! (well, pandaemonium, the castle of hell.) first used the "rebels fighting an empire" story concept. (though may be off of star-wars, they have alot of star wars references. the emperors name is paramekia for crying out loud. )

ff3-omg, i LOVE this game. music, gameplay, all fun. specially the music, i like the music alot. introduced the job system , which is also used in ff5 , the tactics games, and i think 10-2. (dress-spheres, they were called?)

ff4- first ff i ever played, maybe my favorite. nostalgia may have something to do with it though. (btw, i got the gba one , and i cant stop foaming at the mouth! :D )
also, has a cool (yet very difficult) final boss, zeromus. hes on my avatar. my screen name is even after him! (i put an x on it, because everything sounds cooler if you put an "x" after it :D )

i couldnt decide, they are all too good.

Phoenix Flame 12-21-2005 09:28 PM

Re: Which is the best of these four
Hmm...I can't vote! I need to play all four of them still! I know, I have no shame.
Are they all availible in the U.S. for the NES?

And yes, Zeromus_X, they were called dress spheres

Zeromus_X 12-22-2005 12:01 AM

Re: Which is the best of these four

Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
Hmm...I can't vote! I need to play all four of them still! I know, I have no shame.
Are they all availible in the U.S. for the NES?

And yes, Zeromus_X, they were called dress spheres

ff1 is for the nes , remade on the ps1. (play that one, not the gba one.) the ps1 "origins" collection also has ffii, a highly underatted game, IMO. both pretty much have the same difficulty, but with one major difference....AMANO ART!!! come drool with me over amano's awesome art...*sigh*...amano...


ffIII is being rereleased on nintendo ds, but i dont know if non-japanese people will get it. *threatens square if they dont give ffiii to us...) ffiii is kick-ass! at least download a rom, a million sites have it. (cant tell ya here though....)

ffiv is released on gba, and ps1, with chrono trigger as "ff chronicles". the gba one has the same difficulty us americans got, a bit watered down, but all the bonus items are there, and the script has definitely improved. if you want the true ffiv experience, get j2e's rom translation, or , legaller(is that a word?) get ff chronicles. (hey, you get CT!)

so yes, these were all remade. (btw, ffv and vi were in ff anthology, and i think all the extremely lucky europeans got ffiv , v, and vi in their anthology! i know some lucky area got them all...)

i just cant wait till there all portable...i may buy a ds just for ffiii! (see what changed, and what-not.)

portable ff paradise....*drools* :p :D

Josh-UK 01-02-2006 10:28 AM

Re: Which is the best of these four
it has to be Final Fantasy III. Its the most exciting in opinion anyway an i love the game!


Squall Leonhart 02-04-2006 01:08 AM

Re: Which is the best of these four
I guessed and picked 4 and have never played one of these games.

slimcloud 02-06-2006 03:40 AM

Re: Which is the best of these four
the only ones ive played on that poll are origins

kain_highjumper 02-24-2006 04:14 AM

Re: Which is the best of these four
i like FFIII And FFIV most of them. but my favorite is FFV and FFX:D

darkmajinvegeta 03-02-2006 06:00 AM

Re: Which is the best of these four
I like FFIV and FFX

ShadowHeart 03-02-2006 10:31 AM

Re: Which is the best of these four
This is a tread about the 4 FIRST FF games, not FFX.

baralai 03-03-2006 10:54 AM

Re: Which is the best of these four
4 apsuluty itssss rock speciality cecil

LoneWolf 03-28-2006 10:12 AM

Re: Which is the best of these four
I have to say Final Fantasy IV, great characters, great bosses, and the core of the moon is sweet.

Avathar 05-05-2006 06:51 AM

Re: Which is the best of these four
Tough choice between III and IV... but i've voted for FFIII, 'cause i liked that game in it's entire form the best. ^^

blackadder93 05-09-2006 05:02 PM

Re: Which is the best of these four
I'd say its FF4.
Kain is awsome

Riki 05-14-2006 07:47 PM

Re: Which is the best of these four
I like the second one its alright for a old game

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