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Phoenix Flame 07-28-2007 04:17 AM

My thoughts on FF 1
~~~ 100% completed on Origins/original difficulty~~~

It was refreshing. Being the first in the series - it didn't have all the ultimate weapons, fancy items and monumental storyline the latter ones do...but it still was cool to play through, battle the enemies and set the world right.

I think the ending was great! ^_^

BTW: My total playtime was just over 24 hrs.

dappa 07-29-2007 01:32 PM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
Overall I liked the game. Some bits were really annoying like walking on certain spots forced you into battles that you didn't want to fight etc

When I first completed the game I was on a similar playtime too John. Same goes for the first few final fantasies really as 20+ hrs is more than adequate

Phoenix Flame 08-05-2007 09:11 AM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
Agree w/you 100% about the forced battles. Although 'Titan's Hall' (the brief section of the Earth Dungeon that forces you to fight ever step you take for about 7-10-or-so steps was good for leveling up...there's similar rooms in FF 2 dungeons.

How long did it take you to become 'godlike' in 2 Ian?

dappa 08-05-2007 06:52 PM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
In theory it is possible to do it in 16 battles john but by the end of the game my game clock had stopped because I had gone by 99+ hours. I had every stat to the max. It is possible to stop certain stats going down if you manipulate the situation.

Its also quite handy that white magic offence and your speed never go down.

Phoenix Flame 08-06-2007 04:03 AM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
:confused: Stats go back down in this game?! WTF?!?

dappa 08-06-2007 02:40 PM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
yeah certain stats go down as some will go up. But if you keep an eye on what is going up and down it is possible to have them all on max if your actions in battle warrant it.

I like it that your speed never goes down though. Dead handy when trying to become godlike in the fact that your evasion is gonna get so high that nothing can hit you.

As for ff1 I hated that titans hall bit and all the other forced battles. What about the final dungeon where you had to fight all those chaoses again and if you walked on the same spot you can fight them over and over again. I hated that lich with his flare spell.

Phoenix Flame 08-17-2007 08:09 AM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
I agree...he was actually the only one of the Chaos monsters that gave me any trouble in the Tower. :S He always seemed to cast Flare before I could activate any buffs. ;cen

dappa 08-17-2007 01:04 PM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
Plus if your party was a low level one that flare can really hurt

Phoenix Flame 08-18-2007 12:54 AM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
Well Ian, you know me and power-leveling. ^_^

dappa 08-18-2007 07:38 AM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
Sure do

That flare can still do some damage to a high level party, but at least your party is standing after the battle. I usually molly wop him before he can unleash a second flare.

Phoenix Flame 08-18-2007 07:58 AM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
Same here. the battle typically lasts 3-4 rounds. ^ ^;

dappa 10-25-2007 01:53 PM

Re: My thoughts on FF 1
Another thing i like about this first final fantasy is you get to see how final fantasy was born and compare it with future final fantasies.

I loved the soundtrack on the psone version especially.

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