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Tiny Bronco 05-29-2006 07:54 PM

Is Vincent Immortal?
In the FF7 manual it says Vincent is 27 years old. However, I remembered that Sephiroth was at least 21 years old. This wouldn't usually matter except that Vincent was a Turk at the time Sephiroth was born! :eek::eek::eek: So this means that Vincent would have to be 6 years old when Sephiroth was born!!! Now I don't think Shinra would make a 6 Year old a Turk. At first I assumed that after Hojo shot Vincent and then used him as an expeirement Hojo simply put Vincent to sleep in the coffin and this stopped Vincent from ageing. Thus Vincent is really older than 27, but he was 27 when he was shot, turned into a monster, and put to sleep. What this means is that Vincent was 27 years old when Sephiroth was born. BUT, he was in a drugged sleep for 21 years while Sephiroth grew up and then Cloud woke him up. So Vincnet is physically 27 years old yet he has exsisted for 48 years. This is how I first explained Vincents age. Then along comes Advent Children and in the AC mannual thing it states that Vincent is still 27 years old even though AC happens 2 years after FF7's original events! :confused: Okay so now Vincent hasn't aged in 2 years of saving the planet and 21 years of sleep.
Now I think that when Hojo first opperated on Vincent, not only did he make him into a monster, but he somehow(by accident I think) either slowed down Vincent's ageing proccess a lot or made him so that he doesn't age! So I credit Hojo with being the first FF scientist to discover the fountain of youth. :D :cool:

Does anyone have any comments or questions about this. Or am I missing something in the plot that could explain this? Please post.

Lucavi86 05-29-2006 10:08 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
Thats weird :p I think they meant that Vincent was 27 when Sephiroth was born and then he aged and so on, but maybe he didn't really age when he slep and all those monster transformations he can do set him back a little age wise? That's all I can think of. Makes you wonder what Square Enix in thinking for his character.

Zeromus_X 05-29-2006 11:03 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
I'm pretty sure it just means that Vincent doesn't age because of Hojo's experiments. (And being in a coffin for like 30 years.) I'll need to check the Ultimania guide translation for info, but I'm pretty sure that's all it is. (This is probably why people seem to think Vince is undead or a vampire, and because of his gothic appearance and attitude.)

Phoenix Flame 05-30-2006 04:59 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
Can't say I'd blame em for thinking that. He was always a cool character, w/his transformations and all.

Avathar 05-30-2006 06:39 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
Physically he doesn't age. But what about mentally? =/

Tiny Bronco 05-30-2006 06:41 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
Vincent will always keep his cool.
Nothing can shake him up accept Lucrecia or whatever the name is.

Avathar 05-30-2006 06:43 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
Well, if he does age mentally, than he's not immortal, right? :cool:

Tiny Bronco 05-30-2006 06:49 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
True. Poop. Vincent can't die. Someone has to keep Nanaki company for the next 500+ years. :(

Zeromus_X 05-30-2006 06:49 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
I don't really like going into these 'theories' any more than necessary, but we can assume he ages mentally, I would suppose. (It doesn't really matter that much, does it?)

Phoenix Flame 06-01-2006 05:11 AM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
Don't Vamires age mentally? Like in movies and stuff? If you don't "age" mentally, wouldn't you be a vegetable?

Zeromus_X 06-01-2006 05:22 AM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
I'm pretty sure most things capable of intelligent thought could age mentally, but you never know.

And Vincent isn't a vampire. xD

Avathar 06-01-2006 08:41 AM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?

Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
Don't Vamires age mentally? Like in movies and stuff? If you don't "age" mentally, wouldn't you be a vegetable?

Vincent is not a vampire. :p He shares equal characteristics of one, but, for example, he doesn't need blood to survive, and he can perfectly stand sunlight. ;)

The Vampire mythology that i've read (not the Dracula stuff, but about the Children of Caine^^) :

Vampires need blood to survive. They do not age physically, but they do age mentally at a very slow tempo. But an ancient vampire, that has lived for a couple of millenia, would eventually perish, for his brain wouldn't function anymore. (Vampires don't need a heart, but they do need a brain, although they're undead :p)

So i do think Vincent will die eventually from age, mentally, not physically. =/


Originally Posted by Tiny Bronco
Someone has to keep Nanaki company for the next 500+ years.

Nanaki's species live for that long? =D

murza 06-01-2006 12:55 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
i agree with avatar maybe it was something to do with the coffin?

i dont think th experiment stopped him aging since everyone wouldnt be aging if that was the case. Plus when he came out of the coffin he said sommat about nightmare maybe thats a clue? i was thinking mayb his punishment was to live until the world end???? lol tell m what u think?

Zeromus_X 06-01-2006 04:53 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?

Originally Posted by Avathar
Nanaki's species live for that long? =D

You did watch the ending, didn't you? :p

Tiny Bronco 06-01-2006 05:00 PM

Re: Is Vincent Immortal?
Yes Nanaki's species lives that long. In the end FMV it said 500 years later and Nanaki had cubs! Nanaki still looked healthy though. He had a neat beard.


i agree with avatar maybe it was something to do with the coffin?

i dont think th experiment stopped him aging since everyone wouldnt be aging if that was the case. Plus when he came out of the coffin he said sommat about nightmare maybe thats a clue? i was thinking mayb his punishment was to live until the world end???? lol tell m what u think?
Vincent was in the coffin because he wanted to be. He blaimed himself for letting Lucersia become a part off the Jenova Project. He inflicted that punishment on himself because he was so guilty. No one made him stay in the coffin.

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