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Luis 09-28-2005 05:20 PM

Don't you see the similitud??
Have you ever seen the series Dragon Ball? If so, you'll probably find some similitudes between the main character of the series (Son Goku) and the main character of FFIX (Yitan). First, you may see that Yitan has a tail, like some kind of monkey, and Son Goku had it too when young. Till here there's no need to worry about, as we just talk about a tail. But when Yitan reaches state of trance, he becomes some kind of monkey, and pink hair grows all around his body. A really similar transformation suffers Goku in Dragon Ball GT series when he reaches the Fourth level of Super Sayan. Isn't it too coincidence??
I must say that Dragon Ball much more older than FFIX.
What do you think?

Troublesom 09-28-2005 05:22 PM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
Hmm... never hit me,
Interesting perspective :D

Totorosama 09-28-2005 06:45 PM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
Yitan? I thought it was Zidane? Also, they have really different personalities, not to mention looks (sort of).

Rorschach 09-28-2005 08:01 PM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
I wouldn't be suprised if the based one on the other...

ShadowHeart 09-28-2005 08:04 PM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
Yitan is just the name of Zidane in the Spanish version.. I remember Luis said that before :)

Zeromus_X 09-28-2005 08:22 PM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
i saw that the first time i played, and kind of laughed :D but i dont think theyre trying to copy dragonball, at least i hope it isnt...though the similarities are very apparent. was square called square enix when they made ffIX? because toriyama works with enix...(dragon quest)... dragonball is very popular in japan(well, it is in every part of the world, but...^^;) still, its very interesting.

edit: oh, dont forget, theyre both from a different planet :)

Luis 09-29-2005 02:01 PM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
I forgot it was called Zidane :D Good you remember it Shadowheart ;) Of course they are not equal, I didn't say that, I just found these similarities curious, don't you? (I didn't know Toriyama works with Enix!! Perhaps it might explain it... :rolleyes: ) Everytime I enter the forum I learn new things :p

Zeromus_X 09-29-2005 08:22 PM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
yes, toriyama is the character designer, and pretty much all around art guy in the dragon quest games :)

gcarev10 10-06-2005 06:07 PM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
ietresting thinking Yitan he he he goku is litle stupid for me he is no mach for "yitan" spanish hmm.

gcarev10 11-02-2005 06:13 PM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
ask goku he will know

Avathar 12-02-2005 02:41 PM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
You're right. Dragonball.

Like this:

Super Saiyan=Trance
planet Vegeta=Terra
Chichi= Dagger
Saiyans= Genomes
Gohan= Vivi
Yamcha= Blank
Ox King= Baku
Yaijirobe= Quina
Tien= Steiner
Bulma= Eiko
Trunks= Mikoto
Android 18= Lani
Master Roshi= Cid
Dodoria and Zarbon/or/Nappa and Raditz= Zorn and Thorn
Ginyu Force: Terra Guardians
Guldo= Wind
Jeice= Fire
Burter= Water
Recoome= Earth

.... and so on. :D

LavonnePortman 11-25-2013 09:17 AM

Re: Don't you see the similitud??
but i will go with the 8.5 out of the maximum .. loving it !

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