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Coelie 08-28-2005 09:05 AM

What's the best FF9 character
let's hear your oppinion abt the best character of Final Fantasy 9

My vote is gonna go for...Zidane, coz I like his special moves ;)

ShadowHeart 08-28-2005 12:44 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
Vivi is the best, story-wise, so I voted for him. Not sure who I think is the best in battle though..

Spiff 08-28-2005 12:59 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character

Coelie 08-28-2005 05:13 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
Spiff....I forgot to say only Main characters are in the vote

Arkacia 08-28-2005 11:41 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
Vivi without a doubt. He's so cute and reminds me of a lost kid that you just can't help taking home because he looks so helpless (meh, I'm female :D).

Max the Man 08-28-2005 11:43 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
Eiko, but only cause Madeen is the awesomest summon.

Coelie 08-29-2005 04:16 AM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
hehe, we all got our reasons :p;):D

Zeromus_X 08-29-2005 09:47 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
vivi. lotsa mages rock! i also liked "focus" (mind you, i didnt figure out how to get abilities til like disc 3...very sad.) and after i focuseda few times, flare, the strongest spell i had at the time almost always did 9999. very cool. the only thing i dont understand is how vivi had kids at the end...or was it meant to be explained? :confused: or were they really his kids or other black mages? very confusing... :confused:

Zerlina 08-29-2005 10:42 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
For characters for character reasons I gotta say that Zidane's pretty cool, and so's Vivi. From a game standpoint, I'd say Freya is the best.

Sin 08-31-2005 03:11 AM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
aight umm from the attitude i would have to say Eiko! shes sooo i and well looks and personality would go to ofcourse..Sarah...but kuteness..not cuteness...have to be on Vivi...if honestly you look at his eyes..its like hes got the weight of the whole world on his shoulders..:( yo i love em yo..^_^
forgot this

From a game standpoint, I'd say Freya is the best.
i must agree with that!!!

Spiff 09-01-2005 12:39 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
After a little thought I went with Zidane.

xjeegeex 09-01-2005 01:03 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
Beatrix cos she rocks!!

Sin 09-02-2005 12:36 AM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
hippo!! remember in disk 3 in Alexanderia vivi races with the widdel shoo adorableeee lol:rolleyes::o:p:D

Baku 09-07-2005 05:34 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
I voted for Amarant, just so like me, better off on your own, keep my thoughts to myself, and when he gets leveled up hes almost un beatable, doesn't hardly need to make a battle decision when he gets fully leveled up as you can turn on counter and magic counter, if a monster makes a move, he probably gonna end up dead if it goes for amarant.

Andrew Scaves 09-07-2005 06:36 PM

Re: What's the best FF9 character
I also like Zidane, he has a tail like me and a lot of people say I'm a mixture of Zidane and Cloud, but with a street punk attitude that I used to have, but now I'm conversed to Christianity.

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