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Doctor 12-22-2006 03:49 AM

What happened to Kuja?
(If this has been brought up before: I'm very sorry @_@ )

I mean, it was never that clear near the end when Zidane went back to get Kuja, and then the place started to collapse (or it was something else--I haven't played in ages due to a bad disc 2) and the scene faded out.

Did Kuja die? Or did he escape with Zidane somehow, and then they both went their seperate ways?

I know it's a dumb question, but I'm just curious for opinions. XP

Mega Flare 12-22-2006 10:08 AM

Re: What happened to Kuja?
From wat i know having beaten the game several times over, Kuja has ended up inside the lifa tree after the battle, Zidane goes back for him and they have a small conversation then the tree attacks them.

It then cuts to the rest of the character a few months or a year after the events of tht day and again the crew from the start are performing the play, it gets to a certain point and the hooded actor pulls it off to reveal Zidane.

He is asked how he survived and he replies "I sang our Song" Referring to the song daggar sings at points in the game.

Avathar 12-22-2006 03:39 PM

Re: What happened to Kuja?

Originally Posted by Doctor Faust
(If this has been brought up before: I'm very sorry @_@ )

I mean, it was never that clear near the end when Zidane went back to get Kuja, and then the place started to collapse (or it was something else--I haven't played in ages due to a bad disc 2) and the scene faded out.

Did Kuja die? Or did he escape with Zidane somehow, and then they both went their seperate ways?

I know it's a dumb question, but I'm just curious for opinions. XP

I am as good as completely sure that Kuja did die inside the Iifa Tree.

Although, I'm only guessing that the final attack of the Tree wasn't what caused Kuja to die, 'cause most likely, Zidane covered/saved Kuja's body, as you could briefly see in the game.

Kuja at the end turned 'good', meaning he finally regretted all of his evil acts, and discovered goodness inside of him, due to Zidane.

And 'cause of all these emotion twists, and Kuja's tiresome actions, he probably felt like he was ready to pass away, and very coincidentially, he passed away inside the Iifa Tree, which is just like him: a creation of Garland.

Zeromus_X 12-22-2006 08:14 PM

Re: What happened to Kuja?
Yes, I'm of the people that believed he died. I mean, we don't know for sure that he's dead, but the game doesn't give us any reason to believe otherwise considering he was inside a giant tree as it imploded.

ThroneofDravaris 12-22-2006 10:13 PM

Re: What happened to Kuja?
Really, there is no logical reason to believe that Kuja is anything but dead. We already knew he was going to die eventually, he makes a final ‘farewell-esk’ speech and we see him close his eyes and turn his head to the side. Usually seeing someone, you know, die on screen is a pretty clear indication that he’s not coming back. However, the reason that people found it confusing is due to Zidane’s “Don’t die on me now’ line right afterwards which in western (and probably eastern) fiction generally pre-empts someone making a miraculous recovery against the odds.

So yeah, he’s dead. It was just stupidly handled.

Yggdrasill 12-24-2006 08:52 PM

Re: What happened to Kuja?
I think Kuja died and Zidane buried him because after the video; it shows Mikoto saying a speech based on what Kuja did..... which makes it seem as if he is dead.
I think just before the vines hit them both Kuja used he last bit of strength to teleport Zidane out from the Iifa tree. (We hear a weird sound, perhaps a teleport spell? Followed by the sound of an explosion.)

dappa 12-26-2006 01:20 PM

Re: What happened to Kuja?
Yep he's dead. Correct me if I'm wrong but when you are watching the ending and you see what the characters are currently up to and you see some text appearing in the middle of the screen with somones thoughts and feelings about memories, I'm convinced they are kujas thoughts and memories

Zeon 12-26-2006 01:39 PM

Re: What happened to Kuja?
im not actually sure about tht. i think their garnets/sarah/daggers memories from when they were journeying together. but then again i could be wrong. i think tht the teleporting theorys good....and the song bit......maybe....or maybe zidane went into trance and like repelled the lifa tree. who knows?? but then again he does kinda die before the tree goes mad dont he? when he just "flops" and zidane starts saying "dont you go dieing on me"

Avathar 12-26-2006 03:41 PM

Re: What happened to Kuja?

Originally Posted by dappa
Correct me if I'm wrong but when you are watching the ending and you see what the characters are currently up to and you see some text appearing in the middle of the screen with somones thoughts and feelings about memories, I'm convinced they are Vivi's thoughts and memories


Vivi the King 12-28-2006 11:11 AM

Re: What happened to Kuja?
I'm sorry but in you can see it in my memories....he's dead....

Fawkes Lament 02-28-2007 03:50 PM

Re: What happened to Kuja?
He is so dead... Unless he comes back from the dead... Then he is still dead, just undead

Phoenix Flame 03-01-2007 03:12 AM

Re: What happened to Kuja?

Maybe we'll see him on a ghost train some time in teh future... 0_o

jedi geoff 03-01-2007 06:30 AM

Re: What happened to Kuja?
thats definately not kuja's thoughts in the end . its TOTALLY garnets/daggers....

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