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Seyluv 01-07-2008 01:52 AM

Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club

Ok, as you guys already might have known. I'm obsessed with Mathias Conqvist.
He is a character from Castlevania: Lament of Innocence.
Since I'm obsessed with him and all we might as well have a fun club for him.

Who is he?

Mathias Conqvist - A tactician who has helped Leon Belmont's company of knights to defend the Holy Land. He is married to Elisabetha, who dies in 1093. Mathias becomes bedridden, and orchestrates a plan to become immortal, cursing the God he once defended. It is also revealed that he is the wielder of the Crimson Stone, once he acquires Walter Bernhard's Vampiric Soul, he becomes Dracula.

Here is some more information on thy evilness. :D

Originally named Mathias Cronqvist, it was during this time when he was best of friends with a man known as Leon Belmont. (This name may be a reference to Matthias Corvinus of Hungary a man known to have had ties with the real, historical Vlad Dracula.) Together, the two formed an undefeatable company, that fought in the name of God. Mathias served as the tactical genius, while Leon was a warrior without peer. However, shortly after losing his wife, Elisabetha Cronqvist, Mathias would become bedridden and would reveal to Leon that his own betrothed, Sara Trantoul, had been kidnapped by the vampire, Walter Bernhard, and taken to a castle within the Forest of Eternal Night.

It was a ploy. Mathias had come up with a brilliant plan. Blaming God for taking his wife away from him, he turned to evil and was merely using Leon to kill Walter so he could steal the vampire's soul with the use of the Crimson Stone. After Leon defeated Walter, Mathias disappears, changes his name to Vlad Tepes, and then becomes Count Dracula.

At the end of the game, it is revealed that Mathias was in possession of the Crimson Stone, an alchemical artifact that passes the spiritual essence of any slain vampire into whomever wields it. The power of the stone was what transformed Mathias into a vampire (not the traditional blood-gift). Possessing the stone over the course of centuries is what transformed Dracula into the world's strongest vampire and presumably what assures that he is resurrected whenever he is slain. (This strange loop suggests that whenever Dracula is killed, as wielder of the Crimson Stone, his power is transferred directly back to him every time.)

However, although his dark designs went down exactly as he had planned, Mathias had not counted on the grief and rage of his former best friend. At that moment, Leon swore an oath that he, his children, and all future generations of the Belmont family would "hunt the night" and protect humanity from supernatural evil. The whip that Leon used to destroy Walter, the Vampire Killer, which was created from a power released upon the death of Leon's beloved Sara, would eventually be passed down through generations of Belmonts to become legendary in its own right.

The idea of Dracula becoming a vampire following the death of his wife is very similar to a major story point of the 1992 film Bram Stoker's Dracula, where Dracula renounces God after his wife Elisabetha kills herself.

The rest of his bio is here.

The Story!

Muhaha, the video of his greatness!!

Pic spam:

Lol, who does he remind you of?

Crap I beat no one even reading this thread. Why do I even bother? :(

Yoko Kurama 01-07-2008 06:12 PM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
I LOVE MATHIAS!!! So pretty... Lament of Innocense is a really good game...

Seyluv 01-07-2008 08:45 PM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
Yay someone here who actually knows Mathias and this game.

Usually everyone always says who is Mathias? And usually its hard to find anyone who even heard of this game. I still don't get why it isn't that popular.

Yoko Kurama 01-08-2008 01:14 AM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
I love Castlevania... I have beaten a bunch of them... I think that LoI is one of my favorites of them all... Mathias is very pretty... And of course there are people reading this thread Empress... Well... One at least... Would it be acceptable to post other pretty Castlevania characters here? Thought I would ask the thread starter first...:D

Seyluv 01-08-2008 10:46 PM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
Hehe post Walter, Leon, all of them here!!!!

They all fine and we love them all.

Yoko Kurama 01-08-2008 11:00 PM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
Kay, I think that, minus the freaky-ness factor, Issac from Curse of Darkness would be pretty... But thats ust me...Just look closely at his face... He kinda reminds me of Manson... His voice actor is one of my favorites... Liam O'Brien! WOOT! He also does the voice of Endrance from .Hack//G.U.... Oh, here is a pic of Issac:

Seyluv 01-09-2008 12:29 AM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
Yeap he is definly pretty, just they should of made him taller. Haha so his outfit could fit him better.

Haha the Castlevania series has nothing but pretty men.


(Genya) Alucard...this my asolute favorite version of Alucard....he looks more like Mathias this way.\

And of course Trevor looks sexy here.

Lol heres my Mathias graphic....made this a few days ago before I took all those Screenshots above. Hehe I love this computer...if it wasn't for this computer i wouldn't have all those great pics above of Thy Evilness, Mathias.

I'm retry and maybe make a Trevor, Genya, Mathias siggy once I get Photoshop on the 13th. :d

Yoko Kurama 01-09-2008 07:52 PM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
WOOT FOR SEXY CASTLEVANIA MEN!!! I like Soma... Pretty...

The guys from Malice Mizer almost look like sexy castlevania men... See..

Well, Empress, I think you already know Gackt's beauty... That really does look Castlevania-ish though...

Seyluv 01-09-2008 11:43 PM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
Since we posting real guys.

I guess I add Jaejoong.....he reminds me of Genya a little.

As for Castlevania guys, there is one more really pretty one. I don't know his name, he does have silver hair though. I'm look him up and post him. :d

[EDITED] Found him....isn't he fine? Never played this game before though.

I prefer my men with dark hair though, like Mathias.
Oh man, he is soooo freaking fine. I so want that. Heck I sell my soul for that. He is the ultimate hottie!!!!! Don't you agree?

Mathias is truly my king!!!!!

Zeromus_X 01-12-2008 10:41 PM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
That last picture is of Juste Belmont, from Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance.

Yoko Kurama 01-13-2008 08:59 AM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
Ah yes, I know of Juste... I beat that one... I like either black hair or white/silver hair... Castlevania dudes are pretty... I know of one guy who could use his hair as a whip... Kami from Malice Mizer!!!

I mean, come on!!! Look at that hair!!! It is the longest hair I have ever seen on a guy...

Seyluv 01-13-2008 11:12 PM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
Whoa he is sooo freaky pretty, almost perfect.

Yoko Kurama 01-14-2008 12:40 AM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
Kami is pretty yes... Now, maybe we should get back on topic so that this doesn't turn into a Malice Mizer thread:D... Oh, I started one by the way... You should check it out...

Seyluv 01-14-2008 12:47 AM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
Haha I will......

Back on subject.

Mathias Conqvist is by far the most perfect being ever to exist in a video game.

kb-sama 01-14-2008 12:51 AM

Re: Mathias Conqvist's Fan Club
Kb has NEVER played a Castlevania (hides behind a big rock)

can you point out a good one to start at.....and Mathias is a BAD ASS....don't kill me

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