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Arkacia 08-25-2005 07:29 AM

The FFnet bar
I've started this thread off as a virtual bar where you can post anything (within the rules of course), have a virtual drink of your choice and discuss whatever you like :D.

There is no set topic. You can discuss your day, have a rant, make announcements of important things in your life like passing exams ect, just say hello. Whatever floats your boat really :).

Can we try to make this one thread a no go zone for FF discussion however, as it already has most of the board devoted to it ;).

First post from me is to tell you all that I am dying of a severe cold at the moment and feel like death warmed up. A couple of virtual rum and cokes from the bar should make me start to feel a bit better though. Just wish I had some of the real thing :D.

Spiff 08-25-2005 09:36 AM

Re: The FFnet bar day...

Let's see, my uncle and best friend got arrested in the same night, I started school and I realized that I couldn't change the brakes on my mom's car cause they're messed up. I also signed up for darts at a real bar.

I'll take a Long Island Ice Tea.

DarkCloud 08-26-2005 11:27 AM

Re: The FFnet bar
i'm loving life and have no money hehehe. schools catchin up with me latley, gotta knuckle down.

I'll take a tall glass of dry ginger ale on ice and a glass of water thanks.

Spiff 08-26-2005 11:34 AM

Re: The FFnet bar
Get this after he got arrested she stole $300 from him. So he got the police on it and she has arrest warrents for home invasion and grand larceny.

And he just got back from the hospital because she cut his wrist with a knife.

Zeromus_X 08-30-2005 09:37 PM

Re: The FFnet bar absolutely horrifiying!! :( did that really happen?!
(unfortunately, im one of the last humans on earth with empathy...)
oh, and id like a big glass of pepsi...
edit: and ice! alot of ice!)

Sin 09-02-2005 09:51 PM

Re: The FFnet bar
mann i seriously wish there was a real grop thingy for F u know liek a place to hang ya know with FF videos playing and music in the back there was a club opened in my school for anime..i thought i go there and talk about FF but..they were all just into halo shit and stuff...i say waevea:(

Zeromus_X 09-03-2005 02:18 AM

Re: The FFnet bar
well, ive gone on another of my ff game playing sprees!! :) that is: play an ff game nonstop until you beat it!! im also trying to beat all the ffs 1-9, and i just have 2 and 8 to go! (i dont count dawn of souls...) im currently playing 8, as its the last ps1 one i havent completed. its a really neat game. im on disc 2. after i complete 8 , ill play 2...oh, and i got a new kitty wallpaper! theyre all such cute wittle wittens! :D (with a "w"!) really tired...cannot quit now...must keep playing... *snore*-----
:p*sprite this time...ZZZ*

Arkacia 09-03-2005 02:31 AM

Re: The FFnet bar
Aaarrrgggghhhh, its just no good. No matter where you go on this forum, you just can't escape the FF talk :D.

Enjoy your game Zeromus_X. Hope you beat it without too much hassle :).

Just to let you all know. The buff and levels have been set on the weapons and armour for the RPG. I had initially set the buff too low but have fixed that and tested it out with one of the weakest weapons I have finally racked up enough gil to buy. It seemed to work well and fairly. I managed to beat the monster, just, but now have to get enough money to heal myself before I can fight again.

Lionheart250 09-03-2005 07:22 PM

Re: The FFnet bar
I could give my mind off of Final Fantasy, like for Mushashi, I want to know what happens after you beat the Tower of Death, becaus eI forgot, me and my bro beat it......
Thats why, but even though, I'm always thinking of Final Fantasy, still I could keep it off of my mind for now......I think, yup........

Spiff 09-15-2005 12:40 PM

Re: The FFnet bar
Oh boy, my dart team has been stinking it up. Let's see, our record thus far is 12-33 on the season and we've been kicked out of two bars already. ;)

I need to drown my sorrows, I'll take a Jack and Coke.

Coelie 09-15-2005 01:53 PM

Re: The FFnet bar
It's raining so freacky hard here, neither me nor my bro had tennis practise :( :o

scotch on the rocks, shaken not sturd

Arkacia 10-16-2005 01:24 AM

Re: The FFnet bar
Its been raining here for over 12 hours but we are welcoming it with open arms. Maybe all the brown grass will start greening up again now :).

I'll grab a bundy and coke, have some lunch and decide whether I want to work on the RPG some more this afternoon, or play Diablo LOD instead :D.

ShadowHeart 10-16-2005 02:38 AM

Re: The FFnet bar
You really are addicted to LoD now, aren't ya? I'm telling ya, it's like a drug ;)

Arkacia 10-16-2005 04:53 AM

Re: The FFnet bar
Yes, it certainly is :).

I've started a new sorceress off as the level 32 one just couldn't beat Diablo himself. I'm going to be a bit more careful how I build the new one up so hopefully I can finally get the game beat and advance up to nightmare level :).

Hmmmm, just talking about it has made me want to play. Seeya all in 10 hours or so :D.

Xartex 10-16-2005 07:23 AM

Re: The FFnet bar
And if you need a hand in how to build a character, you can always ask Shadowheart, he's know the game like the back of his hand

Think I'll just go with a Beer

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