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Squall Leonhart 01-19-2006 03:24 PM

Samurai or Ninja
I got bored :p

Tiny Bronco 01-19-2006 05:53 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
I like the little Cactar running around on your profile thing

Squall Leonhart 01-19-2006 06:39 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
Thanks. I pick Ninja.

Tiny Bronco 01-19-2006 07:00 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
I don't know who to pick so i guess Ninja too

Squall Lionheart 01-24-2006 01:17 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
Neither probably....

Tiny Bronco 01-24-2006 06:02 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH! Squall has three Cactuar now. :eek: SPIFFY! :D

Zeromus_X 01-24-2006 08:55 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
well, hm...

ninjas can hold weapons in both hands, and throw things... plus their speedy...and in ffIII, theyre the ultimate "fighter" class, can equip any weapon/armor.

samurai have cointoss, useful if you have money to spare. they also can equip katanas (masamune anyone?) and have power lowering techniques (like auron's for example.)

or are we talking about real life? i wouldnt want either. ninjas in real life were little more than gardeners, and being a samurai would be too much work. (not to mention that theyre all gone anyway...)

now, on the other hand, if i could have my own masamune... :p

Squall Lionheart 01-25-2006 07:53 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
As you know me...I would go with a two handed sword (preferably gunblade)! the way what is masumune..all I know about it is that it's one of GF Gilgamesh's 4 swords

Tiny Bronco 01-25-2006 07:58 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
A Masamune is a type of sword that's generally made for qiuckness over the ability to cut through walls or whatever. :D
What Zero is probably talking about is Sephiroth's sword in FF7 that's really long, kind of thin, and really good. ;)

Squall Lionheart 01-25-2006 08:20 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
...Strange I heard that Gilgamesh was sucked in another dimension in an earlier FF
...I don't know about 7 but he appears in eight to collect the Legendary Odine's Sword but if I remeber correctly...his masumune had an effect of 1 only!

Tiny Bronco 01-25-2006 08:25 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
No, he wansn't in FF7, but in FF7 Sephiroth's Masaume Blade is legendary, powerful, and very cool looking. :D

Zeromus_X 01-25-2006 08:25 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja

Originally Posted by Tiny Bronco
A Masamune is a type of sword that's generally made for qiuckness over the ability to cut through walls or whatever. :D
What Zero is probably talking about is Sephiroth's sword in FF7 that's really long, kind of thin, and really good. ;)

well, besides sephy's cool sword, in ff I, you found it in one of the last rooms of the chaos temple. any class could equip it, and it was better than excalibur. in ffII, it was in the "astral plane" room of pandaemonium. it could cast haste on the party (very useful). in ffIII, it was one of the weapons sealed in forbidden land eureka. it was edge's best ninja sword in ffIV, found in the core of the moon(although you had to kill dark leviathan...). in ffV, it was one of the twelve sealed weapons, and anyone who equips it gets to go first in battle. although it had less attack power than excalibur, excal had holy element, so it could heal some enemies and bosses. in ffVI, it was one of ceyenne's best katanas. in ffVIII, it was one of gilgamesh's random attacks. in ffIX, it was one of zidanes best weapons, and could cast doom on an enemy with soul blade (good for killing yans ;) )

so theres your ff masamune history lesson! :p see the link i put in the "masamune vs. buster sword" thread in the ffVII forum to read the legend of the masamune (very interesting.)

Tiny Bronco 01-25-2006 08:44 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
I feel enlightened! :D I guess FFs and Masamunes just go together.

Squall Lionheart 01-25-2006 09:44 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
Actually alot of things are repeated through FF

Zeromus_X 01-25-2006 11:22 PM

Re: Samurai or Ninja
to reply to the things you said earlier that i didnt read...

the attack gilgamesh does that only does 1 is "excalipoor", a mockery of excalibur. in ffV, when you fight gilgamesh, he says he found the legendary sword, excalibur. (but it only does 1 when he uses it.) he gets sucked into the cleft of dimension by his frustrated superior, x-death. you find the excalibur, only its called "excalipoor", and although it has the same attack power of excalibur, it will only do 1 damage in battle.

his other attack , "excalibur" does moderate damage. (i guess. gilg hardly appears for me...)

as for the theory of him being sucked into ffVIII, its only a theory. (therefore, its not true ;) ) square just likes too re-use things in ffs, like you said :)

unfortunately, it doesnt stop people from creating wacky theories...

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