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Tifa-chan 04-09-2007 03:39 PM

The Learn Japanese Thread =O
Yeapers! Tifa has desided to do this on every forum and or site she is on! I am teaching Japanese to others, but to also help aid myself in learning the lanugage! So if you would like to learn some Japanese this is the thread for you! All I ask is that you respect what I am doing and call me Sensei! And that is about it! So here we go! Lesson Ichi!

Minna-san, watashi wa burooke desu. Hajimemashite. Genki desu ka. Watashi wa Juushichi sai, sore anatatachi sensei desu. Dozo yoruishiku.

Sore. anatatachi ganbatte, onegaishimasu.

Alright shall we get started then? First off you are going to learn how to correctly pronouce things in Japanese. It's not very hard, and in fact can be quite simple.
First we will start in how to pronouce the vowels in the Japanese Romanised way.

* note: How I am writing right now in Japanese is called Roman-ji. It is basicly Japanese put into English so that it is easier to learn at first. However Roman-ji to the Japanese when used outside of learning Japanese, can be considered impolite. They only exseption you will see in Japan is in stores or on signs for travelers. So later on we will learn how to write in the Japanese Characters of Kanji, Katakana, and Hiragana. The only reason I am doing it this way is so that it will make it somewhat easier for you to learn, and for the simple fact that not everyones computers or set up to see and read the Japanese Characters. Mine on the other hand is XD *

A as in "Father"
E as in "Seven, Eleven"
I as in "Easter, Treat"
O as in "Open, Pope"
U as in "Fruity moogle"

If you haven't already noticed, for those of you who speak Spanish, Italian, and Latin and similar languages, they are pronouced very similar to those languages.

Pronouce the vowels is always consistant, there are NO silent vowels in the Japanese language. Vowels are pronouced destinctly, HOWEVER! You can choice *as most Japanese people do* to not voice a vowel.

An example of this is as follows.

The word "Desu"

You do not say the U at the end. Infact, desu is ALWAYS pronouced Dess.

Vowels such as "I" and "U" are what you call weak vowels. This means that most of the time they are not pronouced. Don't always go getting ride of your "U's" and "I's" though! If you do this all the time no one will know what you are saying! =O

mmkay, everyone with me so far? No? Okay I thought so, I guess then for now I will leave you to work with this. When everyone is done with this lesson let me know, and if you have any questions, DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK! I am here to answer your questions! Ne?

Ja matta me! Minna-san, ganbatte, onegaishimasu.
Burooke <--- Yes that is Brooke, my name, in Japanese.

Words of the day. *This little section will always be at the end of my lessons so that you can learn the words that I use. This will always help build yourJapanese vocabulary. So practice practice practice!*

Minna- Minna is a common word used to address a group of people.

San- San is what we call a Honorific. It is placed after someones name and is equivalent to Mr, Mrs. Miss and so on. There are many diffrent types of Honorifics, which as we progress in the lessons I will teach you. San is a common Honorific and Honorifics are always used, enless it is with a wife, husband, child, boyfriend, girlfriend, or someone very close to you.

Watashi- Watashi is quite literaly "Me", "I", or "Myself". It is used when talking about ones self.

Wa- Wa is what we call a sentance particals. There a quite a few sentance particals, and sentance particals are used to help make a sentance. In this case I use "Wa" after my name to state that "I am" the topic of the sentance.

Desu- Desu is most often put at the end of a sentance. Desu means quite a few things like: Is, are, was, were, to be. Again Desu is used to help make a sentance, and for politeness.

Hajimemashite- Hajimemashite litteraly means "Nice to meet you." and is used when meeting someone for the first time.

Genki- Genki is quite often just Health, however it is used when meeting someone you have not seen in a long time, or meeting someone for the first time. It is considered very polite in Japanese to ask how one's health is. Not asking can be considered rude.

Ka- Ka is another sentance partical. Ka litteraly turns your sentance into a question, Ka is only used when making a sentance a question.

Putting that whole sentance "Genki desu ka" together means, "How are you?" Or "How is your health?" "Genki" meaning "health, "Desu" making the sentance polite, and "Ka" turning the sentance into a question. Now when you want to reply to this question, you would say, "Genki desu" or "Watashi wa Genki desu" these will both mean "I am well" or "I am in good health"

Juu- Juu is used when counting, and is put before numbers like Ichi *one* to mean that it is a teen number, like Seventeen.

Shichi- Shichi is litteraly the number seven.

Sai- Sai is used when refurring to ones age. In this case I put it after Juushichi when would be Seventeen in Japanese. This then made that sentance refure to my age, which is Seventeen.

Sore- Sore can be used for a number of things, but in this case I used it to help make the sentance "I am your teacher." It wasn't really needed, but it helped from repeating myself in saying watashi wa. Sore can mean things like "so then" and "in that case"

Anata- Anata is litteraly "You", however it is not always used when talking with someone. Using Anata constanly when talking with one person is considered rude and degrading. It can make it seem like you are putting the person down.

Tachi- Tachi is added to words like "Anata" and "Watashi" to make it for more than one person, or a group of people. It can also be used with the words "Shojo" and "Shonen". "Shojo" meaning Girl and "Shonen" meaning Boy. So in the end with this sentance, I used "Anatatachi" to address all of you who are reading this topic, and if you are that makes you my student and I am your teacher! MWAHAHAHA! Bow down to me!

Sensei- I think everyone knows this word. Yes it litteraly means "Teacher"

Dozo- Dozo is used for to many things for me to list! It is used when asking someone a favor or just offering something to someone. Again it goes with the whole polite thing.

Yorushiku- Yourshiku is another one of those polite Japanese words. It can mean a number of things like "Please do your best" and "Please exsept this" It also means "nice to meet you", so watch how you use it in your sentances!

Ganbatte- Ganbatte means "Please do your best", "Do your Best" and, "I will do my best!"

Onegaishimasu- Again one of your polite Japanese words. It litteraly means "Please" Adding "Masu" makes it that much more polite.

Masu- Masu is pronouced, like Desu, just Mas. You do NOT say the "U" so it is just Mass *Not mass as in church though!* Masu is used to make things polite and to show that you understand something.

Seyluv 04-09-2007 03:42 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
Yay, a Japanese learning thread...I check it out once I get home.

Tifa-chan 04-09-2007 04:07 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
^__^ Alright

Spec Highwind 04-09-2007 04:17 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
I would love love love to learn japanese! @_@ But I should definitely learn english first =P

Let's see what I can say in japanese, Sensei:

Watashi wa Rúben desu


(and I know that "No" means possession)

Thanks you for making this thread! =D

Tifa-chan 04-09-2007 04:19 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
^__^ Np at all. And very good so then I assume you know how to pronouce things in Japanese correct?

Spec Highwind 04-09-2007 04:22 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
Well... I do watch Anime...

And I guess I can say that it is MUCH easier for portuguese people to pronounce japanese than it is for you ;)

P.S. Pin this thread someone! @_@

Tifa-chan 04-09-2007 04:31 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
XD I have no problem at all pronoucing Japanese and I have spoken English all my life. It's like I have spoken the language in past life or something, it comes so easily to me.

Spec Highwind 04-09-2007 05:05 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
How do we say "Thank You"? Arigatou, right?

Tifa-chan 04-09-2007 05:07 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
Yes. Arigatou is just a general thank you. To be polite, which is highly recomened in Japan, you would add Gosaimasu. So you would have Arigatou Gosaimasu

forever yours 04-09-2007 05:49 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
Yay a japanese learning forum. I've been trying to learn it lately. I found it helps if u constantly listen to japanese music and tv shows.... just so I can familmarize myself with how the words sound, and kinda catch certain phrases.

Spec Highwind 04-09-2007 05:54 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
Sensei, how do you start a conversation?

Like "Hello"? I guess I know the word... but I don't know how to write it.

Goodbye is Sayonara, right?

Tifa-chan 04-09-2007 06:15 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
Spec- Well like the english language there are many ways to start a sentance in Japanese. it depends on the topic and who you are talking too. Give me a sentance topic or example and I will see what I can do.

Forever- ^__^ That is how I started too. It is very helpful, because like you said, it helps you to familiarize with the sounds of words and helps you to pick up on how things are said, and so on and so forth.

On that note

NOTE: if you find is useful, try to watch Japanese shows, and listen to the music to help familarize yourself with language.

Also I am *once I find my computer mic* going to record myself saying sertant things and sentances to help teach you the proper way to say and pronouce things.

Spec Highwind 04-09-2007 06:57 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
What about listening to L'Arc~en~Ciel, (and Gackt, in the past...o.O) and watching Rurouni Kenshin? =P

Tifa-chan 04-09-2007 08:03 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
Yes they all help!

Seyluv 04-09-2007 08:36 PM

Re: The Learn Japanese Thread =O
Maybe I should start going to the Learn Korean threads on Soompi and the other K-pop forums since I know a little of it anyway.

Lol, I know how to say the follow

Good Bye
Thank You
I love you
You love me
I can't
I can
I'm sorry

and many many others

Lol, I should learn more and not try to get into any other languages right now.

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