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Old 11-18-2007, 04:50 PM   #42
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John Smith
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Re: Official complain

Wow, major confusion here!!!

First of, to the matter which this thread was created for (yes, I expect everyone to read everything, since I think it concerns and applies to all of us).

I can't really speak about the lack of activity from part of the mods and admins like most of you, since I haven't been here for quite a while now. However, before I had to stop coming here almost daily, I noticed that Shaggy and Ark were already inactive, but they surely have their reasons, I'm sure they enjoy it here as much as we do. This is a great community, it's a shame that so many members are leaving for an undefined time period, some maybe for ever. The same applies to our super-mods: Avathar and Zero (and Sephiroth, but I don't remember ever seeing him online except for one occasion..). It's a shame that real life often takes away some of the things we like the most.

About the mods, it's the same thing. When I returned, 2 days ago, the only one I saw online was Hydra. What happened to reason, Luis, Squall Lionheart and ShadowHeart? Today, I saw reason had come back from a long departure. Today too, I had the opportunity to talk to Luis about what was happening here, in FFNet, about what happened to many of the people of "my days" and what happened to him, which he did not hesitate to explain me. I will not go into details, but what I could understand from the conversation we had (and some things I've read in this thread and some others), the situation here is not pleasurable, neither for the "normal" members, nor for the mods.

Inactivity is taking over Final Fantasy Network, and something must be done to turn the forum back to what it was some months ago. However, we must understand that most of the members here are either in school or college and are very busy with their chores (including myself), thus not having much time to come here and hang out with our friends. The members who aren't in school/college have to focus on their real life jobs, so it's understandable, once again, that FFNet is not too frequented at this time. What is not normal is that only a very very very small fraction of the members who enjoy it here really come and try to show that this community is not dead after all.

I, myself, have already said this, and I'm going to repeat it: school keeps me very occupied, and I'm in High School. If I'm so full of work while in a not so high level of exigence, I cannot even imagine how college students have the guts to come here and post, to chat with their friends and, if not personally, at least have a social life with real people from other parts of the world through the internet. I admire them and I think that these people are the ones who really care for the well being of this community. Of course, the forum will be more active some times than in others, but that is natural. What isn't natural is that only about 5 people post regularly in a forum that has more than 2000!

I really hope that I'm able to come more often, because I really like the people here, even if sometimes I don't let them understand that. I, for one, expect to see more members online during the school holidays, that they, hopefully, get more enthusiastic about FFNet and try to find some free time to come here, at least once a week. I know I will try to come whenever I have the time. Unfortunatly, I don't know when I may arrange some more minutes in the next few weeks, since I'm going to have more tests, so don't expect to see me here like I used to be a few months ago.
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With that out of my system (phew!) what I'm going to say now is directed mainly at Luis and Kat, but I advise everyone to read this too.

What you said in your first post in this thread... what was that for?! Like Luis said, the mods' job isn't being here and fight forum crime 24/7. They receive no kind of compensation for patrolling FFNet and kill all bots at sight, move and delete threads, maintain order, prevent members from flaming each other, to give us a good internet experience. In sum, to keep FFNet as pleasurable and desirable for everyone as they would like it to be. Mods aren't robots, they can't be here all the time without fulfilling their human needs: eating, drinking, sleeping, etc... They, just like you, are real people and have real needs, real feelings and real responsibilities, some even more than you have at the moment. So those kind of comments aren't really helpful, plus, your post did not contribute to the topic at hand and caused a violation to some of the members' good disposal and enjoyment, in my view. Please, do consider what you are going to say in the future, so as not to hurt other people.

What you said was very correct, however, the way you said it was a little too much. You too contributed to a not-so-well being between you two. You got carried away in the tension of the moment and didn't quite react the way you should had.

Again, at Kat, now about your 2nd post:
The way Luis said what he said didn't please you and you precipitated yourself into a decision that wasn't very nice. What you did, and I am going to be honest, was, in my opinion, very childish, because you just gave up upon an adversity, you didn't try to resolve the problem in a way which wouldn't be awkward and embarrassing to the other forumites. You just saw an easy way to escape it and took it. Now that you are back, I expect you to correct this, because I know you only did that because you were mad and your pride didn't let you act like you should had.

For you two:
What I expect from both of you is to act like two grown-ups, admit that you were wrong, each one in her/his own way, and apologise. If you don't want to talk to each other after that, then don't, but do the correct thing and act like people your own age. You are not 5 year old children, you are a teenager and an adult, and both of you are conscious about what you say and do.

Please think about what I said before posting, don't limit yourselves to reading and replying like automatized bots.
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