Thread: The old days...
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Old 01-20-2008, 09:07 PM   #7
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Re: The old days...

Originally Posted by Luis View Post
Indeed, it's not true xD
You joined the network in july 2005, as I also did.

Poor Kiera xD

I opened that thread xD
By the way, gotta remember you all that Sonic is way cooler than Mario. Mario couldn't fit in my sig in a such cool way as Sonic does

Ladies and gentlemen, we may see here the general contrast of interests: as Zeromus misses the days when discussion was predominant, Kat misses the days when most of the forum threads were goofy.

As for me:

I remember the old days when Shadowheart was the Super Mod xD When we discussed mainly about FF. The users by then were usually Shadowheart, Heavenscloud, Zeromus, Zerlina, Mong00se, Sephiroth, Spiff, Xartex, M.C. the Max, FFNut... and obviously, Shaggy and Arkacia (among others).
As the time passed, reasoniamalive signed in (in winter 2005) and so did Avathar. With Avathar, some threads became a little more goofy and funny. Things remained more or less equal (Empresscrystal signed in just before spring), and then in summer 2006 many spammers signed in xD [Hydra, Kat, John Smith, Spec and Griever]. I found those new threads so silly and irritating... that in time, I couldn't do anything but joining the spam party xD (only for a while ;-D )
Later on, Tifa-Chan and Gackt signed in too. Then from June '07 on, the Forum slowly kept decreasing its activity. Till today.

So, that's basically the history of FFNet in my point of view.
I could also tell you about the Mario vs. Sonic thread, how I showed J.Smith to play Google Image, why did I become a mod, spam conversation (Which fruit are j00?), leet convos, how much I dislike ToD, or how much I got tired of Gackt (the singer xD)... That's why I've kept trying to make this place work, along some other people. Because all of this.

Basically, that's FFNet history for me.
Luis nailed it down good.

Thats pretty much my point of view too...
reading that made me feel emo.

i need a hug.

*runs off sobbing*

The perfect Example of: Imperfection
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