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Old 02-21-2006, 06:36 PM   #14
Master Summoner
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Re: i (also) just got this game.

Yeah, the enemies there are tough, but I've been okay so far. I flee from groups I know can't win. Maybe First Strike will solve my Marlboro problem...

I've been leveling up there, so I can kill Sin's head before it's Overdrive fills up, and we die.

so far, Kimahri has learned Flare and Ultima, Lulu has learned Flare, Ultima, and Doublecast, Yuna has learned Holy (It is so awesome...straight 9s almost all the time, if not 1000s!)

Many of my characters have gone into other people's sections of the Sphere Grid, which I guess always happens.

I've moved Rikku into Auron's Section-She can learn Zombie Attack (one of the most useful abilities I've gotten), and her HP and Attack may finally increase.

Yuna has learned some of Rikku's abilities, like Use, and I'm trying to move her to Lulu's Double cast, via Friend Sphere.

Tidus is still trailing along on his own section, I think he'll be going into Yuna's soon...

Auron is going into Tidus', Time Magic and speed should help him greatly. (since he always misses the speedier enemies.)

Kimahri has been teleporting, he was in Wakka's grid, he learned status effects and his attack went up. I made him go get Ultima, and Flare, so Lulu could use those Black Magic spheres I never use to get those spells.

Lulu is continuing on her grid, It looks like she'll be going into Wakka's. I should move her to Tidus' or Yuna's , for more spells.

and finally, Wakka is still on his. I need to check where he's going next, though I am very pleased with his attack and accuracy.

Things I need- Doublecast for Yuna. C'mon, two Holies in a row? Or two curative/protective magics? Super!

- Lulu and Yuna to get Osmose. Self serving MP!

- Rikku's attack and HP to go up, so she won't die in one hit.

-Yuna to get Full-Life. It must be a requirement for White Mages to have this spell before "graduating".

I tried beating Ultima Weapon, but got to greedy with stealing Doors to Tommorow, for the "Trio of 9999", which is what I think was used in the "No-Sphere-Grid Jecht video" . He nuked me with "Shimmering Rain". I got too greedy to heal...

Leveling up is fun in this game!
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