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Old 03-06-2006, 07:42 PM   #27
Master Summoner
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Re: who plays magic?

Originally Posted by Tiny Bronco
I HATE all popular card games. Excluding magic because it requires skill and wasn't made about some stooooooooopid cartoon. Like Pokemon and Yugiho and digimon and all the countless series of worthless cards about worthless cartoons. Whatever happened to the old Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Superman, Buggs Bunny, and all the others. Those cartoons actually had thought put into them unlike the ones nowadays. The newer ones are @$#@%$^ because ALL cartoons are made in Japan buy like 3 companys so they have NO competition and no reason to spend money on cartoons because they know nothing else will be on besides Clifford the Big Red Dog!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Magic is cool though. It requieres THINKING!
Yu-gi-oh was just a comic about games before it became centered on the card game. (Though the rest are just a part of the "battling monster" craze.)

Part of the reason one might think Magic is so complicated is because there are so many different cards. Each set also brings a few more gameplay mechanics with it, adding more rules. I imagine this could get very confusing for some people.

Of course, the basic game isn't really hard to understand at all.
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