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Old 05-28-2006, 04:50 PM   #3
Master Summoner
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Re: HELP! seymour flux


For Flux, Tida casting Hastega helps alot. (It helps on anything, but meh.) Have Yuna cast Protect on everyone, to reduce the damage of Cross-Cleave. When he uses Lance of Atrophy (the attack that turns a party member into a Zombie), use a Holy Water so he'll waste a turn trying to 'kill' you with Full-Life. When Mortiochis is charging up for Total Ahnillation, kill it quickly with a powerful attack. (Usually an Aeon or something.) It has a couple of turns before it actually uses it. And, you'll siphon more life from Seymour, so two birds with one stone.

It should also be noted that this helps in every boss fight: Get everyone's Overdrives and all of Yuna's Aeons' Overdrives full before the battle. That way, when you dodge Total Ahnillation, you can nuke him with Aeons. Though, if you use Kimahri in your main party, you can have him cast Big Guard so you'll be Shelled and Protected. Remember to heal after those big attacks he has. You can try silencing or using Bio on him, if you want.

Really, you'll be surprised what filling up everyone's gauges ahead of time can do. I also had trouble with this boss, and that helped tremendously.
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