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Old 06-02-2006, 05:10 AM   #8
Master Summoner
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Re: Another Yarikomi video.

Yay! I've gathered all the info on how crisis level effects Limit Breaks:

*Normal access to Limit Breaks for Squall*

Access to Rough Divide: Rough Divide 100%
Access to Fated Circle: Rough Divide 25%, Fated Circle 75%
Access to Blasting Zone: Rought Divie 25%, Fated Circle 25%, Blasting Zone 50%
Access to Lionheart: Rough Divide 25%, Fated Circle 25%, Blasting Zone 25%, Lionheart 25%

With a lower crisis level, the chance of seeing Lionheart increases. (A good thing!) 33% HP should be enough.

It should be noted that the Luck stat has no effect whatsoever on the choice made.

Here are the effects of having a high Crisis Level for the other characters.

Zell: More time.
Quistis: Higher damage/more statuses induced/higher success rate of causing statuses
Selphie: More powerful spells and more castings
Irvine: More time

This is why Zell and Squall were at only 1 HP in the fight.

Rinoa's Angel Wing has a different system.

When Angel Wing is used, Rinoa will go into 'Magic Berserk' status, and cast spells from her inventory without using them up. (*cough*Meteor*cough*) The damage is multiplied by five. In addition, she can also have these supportive spells in her inventory and they won't be used: Cure, Cura, Curaga, Esuna, Life, Full-life, Regen, Aura, Double, Float, Haste, Protect, Reflect, Shell, and Triple.

So in other words, give her Meteor for major pWnage.

I like making lists. <3
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