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Old 06-02-2006, 05:14 PM   #12
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Tiny Bronco
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Re: FFVII's Cloud, or mako?


As for views on Cloud I don't have any. I just know the facts.

1. Cloud is a real human born in Niblihen.
2. At 15 years old he tried to become a member of SOLDIER, but didn't make it instead becoming a MP(Military Police).
3. Cloud was assigned to guard Sephiroth and Zack on the Niblihen Reactor mission.
4. In the flashbacks it shows Cloud in Zacks place, but Cloud is really in Shinra Uniform.
5. Sephiroth finds out his past and attacks Nibinhen.
6. Zack runs out of the Shinra Mansion to see if anyone is alive. He see Cloud(already hurt by Sephiroth on the ground and helps him up. Tifa's trainer is also still alive and so is Tifa.
7. The only survivers of the attack are Tifa, Cloud, Zack, and Zingray(Tifa's trainer). Sephiorth is in the Reactor to get Jenova. NOTE: This is the real Sephiroth that eventually becomes sealed inside a giant Mako Crystal in the North Crater.
8. At the Reactor Tifa finds her father dead and in a rage attacks Sephiroth and is cut up.
9. Zack trys to stop Sephiroth too, but is also wounded.
10. Cloud(in the Shinra Uniform) arrives late and finds Tifa/helps her. Zack is dying and gives Cloud the Buster Sword saying "Cloud......kill Sephiroth."
11. Cloud, his home town destroyed and beleiving Tifa will die, attacks Sephiroth and stabbs him.
12. While this is happening Zagary(Tifa's trainer) comes into the reactor and takes Tifa away to Midgar.
13. Cloud leaves to see if Zack and Tifa are still alive.(Tifa is missing) Sephiroth comes out of Jenova's room carrying her head and walks strait past Cloud. Cloud very very angry now that he thinks Zack will die on top of everything else runs after Sephiroth.
14. Sephiroth turns around spearing Cloud with the Masamune and says"Don't push your luck." He then lifts Cloud off tthe ground with the Masamune.
15. Cloud shakes still alive and grabs hold of the Masamune while it is still in him and uses it to throw Sephiroth (who has Jenova's head) into the life stream. Note: This is while Cloud is still just a normal human with no Jenova Cells or Mako in him.
16. Then Cloud faints. Hojo arrives and finds Cloud and Zack wounded. He beleives Sephiroth is dead.
17. Hojo is amazed that Sephiroth could be killed so easily and decideds to do experiments on Zack and Cloud.
18. In the Shinra Mansion Cloud and Zack are fused with Mako and Jenova Cells.
This is why Hojo says he "created Cloud."
19. Cloud reacts to the Mako and Jenova Cells in him and becomes all messed up.
Zack however doesn't react and so he is still sain and in control of himself.
20. Zack brakes himself and Cloud out of the Shinra Mansion and heads for Midgar.
21. Shinra SOLDIERs and Turks are sent to capture Zack and Cloud. They find them outside of Midgar and try to capture them, but Zack fights and kills them. Finally they give up and decide to kill instead of capture. Zack is shot up. Cloud is sparred because he is already messed up from the Jenova Cells and Mako and so the Shinra beleive he will die anyways.
22. Somehow Cloud survives the Jenova Cells and Mako and then regains control of himself. He only has amnisiea even though he should be dead.
23. Taking the Buster Sword he enters Midgar and there he finds Tifa and the events of FF7 begin. Cloud is confused though and can't remember all of these facts and has to rediscover his past throughout the game.

Congratulations if you read all of that. This information can be found in a Flashback FMV that can be seen if you go to the Shinra Mansion's lab in Disc. 3, in a letter you find when you recieve Tifa's Level 4 Limit Break, and in the Life Stream that you enter in Mideel. +Throughout the game.

I think thats most of it.
"Gimme Elixir!"
"Gimme Elixir!"

Last edited by Tiny Bronco; 06-04-2006 at 12:21 PM.
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