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Old 06-06-2006, 10:28 PM   #7
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Tiny Bronco
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Re: -_- Where is our country going?

I noticed the above too. But as an U.S. Citizen I'm interested. This whole thing seems to be that there isn't enoff money to go around and people are blaiming Congress and other branches of Gov. for wasting money, which does happen. The only people that aren't being blamed are... US! The American CITIZENS! :mad: Currnet, after Baby Boom generations, like mine don't seem to understand this. We U.S. Citizens don't pay enoff taxes. Dah. For about the past 40 yearsish starting after the New Deal/Great Society programs Americans are getting way more from the government than we are paying for. :mad: No one wants to except this though because it would either mean less social programs or higher taxes. The Baby Boom/ WWII generations have caused a lot I mean A lot off debt. I think the U.S. the only superpower (though that might change) is 8 trillion dollars in debt. I don't even know how many zeros that is! :mad: And this has been cause by our ancestors/and now us because we don't want to pay higher taxes. We just want to complain and wine and point fingers. Yet we won't pay more. This is what most of America is like. Not willing or not awaire that it is our fault. And if people say "Darn. 6 trillion. We'll never pay that back. I quit" then they need to go back to 8th grade and retake History class. President Clinton got rid of U.S. debt for a 3 year period and he's a DEMOCRAT. Democrats usually lower taxes. It can be done people. If we can just stop the wars for a bit. Cut out the lesser social programs and raise taxes(not to much. Just a bit) we could pay back whoever we owe that money to in like 8 years.
Now I for one will pay higher taxes, because I'm in an upper middle class family (I can afford to loose some money) and I care about the fact that we are all hipocrits and in sooooo much debt. Its really quit sad. It seems like America is behind the times because we've had it easy for so many years. I say we become more like Europe. Get decient transportation systems instead of SUVs. Man I hate those cars. This is just my opinion. Though I do recommend checking out the library of Congress to get information on this topic. Which by now I am way off.
"Gimme Elixir!"
"Gimme Elixir!"

Last edited by Tiny Bronco; 06-06-2006 at 10:31 PM.
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