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Old 05-24-2005, 01:54 PM   #17
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You don't need the magazines to be able to make a weapon. If you have the necessary items to make a weapon, it will appear automatically in any junk shop.

And you don't need a high level to get Lionheart on disc 1. If you want to get Laser Cannons from Elastoids to get Pulse Ammo, sure, then you need a high level. But you can also get Pulse Ammo from Energy Crystals, and you can get Energy Crystals from refining Elnoyle cards.. you can get Elnoyle cards in Balamb Garden already, in like the first hour of the game. It will take a while to get all the cards you need, but it sure is possible.

You can get Dragon Fangs by killing Grendels.. even from a low level one, so you don't need high levels for that. You can fight a fixed battle against one in Balamb Garden during the NORG's hunt for Cid, but that's not on the 1st disc, right?). You can fight them in random battles at various locations on the Galbadia continent (not sure on exact locations) and on ICTH (but you can't get there on the 1st disc).
And then there was silence
Just a voice from the other world
Like a leaf in any icy world
Memories will fade
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