Thread: Cool
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Old 07-09-2006, 01:17 PM   #7
Master Summoner
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Re: Cool

Well, I certainly adored the graphics of the SNES games when I was a child. (A vast improvement from the NES, wouldn't you say? Compare FFI to FFIV.) I think the graphics were always standard for the time, and that's good enough for me. (Especially FFVI, which really did a good job on graphics.)

And believe it or not, FFI is one of the prettier games of its generation. Attack animations? Absolutely unheard of. Characters on screen? Preposterous! Of course they look wierd now (spells are only like one line of a single color. xD), but back then they were outstanding.

And it doesn't need to be said that FFIII was a very advanced NES game, of course.

At any rate, I love the entire series, and unless it goes over to like Final Fantasy XXIX, I'll probably still buy and play them all. The whole 'modern' thing is kinda weird, I'll admit, but it doesn't bother me that much. There'll still be Moogles, Chocobos, Airships, Bahamut, and what-have-you in every FF game.

And a group of young heroes who must save the world from darkness with the crystals, overthrow a corrupt empire/electric power company/organised religion, or both.
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